Blogs often focus on personal opinion, experiences, views, anecdotes or advice. Blogs tend to have a relaxed and conversational feel, such as in storytelling and are generally 300-500 words.
Articles aim to deliver well-researched, informative content with solid evidence to back up the points made. Articles are usually more formal, organized and frequently range 500-1000 words.
The times in which we are living can be oppressive and troubling. As the Scriptures reveal, “perilous times” or “times difficult to deal with” shall come. Indeed, these dark and difficult days are here. As we confront the darkness and overwhelming despair, we must position ourselves to move in the opposite spirit or go in the opposite direction. To counter the toxic effects of the deadly element of despair, we must take a double dose of our antidote which is hope, defined as the expectation of a future good. Again as we go to the Word of God, we find out that God is our hope.Psalm 42 verses 5 and 11 offer this marvelous reminder as to what to do when we encounter despair and we are “feeling low”:Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me?Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, my Help and my God.
Indeed, God is the center of the hope of our lives, as revealed in 1 Peter 1:20-21:It is true that He was chosen and foreordained (destined and foreknown for it) before the foundation of the world, but He was brought out to public view (made manifest) in these last days (at the end of the times) for the sake of you.Through Him you believe in (adhere to, rely on) God, Who raised Him up from the dead and gave Him honor and glory, so that your faith and hope are [centered and rest] in God.>Once again the Psalmist reiterates the source of hope for the worldPsalm 65:5By fearful and glorious things [that terrify the wicked but make the godly sing praises] do You answer us in righteousness (rightness and justice), O God of our salvation, You Who are the confidence and hope of all the ends of the earth and of those far off on the seas;Psalm 71:5For You are my hope; O Lord God, You are my trust from my youth and the source of my confidence. >Psalm 119:116Uphold me according to Your promise, that I may live; and let me not be put to shame in my hope! >.Psalm 130:5-6I wait for the Lord, I expectantly wait, and in His word do I hope.I am looking and waiting for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, I say, more than watchmen for the morning.Hope counteracts thoughts of despondency, when we recognize that hope is a joyful and confident expectation, so defined in the Amplified Bible in a number of different verses. Though we are confronted with challenges on every hand, even in the face of death itself, we still have hope:2 Corinthians 1:9-10Indeed, we felt within ourselves that we had received the [very] sentence of death, but that was to keep us from trusting in and depending on ourselves instead of on God Who raises the dead.[For it is He] Who rescued and saved us from such a perilous death, and He will still rescue and save us; in and on Him we have set our hope (our joyful and confident expectation) that He will again deliver us [from danger and destruction and draw us to Himself],In the midst of difficult situations, we reflect upon the goodness of God who has been faithful in past instances, and the Word of God assures us of His steadfast love, as we rejoice in hope, so expressed in this poem:Rejoice in Hope>Rejoice in our confident hope.Be patient in trouble,and keep on praying.Romans 12:12 (NLT)>And we now truly know God is able to doExceedingly and abundantly above allThat our finite minds can ask or could even think.He uplifts and strengthens us each time that we fall.Our paths lead to disaster, to the very brink.Despite delays and setbacks, His Word is still true:God is faithful to His promise; He will come through.When life begins to unravel, we may ask whyThe fulfillment of His will seems to be delayed.All those who call on Him, He will never deny.We are assured He will reward all who have obeyed.Our faithful God is not a man that He should lie.Through every trial, we are covered by the Blood,We rejoice in hope, knowing that the Lord is good.Despite overwhelming circumstances that could easily lead to despair, we learn to “Trust His Heart” as this song so beautifully relates:
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Posted by Chere Poole on November 29, 2009 at 6:44pm
I suppose it's only natural to be thinking along thankfulness lines at this time of year. I love the fact that we live in a country that has set aside at least one day a year for being thankful. It comes at a good time, I believe, considering Christmas is the next holiday. When I think of all I am thankful for, material goods are not what comes to mind. Like most of us, I could always use a nicer this or a newer that, and I am thankful for the things I have, but the true, deeper thoughts of thankfulness revolve around relationships.When I think of the love and support I receive from the close relationships I have with others, I become extrememly thankful. It helps me keep things in perspective when shopping for Christmas gifts. I tend to look for something that will express my thankfulness for what those close to me have given throughout the year. I look for that thing that demonstrates in a tangible way the often intangible gifts they've given me.This past weekend I found a beautiful, soft, colorful and warm winter scarf that made me think of someone near and dear. I bought it for her because to me it represented her soft, warm, beautiful heart, and I could picture her smiling as she wrapped it around her neck to stay warm this winter. The thought made me smile. I knew it would look beautiful on her, that it would meet a need, and be both practical and pleasing. It wasn't expensive, it wasn't couture, but I knew she would love it, and that's all that mattered.I used to think the more I cared for someone the more I needed to spend on them to prove my love. I've grown up since then. It's not the volume of presents under the tree that matters. It's the abundance of love and thankfulness with which they are given that will touch the hearts of those we love.I remember many a Christmas morning as a child looking for the tinfoil-covered shoebox that meant Grandma had once again made her special holiday fudge. That was always the box I opened first, happily indulging in the rich, nut-laden homemade goodness as all the other presents were passed around and opened eagerly. To be honest, I can't remember a single gift I received in my childhood that meant as much as Grandma's fudge. I'm sure I received many wonderful things ~ toys, books, new clothes, dolls, etc. ~ but I don't remember them. I do, however, remember Grandma's tin foiled box of love.If you worry over the amount of money you have to spend on gifts this year, if you are concerned it's not enough, the presents won't be fancy enough or there won't be enough of them under the tree...don't. Just do what you can to show those you love how thankful you are for them. Make a card that expresses your joy at having them in your life. Bake a batch of cookies or homemade fudge. Draw a picture, write a poem, or give a "coupon" for a task or service you will provide free of charge. Write a note or letter and simply tell someone how they have influenced your life in a positive way.Remember, it isn't the dollar amount you spend that matters, it isn't the name on the label or the expertise with which it is assembled. It's the amount of heart you put in to whatever you give that shows how much you care. Do it now, this year. Don't wait to tell someone you love how thankful you are for their life. It just might be the best gift you could possibly give.God bless you ~ cpwritergirl
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Posted by Michel Archer on November 29, 2009 at 5:30pm
I was invited to enter my novel, The Mysterious Calling of Mike Malone, in an acquisitions contest held by Marcher Lord Press. The contest has 4 rounds, the winning prize is to have your novel published. This weekend the voting for round 2 of the contest is taking place. People were invited to come in and read the first 500 words of each entry. I'll post mine below.To be truthful, I think any of the novels in the contest would be a fine choice for publication. You could practically run this competition by dart board, but that's' why I don't have any qualms about asking for votes out of the blue. I know I'm not trying to squeeze out someone that I really think writes that much better than me.But if you want to peruse, round 2 voting ends tomorrow at midnight. Some rules of the contest: you have to vote for at least 3 entries or your vote won't count, so you could vote for mine and either study the other entries or close your eyes and pick 2 more. (I read them all and I still had to do it that way.)And you have to register to vote, but it goes quickly. On the site...after logging in, go to Marcher Lord Selects, then go to Main Contest Phase 2, there you can find the file with all of the excerpts in it, then you go to Phase 2 polling and vote. (New link)And thank you very, very MUCH. Oh, the things you do when you don't have an agent!Here is my 500 hundred word excerpt....The Mysterious Calling of Mike MaloneMike Malone needed help.Locking the door of his classic, midnight blue Cutlass, Mike turned and dropped the key into the pocket of his trench coat. Classic cars and older homes brought to mind better days. He wished he was having one of those better days right now.Staring up at the towering buildings he couldn’t lose the sensation that something stared back.A huge truck rumbled past and Mike spun to join the crowd of men and women hustling down the sidewalk. The lunch rush in downtown Chicago meant every second or third person had a schedule as tight as his own.He didn’t care. He kept running through the morning’s events in his office over what happened in his office, making sure he remembered it with no exaggerations…no lies…nothing.Someone is staring at the back of my head…someone is back there… He tried to shake it off, but the sensation never fully left him anymore. I’m going insane...I have to be crazy…Am I having a nervous breakdown? I’m too young for that…right?Half sick from hunger and anxiety, he spied the shorter man waiting for him outside of Angelo’s Pizza, and relief washed over him. Decked out in his over-sized, blue knit sweater and dark brown pony-tail, Mike found the sight of his best friend, Rudy, oddly comforting, an island of normalcy in his bizarre ocean.“I dunno,” Rudy said, looking up as Mike approached. “I like Angelo’s but so does everybody else. It’s packed. No way you’ll get back to work on time.”The weird presence that had gripped Mike in his office came on even stronger; the invisible stalker stayed with him. An uncontrolled shiver rattled his spine.Stop watching me!“Hey, we’re here,” Mike said, running a hand through his longish, blonde hair and trying hard to sound like he hadn’ta care in the world. “Let’s check it out.”As they walked through the door, he glanced over the crowd and found her: a young, black-haired waitress with her eyes trained on him so intently, Mike felt like an item on her personal menu. He didn’t understand how he knew, but she was part of this feeling, this freakish connection he sometimes experienced with random souls.She hurried over, focusing completely on him.“How many in your party, sir?” she asked, her voice a sultry contralto.Suddenly, uncertain over such attention from a perfect stranger, Mike’s cheeks heated up. “Uh, t-two.”“This way.” She whisked them through the crowd like Moses parting the Red Sea and seated them at a table in the very back of the restaurant.“I’m Angie, I’ll be your waitress today,” she said, her dark eyes studying Mike’s face. “The pepperoni, extra cheeseis our special…”She took their order and after one more longing gaze at Mike, vanished into the crowd.Rudy snickered. “You gotta admit, sometimes this whole love at first sight thing chicks get for you is handy.”Well...that's the opening...if you like it, please vote!And thank you!
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Posted by John Richeson on November 28, 2009 at 9:30am
I became a great, great, Uncle at the age of 55. You heard me right. That's x2. It is very unusual to reach great, great status at my age from what I understand. My youngest brother is 10 years younger than me. He was only 45 when he became a great, great, Uncle. It is likely that me an my brothers will be great, great, great Uncles in our lifetimes, with the possibility of being great, great, great, great uncles if we live to very old ages.
What's also rare is my Dad, who is alive and well, became a great, great grandfather at the age of 82.
Meet Laela Marie Newton, the object of our greatness. Are there any others out there who are great like me?
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Amazingly, this Christian family in Germany has been in trouble with the authorities for years for homeschooling their children are still under fire in Germany this week.Here is a link to the article. prosecutor is using archaic law implemented by Hitler in Germany in 1938 banning homeschool.
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Posted by Joe Kriston on November 21, 2009 at 8:45pm
A short while ago, when I was in one of my more perturbed snits, I stood in the doorway of one of my grown sons' room, where he, his older brother and some of their friends were sitting, eyes glued to the big-screen television, controllers in hands, playing some crazy shoot-'em-up video game that looked more graphic and lifelike than anything I had ever seen...As this had become a habit of theirs, after a minute or two I snapped "Is that all you guys do, sit around playing video games?"...One of them, without taking his eyes off of the screen or missing a shot on the controller answered "There's nuthin' else to do"...."Well, why don't you guys go get a hobby?" I barked...They all turned and looked at me like I just suggested they shave their heads and go sell flowers at the airport..."That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard" was my older son's response....Okay, it was just a suggestion...Anyway, it got me to thinking about hobbies, my own hobbies in fact, and what and if any purpose they serve...Seems like when you're a kid, your whole life is spent on a hobby or a series of hobbies, that is, doing whatever the heck brings you pleasure or amusement, unless, of course, school, homework, chores or church interrupt them...And I guess when one get's older, one is supposed to put away those childish things, like the Bible says, unless one doesn't, and then maybe they become hobbies...Naturally, as adults, a good deal of our time is consumed with our "have tos", so maybe one qualification of a hobby is a "want to"...As a kid, my main interest, or thing, was baseball...I played it, watched it, read about it, argued about it, dreamt it and fantasized about it...Even though I became somewhat disattached to it as I grew into adulthood, I would still sneak into Anderson Library at the Emporia Campus after supper and read the sports page of the Emporia Gazette and keep up with the pennant races and other vital baseball news...To this day, I still spend a fair amount of time watching baseball...Of course, I happen to have the misfortune of being a Chicago Cubs fan...If you're a baseball fan, and maybe even if you're not, you probably know that the Cubs haven't really won a championship in,like, a hundred years or something...So I spend a good amount of my amusement and pleasure time, hollering at the television, at the left fielder for missing the cut-off man, at the batter for swinging at a 3-0 pitch in the dirt, or the eight million dollar a year pitcher who just walked the bases loaded...One of my other pastimes, or hobbies, is tinkering with old vehicles...A while back, I made up my mind that I was going to learn to sew and redo my own interiors on a couple of my old projects...I bought a portable industrial sewing machine and started practicing my stitching...The bobbin would get jammed and I'd yank it out of the machine and fling it across the room...The machine zigged when I thought it should have zagged and I'd curse the manufacturer...The door panels that I spent about thirty hours making were too thick and the doors wouldn't latch properly on the truck after I put them on...Sure, I like to do things with my hands, but why do I spend my free time on things that frustrate me so?...I've even gotten mad at whoever the guy is that makes the crossword puzzle when I can't figure it out....Then I go to my "have to" on Monday morning and I back my truck over a bucket of tar, getting it all over the truck and driveway, and say "oops---No, prob....I'll just clean it up"...Maybe I've used up all of my anger on things that don't really matter---and nobody got hurt...
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Photo credit: morning during my devotional time this passage from Hebrews 13:5-6 came to mind, as the words from the Amplified Bible ministered to me in a most comforting yet energizing way:Hebrews 13:5-6 (Amplified Bible)Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present [circumstances and with what you have]; for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm [I will not fear or dread or be terrified]. What can man do to me?I also thought of the lyrics to the “How Firm a Foundation” which I recall singing countless times in the past, but the words arrested my attention this morning and reinforced the message of the passage from Hebrews. The lines from the last stanza impacted me in a particularly profound way:"The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose I will not,I will not, desert to his foes;That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,I'll never, no never, no never, forsake!"
Here are the lyrics to the entire song:How Firm a FoundationHow firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!What more can He say than to you He hath saidWho unto the Savior for refuge have fled?In every condition, -- in sickness, in health,In poverty's vale, or abounding in wealth,At home and abroad, on the land, on the sea, --The Lord, the Almighty, they strength e'er shall be."Fear not, I am with thee, oh, be not dismayed,For I am thy God and will still give thee aid;I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand."When through the deep waters I call thee to go,The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow;For I will be with thee thy troubles to blessAnd sanctify to thee thy deepest distress."When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,My grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply.The flames shall not hurt thee; I only designThy dross to consume and thy gold to refine."E'en down to old age all My people shall proveMy sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love;And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn,Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be borne."The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for reposeI will not, I will not, desert to his foes;That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,I'll never, no never, no never, forsake!"
To reinforce the message of the passage and the song, here is a rendition of the powerful hymn from the album, "Together for the Gospel Live" from Sovereign Grace Music:
A most remarkable sunesis or coming together of rivers of understanding, occurred in my mind that overflowed with inspiration to compose this poem:This I Know Is TrueHebrews 13:5-6God says, “I will never, never, never leave you.”“All those called by My name I will never forsake.”Despite all that befalls me, this I know is true.To do His will I do whatever it may take.His words of comfort encourage and speak to me:“All those called by name I will never forsake.”I walk by faith beyond anything I can see.Since God is my helper, I say, “I will not fear.”His words of comfort encourage and speak to me.Though He may seem far away, He is always near.I will not covet anything: I am content.Since God is my helper, I say, “I will not fear.”When fiery trials press me to the fullest extent,I rest in the Word of God, in absolute trust.I will not covet anything: I am content.I rest in the Word of God, in absolute trust.God says, “I will never, never, never leave you.”I rest in the Word of God, in absolute trust.Despite all that befalls me, this I know is true.As I was concluding this blog, a song from my distant childhood days came to mind with these lyrics:Yes, I'm working on a building.It's a true foundation.I'm holding up the blood-stained banner for my Lord.Just as soon I get through working on a building,I'm going up to Heaven to get my reward.I went to see if I could find a recording to share, and I came across this lively performance by the Oak Ridge Boys who comfirm the essence of the message regarding our "true foundation" which is indeed firm.
Today is Veterans Day, a day of special significance for me. November 11 is my sister Cheryl’s birthday, and I recently posted a blog which featured original poetry, commentary and music videos compiled in celebration of her birthday. In addition, the holiday also marks the 11th anniversary of the burial of my former brother-in-law, Cheryl’s first husband who passed away in 1999. My sister has remarried and her life continues to abound with the blessings of God that overflow from her soul. Aside from the significance of these two events, Veterans Day is especially meaningful to me in that the holiday always brings to mind the fact that I am a Viet Nam era veteran, who came to a knowledge of the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ during my two-year hitch in the US Army from January 1967 to December 1968. During this time I was introduced to the Word of God through the Way International, and I manifested the Spirit of the living God in a most dramatic and life-changing manner. I can’t begin to express just how grateful to God I for my military experience, whereby I was introduced to classroom teaching while at the same time discovering my poetic inclination which has since blossomed and has now become such a vital part of my life. As a writer for I just published a commentary on Veterans Day along with a very moving video, which I trust will blessing. Let me know what you think.LonnellOriginally called Armistice Day, President Woodrow Wilson signed into law this holiday as November 11 when on the 11th of the 11th month at 11 a.m., the nation observed a moment of silence to remember all soldiers who died in all wars. The armistice signed in 1918 marked the end of World War I, said to be the war to end all wars. Since that time, the United States has been in three more wars: World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Our armed forces are still involved in conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The observance is now called Veterans Day.In 1921, an unknown World War I American soldier was buried I n Arlington National Cemetery. Similar ceremonies occurred earlier in England and France, where when an unknown soldier was buried in two other nations’ highest place of honor: in England at Westminster Abbey and in France at the Arc de Triomphe).The bodies of three more unknown soldiers were later brought to Arlington. Now on Veterans Day, special services take place at the Tomb of that the Tomb of the Unknown and throughout the nation in tribute to those who have served in the Armed Forces.In light of the recent tragic events at Fort Hood, Texas, this Veterans Day is particularly meaningful. The video posted below by Lizzie Palmer, a high school student, reminds us all to Remember Our Soldiers:
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More than a blog composed to celebrate the birthday of my beloved sister, Cheryl, “Blessed and Highly Favored” is a compilation of photos, scriptures, comments, poetry and music centered on the theme that so typifies the essence of the life of Cheryl Lois Williams. Some of the original poetry was inspired by actual words that Cheryl spoke to me, as in the life-changing comments she made that gave birth to “A Prayer to Know the Fullness of Your Grace.” Others, such as “Blessed and Highly Favored” and “To Bring Closure” were inspired by situations in her life. “Be Still and Know” was written while I was in Atlanta staying with Cheryl following her surgery a few years ago. The musical selections have particular meaning for Cheryl, who has a great appreciation for music.Overall, this birthday greeting is a somewhat new enterprise for me to a degree. Not too long ago, I became a writer for, an Internet publication, serving as Christian Spirituality Examiner for Columbus, Ohio. In publishing articles I learned to insert photos and embed videos as well. I thought I’d see if I could incorporate some of the same features as part of my blog. This is among my first attempts at such a modified blog, and I trust it will be a blessing to you, as together we celebrate the life of a wonderful woman of God who is, indeed, “blessed and highly favored.”LEJSomething about SistersThere’s something about sisterswhen they sing. . .a Sunday morning somethingI can’t explain.I hold my ear near the heartAnd hear a single sound:a chord, barely heard, fashioned fromthe subtle weave of close harmonies;a common bond—collective strength tiesand unifies their sisterhood—pulsates from the same womb:when Patti, Maxine and Laverne French-braid wartime memorieswith the “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B”,Grandma always smiles;when the McGuires, sisters of note of the fifties,croon “Sincerely” in solo three-part harmony,watch the tears swell in Aunt Gloria’s eyes;when the “high camp” Pointers start to cut loose,they show do get “So Excited,”and set the place on “Fire”;when the Booker Sisters down at the True VineSanctified Church on Branch Street rear back with an A&B selection,some folks can’t do nothing but wave they hands;when Kathleen and Jessye, two sisters of the spirit,sing “Talk about a Chile That Do Love Jesus,”they can move Roscoe Hardaway to tears.Yes, sisters are something when they sing.Miss Rosa sat down and sang, “I Shall Not Be Moved,”and when she stood up, look what happened.Some sisters sang a cappella, composing melodiesto flow like “Sweet Honey in the Rock,”vocalizing birth pangs to movements:Abolition, Temperance,Suffrage, Civil Rights,Women’s Rights. . .and so on they sing. . .Sisters of the races, a fusion of community,blending fiery colors beyond the spectrum of the rainbow,they attune their voices in powerful ways,whether to sing lullabies or battle cries.I can’t put my finger on it,but. . .there’s something about sisterswhen they sing.Cheryl once commented to me that when you find yourself in a hard place, in a situation where you don't desire to be in, God is often trying to do one or a combination of things: He is trying to "Direct You, Inspect You, Correct You, Protect You, Perfect You." That statement such a profound impact upon me that developed an entire teaching based on the quote. I transformed the statement in to a five-fold prayer, part of which is expressed in the following poem:
Prayer to Know the Fullness of Your Grace
Direct mePrepare the way, straighten my path, order my steps,Shine your light upon me that I may not stumble,That I may not walk in the light of my own sparks,But illumine my way with the lamp of your Word.Lord, direct my heart into the love of GodAnd into the patient waiting for Jesus Christ.Raise me up in righteousness and direct all my ways.Inspect meTry MeSearch me, O God, and know my heart:try me, and know my thoughts:And see if there be any wicked way in me,and lead me in the way everlasting.Lord, Prepare me to be a sanctuary. . .pure and holy, tried and true. . .Purify my motive; assay my devotion;weigh each desire, carat by carat, dram by dram.In the refining fire of your furnace try me.Test the mettle of my soul; scrape away all dross,all debris that would adulterate my intentsand leave behind the purity of ore that Imay see my face reflected in the pool of gold.I long to take the treasure of your precious Word,securely hide it in the lock box of my heartand as a faithful son, hand you the only key.Correct meAs my teacher help me not to hasten each lesson.Even the times you chasten while drawing me near.Each time you admonish you demonstrate your love.Help me to learn not to resist the chastening rod,But may I yield toward your reproof and correction.”It is good for me that I have been afflictedThat I might learn your precepts,” may I also say.Protect meAs a child runs to safety in his father’s arms,So I, too, run to you, “my shelter from life’s storms.”Lord, I long to dwell with you in the secret place,My buckler, my shield, deliverer, my fortress,Strong tower, defender, who responds to my prayer.For Lord, you are faithful, who will establish meAnd protect me and deliver me from evil.Perfect meWhat I lack fulfill, that I may not come up short.Bring to maturity any deficiencyThat I may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.Make me perfect in every good work to do your will.May the inner spaces of my heart catch your eye.As you scan the vast landscape of this green planet,May you see the perfect man you asked me to be.Lord, I pray that youinspect me,direct me,correct me,protect me,perfect meThat I may know you and the fullness of your grace.This I pray in the name above all names, Jesus Christ.Amen
for Cheryl Lois Thompsonin anticipation of a glorious New Year“Prosperity and Jubilee in 2003”Blessed and Highly FavoredThere is that scattereth, and yet increaseth;And there is that withholdeth more than is meet,but it leadeth to poverty.The liberal soul shall be made fat:And he that watereth shall be watered also himself.Proverbs 11:24-25More than merely cliché, “Blessed and highly favored”Describes the essence of your gracious being muchMore than rote response, for you have truly savoredThe goodness of God and known His flourishing touch.In going out and coming in, blessings abound.You touch each soul you meet with God’s love, joy and peace.From the depths of a grateful heart praises resound,Not in lesser measure but steadily increase.People observe you and ask what is the reasonFor your most bountiful harvest of good success.Your roots reach deep and bear fruit in each season,As you express God’s desire to lavishly bless.To know you is to love you, as sister and friend.You show that God’s blessing and favor never end.
Even as a child, the blessings abounded and God showed His favor.
“. . . Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!”
In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Cheryl sent me a tape series that her pastor had taught regarding the storms of life that we all encountered. The teachings ministered mightily to me and inspired the following poems:
This Ever-present Truth
Inspired by the first of two teachings by Dr. Aaron L. ParkerZion Hill Baptist ChurchAtlanta, GeorgiaFor He commands and raises the stormy wind,which lifts up the waves of the sea.They mount up to the heavens, they go down again to the depths;Their soul melts because of trouble.He calms the storm, so that its waves are still.Then they are glad because they are quiet;so He guides them to their desired haven.Psalm 107:25-26, 29-30As we navigate through the stages of our lives,Mild breezes that caress our days are soon transformedInto wild gales and floods, as one more storm arrives.Despite this ever-present truth, we are alarmedAnd unprepared for life’s torrential winds and rain,As the raging storm center races toward our shore,Gathering force and mounting into a hurricane.We find ourselves near the eye of the storm once more.The whirlwind soon passes over and leaves behindRising flood waters that would overwhelm the soul,But through prayer and strong faith we know that we shall findCourage to endure, though each storm exacts its toll.God prepares us to go through howling gusts and rain,With strength between storms, ready to go through again.Lonnell E. Johnson--September 28, 2005The Prayer Directive: Strength between StormsInspired by the second of two teachings by Dr. Aaron L. ParkerRejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation,continuing steadfastly in prayer;Romans 12:12 [NKJV]When it seems that we have reached our outer limitsOf exhausted options and can no longer cope,Wrestling with unbelief, our foe that inhibits,God’s Word reminds us to keep rejoicing in hope.We know that in patience we possess our soul.In the midst of life’s pressures, we remain secure,Assured that in Christ Jesus, we have been made whole,Watching and waiting with renewed strength to endure.As stately palm trees, we yield and bend in the wind,And pray in the spirit, with requests that never cease.As sweet-smelling incense, our fervent prayers ascendIn greater measure, as our petitions increase.Though storms may overwhelm, we are still in God’s care:Therefore rejoice, be patient, continue in prayer.Lonnell E. JohnsonOctober 8, 2005Walking on the Troubled Waters of LifeInspired by another “storm” teachingby Dr. Aaron L. ParkerZion Hill Baptist ChurchAtlanta, GeorgiaMatthew 14:22-33In the fourth watch, long before the sun begins to rise,A tempest attacks my ship with waves that overwhelm.My vessel seems abandoned with no one at the helmWhen a vision of the Savior appears before my eyes:Jesus comes walking on the troubled waters of life.As storms of our times bring conflict, confusion and strife.May I not be fretful, anxious, cowardly like some,But like Peter say, “Since you are my Lord, bid me come.”And step out of the boat to walk on the storm-tossed sea.While battered by fierce waves, tormented and tossed about,In the time of my distress I cry out, “Lord, save me!”He then asks, “O, you of little faith, why did you doubt?”In the midst of turbulent times, may I “get a grip”And walk hand in hand with the Master back to the ship.Lonnell E. JohnsonFebruary 25, 2007
Be Still and KnowBe still, and know that I am God;I will be exalted among the nations,I will be exalted in the earth!Psalm 46:10Be still and know that I am God, that I am the eternal one.Though your cherished dreams have faded and long since goneThe way of all flesh, my divine plans you shall see,As I weave the tapestry of eternity.Though you seem forsaken, you are never alone,Even when the burden of dark sin cannot atone,And the hearts of men have hardened and turned to stone:Be still and know that I am God.Though storms may overwhelm and friends may abandonWhen diseases surface to assault flesh and bone.These scenes will reveal the man I thought I could be,As words of the Psalmist comfort and remind me,When this life is over and all is said and done:Be still and know that I am God.Lonnell E. JohnsonAtlanta, GeorgiaJanuary 11, 2005
To Bring Closurefor Cheryl Lois Thompsonmy blessed and highly favoredsister and friend"Your life is a book and everyday is a page.”Elijah PierceIn the eyes of God, each life is an open book,Inscribed in first person, where nothing is hidden,But to really see, we must take a closer lookTo discern between each line as it is written.Past pages reveal both the shame and the glory,As we craft chronicles from confusion and strife,Ongoing sagas of our personal history:Tragic lines composed in the comedy of life.We strive to bring closure to another chapterAnd break free from the bondage of each past mistake,To apply the painful lessons and grow thereafterIn fleeting years of heartbreak and exquisite laughter.This real life drama transcends the game of “Let’s Pretend,”As each scene unfolds, moving toward our perfected end.Lonnell E. JohnsonAugust 27, 2004Biloxi, MS
The Eternal Moment
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.Ephesians 5:16Now is always the time.Though grains of sandfall and forma mountainrange,Nowdoes notadd nor take;the moment cannot change.The time is always Now.
We conclude with this final reminder that the celebration of your life goes on. This is just another “new beginning,” as this final musical selection tells you once more “It’s Your Time!” Now is the time, and it’s your season, so rejoice, my sister.
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Posted by Bart Young on October 28, 2009 at 1:50pm
Gary, God bless you. Too many years my friend. Cindy and I are living in Texas. I would love to catch up. I am in the process of building a profile. I am sure it will take forever. Bart Young
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This is the latest news from "Natural News" and I wanted to share it with you.Physicians rarely promote the curative properties of H2O, but Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D. has studied water's effect on the human body and has found it to be one of the best pain relievers and preventative therapies in existence. I was one of the last people to interview the late Dr. Batmanghelidj, and I listened in awe as he shared his research and stories about "The Healing Power of Water."In a fascinating one-hour phone conversation, Dr. B. shares:• Which common ailments and "diseases" are actually caused by dehydration• Why many doctors use water-regulating antihistamines to alleviate pain• How Dr. Batmanghelidj unintentionally discovered water's healing properties• Why most people are chronically dehydrated and suffer from symptoms of dehydration that are labeled "diseases"• Which ingredients in soft drinks deplete the body's water reserves• Why thirst is not a reliable indicator of dehydration• Why the body produces cholesterol and how water keeps it in balance• Why Dr. Batmanghelidj believes the public is being mislead about AIDS• How dehydration impairs mental functioning• Why some organizations want to withhold alternative health information from the public• How lack of water causes depression• Why popular beverages are no substitute for water• How dehydration causes the vascular system to constrict, leading to hypertension• How to recognize signs that your body is starting to dehydrate• Why restaurants push you to drink disease-promoting soft drinks• Why and how water effectively treats pain and inflammationHere is the link to read the questions and answers from the interview more…
Posted by Chere Poole on October 17, 2009 at 3:45pm
"It's not you, it's me."Why do we say that? Most of us have made that statment in an effort to spare someone else's feelings in an awkward situation, when in our hearts we believe just the opposite. we ever stop and ask ourselves if maybe, just maybe, it's really true?The argument that should never have started, the reason a project isn't going smoothly, the friendship that is suddenly strained, the floundering relationship. We find any number of ways to justify placing blame elsewhere, convinced we've done our best to make the discussion, project or relationship a success, therefore its failure must be laid at the feet of the other person or persons involved. It's uncomfortable to think the fault may actually lie with us.I believe the capacity for self-reflection is a wonderful God-given ability that can spur us toward self-improvement, and stoke the fire of desire to improve not just ourselves, but the lives of those around us by becoming better, more giving (and forgiving) individuals. God created man in his own image, and God is love. God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. As His children we have the same light within us, the same capacity to love and forgive, whether it is another who needs forgiveness, or ourselves we must forgive.Animals don't contemplate their actions and the effect they have on other animals. They don't ponder how they can be better siblings, children, parents, mates or members of their society. The squirrel has no conscience that nags him at night as he curls up to sleep amdist nuts he may have filched from another squirrel's stash. To mankind alone was the gift of conscience given. God knew what He was doing when He put us together. Psalm 139:14 says "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."Conscience and introspection--contemplation of one's own thoughts, desires and conduct--are valuable tools when undertaking the task of self-improvement. When we think about what we are thinking about (as mentioned in an earlier post) and get honest with ourselves, taking stock of our thoughts, desires and conduct, it can be an illuminating experience. It can be the beginning of change for the better. It can be the first step toward growth.David says in Psalm 94:19 "In the multitude of my thoughts within me, thy comforts delight my soul". His thoughts at this time were anxious ones, but God's comforts were delightful to his soul. Perhaps you are also troubled by anxious thoughts. Perhaps you are wondering if you have been upset with someone over some perceived wrong, when at least some of the blame could be laid at your own feet. Perhaps you are contemplating areas of your life that need improvement, but you don't have a clue where or how to start. Perhaps the thought of self-improvement seems overwhelming.Take comfort in the knowledge that you have the ability to change. It starts with a decision, with the acknowledgement that sometimes "It's not you, it's me" is, in fact, the truth. Free will may be the greatest gift ever given to man by God. You can do whatever you choose to do, change whatever you choose to change, and achieve whatever you believe to achieve.Phil. 4:13 Amplified Version: I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].So take heart my friend, and be comforted even if you suddenly see "Oh, my IS me!" It's never too late to change, to start over, to repair a breach, heal a hurt, or forgive. Even yourself. It starts with a free will decision. One day at a time.'We never know how high we are, Till we are called to rise; And then, if we are true to plan, Our statures touch the skies." -- Emily DickinsonGod bless you ~ cpwritergirl
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I saw this footage this morning that happened in the Metro area where I live in Melbourne Australia and it made me think.I was just on the commuter trains yesterday going into Melbourne for a job interview. And stood on a similar station and thought to share here and not compare. am not trying to frighten you here, but say that I have had a few ' not paying attention moments' with my kids, as a parent.I reckon it is an awareness responsibility I am putting out there. Parents or Grandparents to be listen up.I remember once my youngest daughter was fiddling around with her safety belt. I said leave it on, 10 seconds later my middle daughter said Leah fell out of the car. WTF, I stopped the car, luckily I was only in a dirt driveway and she rolled clean of the car 3 meters from an iron post in the yard and was startled.I admonished her to listen when I say leave on your seatbelt. On the learning curve she didn't get it. I overlooked it but made a mental note, she is unaware at her age.Another time I was making a beer run and pressed on my clutch to roll backwards but for some unknown reason ( a GOD hint) I pushed on the brake and looked in my rear view mirror seeing my youngest daughter hanging on my tailgate. I pulled the emergency brake, got out, admonished her and said git in the truck let's go get some chocks (chocalates). She knew daddy was going to the store and wanted some lollies. Fair enough! She passed on the learning curve as she thought more about dangers of life.Another time I was out in the woods on my property cutting trees down by hand to put in a new barbwire fence.I was to cheap to hire a dozer, so I did it all by myself. I am a tough cookie.Just as the tree I was felling began to fall (I was pondering Ecc. 11:3 another GOD hint) I looked in my perefial (sp) (too many syllables) vision and saw my son standing where that tree began to fall and grabbed him where he was standing . I admonished him to keep a distance when I am working. " Next time throw a rock at me to get my attention", I exclaimed." I was just watching dad", " Watch over there then," I exclaimed.I would like to hear your God moments with the youngins if you care to share and not compare.
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I do enjoy a jolly good laugh, don't you? So this blog is for whatever has tickled your funny-bone - a joke, a video, a song, comments, cartoons... Maybe someone else will get a cackle from it too!"I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose." - Woody Allen"What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul." - Yiddish Proverb"If every word I said could make you laugh, I’d talk for ever." - not sure who said that, but one site mentioned the Beach Boys...Anyway, here's an old video clip, that I like:...well, what made you laugh today?
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Posted by Chere Poole on September 27, 2009 at 6:23am
Right action starts with right thinking. In other words, the ancestor of every action is a thought. Ever heard someone say "I just did it without thinking"? Not true. I'm not talking about instinct, or a reflex action. "I did it without thinking" is usually in the context of an excuse for a wrong action or behavior, but that doesn't really wash when you think about it.We choose our thoughts. We choose to chew on, mull over, turn every which way in our minds, and ultimately accept or reject each and every thought. No one "makes" us think anything. We control our minds, or choose not to, but either way we think what we want to think. We should all take mental stock every now and then and think about what we are thinking about. Are our thoughts breathing life into our life or not? Are they causing good, peaceful, relaxing reactions in our body or do our thoughts cause us to become tense physically, emotionally, mentally? Are we "bracing for impact", "going with the flow" or directing our thinking toward a specific goal or set of goals?The mind is a powerful thing. It can be your best weapon against an enemy, your best defense against attack, your best friend and most powerful asset in reaching whatever goals you choose to set for yourself. In Luke 1:37 it says "For nothing is impossible with God". Nothing is a pretty powerful word. Imagine what you can accomplish if you choose to believe that promise! Does it say nothing is impossible FOR God? it says WITH God! This means you, yes little old imperfect human you, can do amazing, powerful, wonderful things if you choose to believe those six little words and become God's coworker. There's not a more powerful team in the universe than you and God. "Nothing" means nothing.God chose His words wisely (not hard to do when you're all-knowing) and placed them in His Word as He intended. He meant what He said, and said what He meant. Our daily choice? To believe or not believe. That is the question. That is your option, because you have free will and YOU choose what thoughts you accept and reject. Is the thought that you can do anything with God's help one you will choose to keep or throw away? Will you blame your lack of success in an area (any area of life, it doesn't matter which one) on others, on your circumstances, on "forces beyond your control" or will you take responsibility for your own thoughts and therefore your actions taken as a result of those thoughts?The mind is a powerful thing. Use it to your advantage. Choose your thoughts wisely. Reject any that do not breathe life to you. Dare to dream, dare to see yourself bigger than you are! The smallest pebble dropped into a pool of water causes a ripple effect hundreds of times larger than itself. Your life makes a difference! Your thoughts and resultant actions have an effect on others. Your thoughts determine your life. Choose the good ones today, my friend. You are in control.God bless you~cpwritergirl
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Posted by Billy Britt on September 19, 2009 at 4:26am
John Stuart Mill, in 1859, wrote, “We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still.”President Barack Obama said in a recent television interview, “The truth of the matter is that there has been, I think, a coarsening of our political dialogue.”I would challenge the President’s assertion that political dialogue is coarsening and suggest that those who disagree with what is being said almost always deem political dialogue course.If by that he means that the voices of disagreement are rough or primitive, unrefined or unpolished, then I would say, well, that is the American way.The spirit of descent has always been a part of the American character, and those who wish to stifle contrary ideas are those who would choose conformity over freedom. In a county where each citizen has the right to make a fool of him or herself, censorship of speech is an anathema.Yet, our politicians, and even the public at large, are herded into the slaughterhouse of social, political and spiritual correctness.The President further stated, “I will also say that in the era of 24-hour cable news cycles, that the loudest, shrillest voices get the most attention. And so one of the things that I’m trying to figure out is: How can we make sure that civility is interesting?”Civility might be made interesting by the Harvard debate club, but then again the United States Declaration of Independence may have seemed civil unless you were the King of England.Reflecting on the monarchy, Joe Wilson, the South Carolina congressman who said, “You lie,” during the President’s recent address to Congress forgot that a subject is never to speak ill directly to the sovereign.To the detriment of the nation, Americans have, from the beginning, shown an empirical awe toward the Presidency, a reverence which has given far too much power to an office that is suppose be just one of three co-equal branches of government.Naturally, Maureen Dowd of the New York Times has weighed in on Mr. Wilson’s comments and has concluded that Wilson is not just a braying fool but a racist, as well.She writes, “Surrounded by middle-aged white guys—a sepia snapshot of the days when such pols ran Washington like their own men’s club—Joe Wilson yelled ‘You lie!’ at a president who didn’t. But, fair or not, what I heard was an unspoken word in the air: You lie, boy!”While it is not given protocol to speak out during a presidential address in the House of Representatives, Mr. Wilson’s two words were far from a racist outburst.This charge of racism is serious stuff and one of the things I have feared. The pattern continues to emerge that any criticism of Mr. Obama—real or imagined—is shouted down by the word racism. This is a divisive tool that threatens the very fabric of our society. Criticism and differing opinions do not threaten a free state, rather it is those that repress the coarse voice that embrace despotic rule.Of course populist tyranny in the form of political correctness binds the tongues and endangers liberty for everyone. America’s growing victim culture has given rise to a climate where any disagreement is met with calls for words and thoughts to be censored for the good of those who may be offended.Let me say, that I am offended at your offense in so much that I offend myself by not offending.When Serena Williams repeatedly cursed a line judge at last week’s U.S. Open I did not see racism. No, it was just a tantrum by a narcissistic athlete who was losing a tennis match. The judge may have made a bad call but William’s berating the official with multiple profanities, threats and finger pointing was over the top even by John McEnroe standards.Unsportsmanlike, yes, racist no.When hip-hop singer Kanye West took the microphone away from country singer Taylor Swift and reduced her to tears at the VMA show saying that Beyoncé should have won the award just presented to Miss Swift, I did not see a racist, no, just another famous clown.And I suspect Wilson is at best an inarticulate etiquette apostate with a propensity to put his foot in his mouth, even when right, but not a racist.While I question their actions, I defend their right to make idiots of themselves.The scriptures teaches us that, “A fool utters all his mind: but a wise man keeps it in till afterwards.”So let the fool and the wise-one use the weapon of words to win the war of ideas.Of course, Kierkegaard said, “People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.”Kind of makes you wonder, eh?
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Posted by Chere Poole on September 18, 2009 at 4:11pm
I stopped singing when I married a professional singer. I suppose unconsciously I felt he was so much better at it that I just needed to shut up and let him shine. But I LOVED singing, and had been doing it since childhood. In school productions, church choirs, even a company choir at a large firm where I worked for 5 years. One of my favorite memories is singing Handel's Messiah at Macy's in San Francisco at Christmastime one year. The crisp air, the scent of pine and cinnamon and all things Christmas floating in the air, the multicolored lights, the huge tree, our blended voices soaring to the sky, the shoppers who stopped and listened, smiling, singing along. I absolutely loved it. It fed my soul.I've sung before small groups and thousands of part of a group. Never alone. I take that back, I did sing one song for a group of male prisoners, accompanied only by a guitar. But they were a captive audience - literally - they couldn't walk out if they wanted to.Over the years, my personal adversary kept whispering in my ear that I wasn't good enough and should "leave it to the professionals". I suppose I thought because I wasn't a trained, "polished" singer, I couldn't perform as well as others. Bottom line = I allowed myself to be robbed of something I loved doing, and could put my heart into, whether I hit every note right or not! It should never have been about the perfection of the performance.I was given the opportunity to sing recently and I panicked. The person offering me the opportunity had no idea all the stuff in my head involving singing in front of people. He didn't know my singing history or that I had stopped singing. I tried to graciously say "no thank you" but he left the door open for me to accept his offer anyway. I couldn't sleep that night, as visions of standing before the people gathered for this event appeared before my eyes. There they sat, awaiting my performance, as I opened my mouth and nothing came out.I agonized over whether or not I should sing. What if I choked? What if I forgot the words? What if I opened my mouth and a squeaky little mouse voice came out? They were probably expecting some amazing, inspiring sound to come out of me, and it wasn't there. I'm just an "average" singer, nothing special. Martina McBride, I ain't!But the more I thought about the reasons I couldn't, or shouldn't, attempt to sing for these wonderful people... the more God worked on my heart. "What are you afraid of?" He asked me. "Of failing," I replied. "But I made you, child, and I don't make failures," He said softly. "Don't you trust me to be there with you, to help you?" He inquired. "Don't you know I've promised never to leave you nor forsake you? Don't you know there's nothing I won't do for you? You can do this, if you do it with the right heart. Just open your mouth and sing. Do it because you love me, you love them, and you want to give. They don't expect perfection, but you are perfect in my sight, and I love you."So, I took the opportunity to sing "America, the beautiful" at a morning flag raising ceremony, even though I still had fear. I took a deep breath, thought about the wonderful country we live in that I was about to sing of, and gave it all I backup, no instrumentation, no musical track playing in the background. I wasn't as talented or polished as the girl who sang the day before, but it was a life changing moment for me. I didn't choke, I didn't forget the words, and people smiled and sang along. Not a big deal to anyone else, but God and I knew what was accomplished that day.My exhortation to you today is this; when God presents you with an opportunity to manifest His love toward others by giving, no matter the venue, no matter how much better at it you think someone else may be, no matter your feelings of fear or inadequacy, take that opportunity. Do it afraid if you have to, but do it. Give. Don't listen to the "you're just not good enough" lies whispered in the dark. Turn away. Listen to the truth that you are perfect in God's sight, and you have something to offer. You may not be given another chance, and you may bless others more than you know.
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Posted by David Low on September 17, 2009 at 11:20am
HUGO: THE WINDS OF CHANGEHugo changed my life. "Hugo", the name itself unpretentious, unassuming, and innocuous, has been etched indelibly upon my brain. There have been other hurricanes - David, Frederick, Gilbert, and even Carol - plus many more I have long since forgotten. However, I will never forget Hugo, for I met him personally.On Sunday, September 17, 1989, the National Weather Service declared Hugo a Category V hurricane. Hurricanes are defined as tropical storms rotating around a central "eye" with sustained winds of over 85 miles per hour. They are divided into five categories, or classes, depending upon their wind speed and their expected destructive capabilities. Category I hurricanes are the mildest and can do damage to small trees and light structures. Storms classified as Category V have sustained winds of over 150 miles per hour and can cause almost total devastation to any structure or obstacle in its path. Hugo was heading directly towards my home on St. Croix, Virgin Islands, with winds of over 230 miles per hour. The expected time of arrival for the leading edge of the storm was around 8:00 p.m.My wife, Sharon, and I were ready for the storm. We had been through many hurricane warnings and one more was, simply, one more. We knew what preparations were expected of us. By 12:00 noon we had packed our requisite food and extra clothing into a waterproof bag, had closed the hurricane shutters on our house, had turned off the gas line to the house, and had performed countless other "trivial" necessities. Sharon and I also had an escape plan mapped out for our two children and ourselves just in case something happened to our home. If needed, we would run about one hundred yards across the street and take refuge in our neighbor's underground apartment. We were ready. After all, we had prepared many times before, then, just as expertly, "unprepared" the following day after the warning had been canceled.Around 6:00 p.m., Sharon and I stood outside and marveled at the beautiful sunset over the ocean. The fading rays of the sun illuminated and highlighted the storm clouds approaching from the east. The plethora of hues, their myriad of nuances vibrant and dynamic, filled the horizon with majestic beauty and splendor.The air was alive, its breath strong and sweet. The wind, refreshing and cool, caressed the island with cathartic thoroughness. The cool summer breeze blowing in my face was invigorating, cleansing, and exciting - like racing along a coastal highway in a sporty convertible.We put the children to sleep on the living room couch at 8:00 p.m. and settled in beside them for a long and exciting night. Sharon and I both stayed awake, awed by the immensity of Mother Nature's power and majesty.The first tree fell with a loud cracking noise followed by a final "thud" as it hit the ground. We grabbed the flashlight and ran outside to see exactly what had happened. The fallen tree was a mahogany, at least two feet in diameter and about thirty feet tall. Sharon and I looked at each other with mutual concern. We both begrudgingly began to realize and to respect the awesome forces that were encompassing and besieging our island home. With that respect came a dawning realization that everything we truly cherished on the earth was at stake that night in our battle with Hugo. We were in a fight for our lives and the lives of our children. It was 10:30 p.m.After the tree had fallen, the wind began to howl. Not metaphorically, but rather, it literally began to scream. I remember, and will never forget, the noise. The noise, with its ubiquitous roar, began as a subdued murmur and crescendoed steadily and continuously until it sounded like a fleet of 747 jets in our back yard. The noise - permeating, suffocating, entombing, and eternal - could not be squelched or muted. The noise, ferocious in its shrieks and its cries of impending doom and destruction, was deafening. The noise refused to be denied. The noise was Hugo's herald, announcing his presence and demanding subjection.Every five to ten minutes (each minute of that tortuous night seeming to take hours), I walked around inside the house with a flashlight inspecting the panels on the ceiling, looking for cracks or leaks. The house was creaking and moaning from the relentless assault upon every inch of its structure. The wind, persistent in its attack and undaunted in its strength, battered continuously, seeking an advantage wherever possible. One of the embattled shutters broke on its hinges and banged unmercifully upon the outside wall. Its erratic staccato pounding added its voice to the devilish symphony being orchestrated and conducted by "Maestro Hugo".Suddenly it happened - tranquility. The time was about 12:30 in the morning. Stillness. Glorious quiet. Pervasive, unnerving, unsettling, ominous silence. I had heard about the eye of a hurricane, and even read essays and stories romanticizing and extolling the virtues of living in the "eye of the storm". I succumbed to Hugo's subtle respite and told my wife she could go to sleep now. The worst was over, the kids were safe, the house was intact, and all was well. Little did I know that Hugo had not yet finished the game!Without warning and without fanfare, the roar and the winds commenced anew. Hugo returned, not gradually nor gracefully, but with venomous viciousness and ferocity. The eye had passed and his vortex of destruction was vying for victory in the endgame to come. The winds blew, not from the northeast as before, but, from the southwest. It slammed into our already weakened house with renewed vigor and savagery. The time was exactly 12:56 a.m. when the living room roof blew off (I know because the quartz clock that had been on our wall stopped, a victim and a reminder of Hugo's fury). Only minutes before, all was quiet. The next, we were being battered and soaked by the elements and the raw power of nature - exposed from above to the winds and the rains.Sharon and I grabbed our kids, who had been asleep until this time (amazing!). We ran into the back bedroom on the other side of the house. That part of the roof was still intact, but we were not going to take any more chances – it was already starting to weaken. We wrapped the children in blankets and decided to implement our plan by running across the street. We staggered to the front door at the same time the bedroom roof vanished into oblivion. We forced open the door fully intent upon running for our lives; however, Hugo had other plans.We were slammed against the doorjambs and stunned by the violence. It all happened so fast. Winds of 230 miles per hour are unfathomably intense. Imagine a car traveling over 100 miles per hour with the windows down. Then, imagine the force of the wind against a hand thrust out of the window. Hugo was moving 230 miles per hour and had already claimed the protection of our house as a victim of his fury."We can't make it across," I yelled, my voice barely audible in my own ears."The baby, the baby - grab the baby!" I heard Sharon shouting from another dimension.I looked up and to my horror, Jason, our three-month-old baby, was flying. Had it not been such an intense moment, I probably would have started laughing. He looked like Superman, his arms and legs straight out and his body suspended in air. Miraculously, Sharon was clutching his shirt and pants. I was holding Christopher, three years old, and somehow helped Sharon to grab and to secure Jason in her arms."We'll never make it across the street,” I yelled again. " Let's get into the car.”Our car, a 1984 Nissan Sentra, was parked ten feet away at the bottom of the steps, a monumental distance, but just as compelling as the Holy Grail. We had to go; we had no other choice. Despite the confusion, we remembered that the car doors were locked. We frantically began to look for the keys."Keys, give me keys!""Don't have them!""Where?”"Bag, find them!"Speech was almost useless. Hugo, vying for supremacy of all of our senses, did not want to relinquish control. We found Sharon's bag amid the mounting chaos and desperately located her keys by dumping the entire contents of the bag onto the flooded floor.I ran down the steps with Christopher and had to remove a large piece of aluminum siding that had blown against the car doors. Then I unlocked the front door and threw Christopher onto the seat, telling him I would be right back. I ran back up the stairs, took Jason, and led Sharon down and into the car. It was 1:30 a.m.For the next five hours, time became an idiomatic cliché. "It seemed to stand still like molasses in January and moved at a snail's pace."The roaring and screaming of the tempest was unremitting, sounding like a band of banshees bewailing warnings of horrors yet to come. The car was pummeled and battered by the indiscriminate and insatiable sirocco seeking unequivocal havoc and mayhem.Sharon, Christopher, Jason, and I sat together in our little Nissan Sentra, huddled together in unity. We prayed together. We sang together. We talked together. We hugged together. We believed together. For five arduously long hours, we were together, together, against the holocaust of nature and its purging pursuit of anything and anyone who dared to challenge. Outside our little sanctuary, Hugo ravaged and plundered St. Croix.At 6:30 a.m., Monday, September 18, 1989, the sun began to rise, announcing the start of a new beginning. The winds, having unleashed their anger for almost twelve hours, began to subside. Hugo had visited and I will never forget him. I had my life, and I had my wife, and I had Christopher, and I had Jason. We were alive. We had won!
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