Blogs often focus on personal opinion, experiences, views, anecdotes or advice. Blogs tend to have a relaxed and conversational feel, such as in storytelling and are generally 300-500 words.
Articles aim to deliver well-researched, informative content with solid evidence to back up the points made. Articles are usually more formal, organized and frequently range 500-1000 words.
More than a blog composed to celebrate the birthday of my beloved sister, Cheryl, “Blessed and Highly Favored” is a compilation of photos, scriptures, comments, poetry and music centered on the theme that so typifies the essence of the life of Cheryl Lois Williams. Some of the original poetry was inspired by actual words that Cheryl spoke to me, as in the life-changing comments she made that gave birth to “A Prayer to Know the Fullness of Your Grace.” Others, such as “Blessed and Highly Favored” and “To Bring Closure” were inspired by situations in her life. “Be Still and Know” was written while I was in Atlanta staying with Cheryl following her surgery a few years ago. The musical selections have particular meaning for Cheryl, who has a great appreciation for music.Overall, this birthday greeting is a somewhat new enterprise for me to a degree. Not too long ago, I became a writer for, an Internet publication, serving as Christian Spirituality Examiner for Columbus, Ohio. In publishing articles I learned to insert photos and embed videos as well. I thought I’d see if I could incorporate some of the same features as part of my blog. This is among my first attempts at such a modified blog, and I trust it will be a blessing to you, as together we celebrate the life of a wonderful woman of God who is, indeed, “blessed and highly favored.”LEJ
Something about SistersThere’s something about sisterswhen they sing. . .a Sunday morning somethingI can’t explain.I hold my ear near the heartAnd hear a single sound:a chord, barely heard, fashioned fromthe subtle weave of close harmonies;a common bond—collective strength tiesand unifies their sisterhood—pulsates from the same womb:when Patti, Maxine and Laverne French-braid wartime memorieswith the “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B”,Grandma always smiles;when the McGuires, sisters of note of the fifties,croon “Sincerely” in solo three-part harmony,watch the tears swell in Aunt Gloria’s eyes;when the “high camp” Pointers start to cut loose,they show do get “So Excited,”and set the place on “Fire”;when the Booker Sisters down at the True VineSanctified Church on Branch Street rear back with an A&B selection,some folks can’t do nothing but wave they hands;when Kathleen and Jessye, two sisters of the spirit,sing “Talk about a Chile That Do Love Jesus,”they can move Roscoe Hardaway to tears.Yes, sisters are something when they sing.Miss Rosa sat down and sang, “I Shall Not Be Moved,”and when she stood up, look what happened.Some sisters sang a cappella, composing melodiesto flow like “Sweet Honey in the Rock,”vocalizing birth pangs to movements:Abolition, Temperance,Suffrage, Civil Rights,Women’s Rights. . .and so on they sing. . .Sisters of the races, a fusion of community,blending fiery colors beyond the spectrum of the rainbow,they attune their voices in powerful ways,whether to sing lullabies or battle cries.I can’t put my finger on it,but. . .there’s something about sisterswhen they sing.
Cheryl once commented to me that when you find yourself in a hard place, in a situation where you don't desire to be in, God is often trying to do one or a combination of things: He is trying to "Direct You, Inspect You, Correct You, Protect You, Perfect You." That statement such a profound impact upon me that developed an entire teaching based on the quote. I transformed the statement in to a five-fold prayer, part of which is expressed in the following poem:
Prayer to Know the Fullness of Your Grace
Direct mePrepare the way, straighten my path, order my steps,Shine your light upon me that I may not stumble,That I may not walk in the light of my own sparks,But illumine my way with the lamp of your Word.Lord, direct my heart into the love of GodAnd into the patient waiting for Jesus Christ.Raise me up in righteousness and direct all my ways.Inspect meTry MeSearch me, O God, and know my heart:try me, and know my thoughts:And see if there be any wicked way in me,and lead me in the way everlasting.Lord, Prepare me to be a sanctuary. . .pure and holy, tried and true. . .Purify my motive; assay my devotion;weigh each desire, carat by carat, dram by dram.In the refining fire of your furnace try me.Test the mettle of my soul; scrape away all dross,all debris that would adulterate my intentsand leave behind the purity of ore that Imay see my face reflected in the pool of gold.I long to take the treasure of your precious Word,securely hide it in the lock box of my heartand as a faithful son, hand you the only key.Correct meAs my teacher help me not to hasten each lesson.Even the times you chasten while drawing me near.Each time you admonish you demonstrate your love.Help me to learn not to resist the chastening rod,But may I yield toward your reproof and correction.”It is good for me that I have been afflictedThat I might learn your precepts,” may I also say.Protect meAs a child runs to safety in his father’s arms,So I, too, run to you, “my shelter from life’s storms.”Lord, I long to dwell with you in the secret place,My buckler, my shield, deliverer, my fortress,Strong tower, defender, who responds to my prayer.For Lord, you are faithful, who will establish meAnd protect me and deliver me from evil.Perfect meWhat I lack fulfill, that I may not come up short.Bring to maturity any deficiencyThat I may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.Make me perfect in every good work to do your will.May the inner spaces of my heart catch your eye.As you scan the vast landscape of this green planet,May you see the perfect man you asked me to be.Lord, I pray that youinspect me,direct me,correct me,protect me,perfect meThat I may know you and the fullness of your grace.This I pray in the name above all names, Jesus Christ.Amen
for Cheryl Lois Thompsonin anticipation of a glorious New Year“Prosperity and Jubilee in 2003”Blessed and Highly FavoredThere is that scattereth, and yet increaseth;And there is that withholdeth more than is meet,but it leadeth to poverty.The liberal soul shall be made fat:And he that watereth shall be watered also himself.Proverbs 11:24-25More than merely cliché, “Blessed and highly favored”Describes the essence of your gracious being muchMore than rote response, for you have truly savoredThe goodness of God and known His flourishing touch.In going out and coming in, blessings abound.You touch each soul you meet with God’s love, joy and peace.From the depths of a grateful heart praises resound,Not in lesser measure but steadily increase.People observe you and ask what is the reasonFor your most bountiful harvest of good success.Your roots reach deep and bear fruit in each season,As you express God’s desire to lavishly bless.To know you is to love you, as sister and friend.You show that God’s blessing and favor never end.
Even as a child, the blessings abounded and God showed His favor.
“. . . Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!”
In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Cheryl sent me a tape series that her pastor had taught regarding the storms of life that we all encountered. The teachings ministered mightily to me and inspired the following poems:
This Ever-present Truth
Inspired by the first of two teachings by Dr. Aaron L. ParkerZion Hill Baptist ChurchAtlanta, GeorgiaFor He commands and raises the stormy wind,which lifts up the waves of the sea.They mount up to the heavens, they go down again to the depths;Their soul melts because of trouble.He calms the storm, so that its waves are still.Then they are glad because they are quiet;so He guides them to their desired haven.Psalm 107:25-26, 29-30As we navigate through the stages of our lives,Mild breezes that caress our days are soon transformedInto wild gales and floods, as one more storm arrives.Despite this ever-present truth, we are alarmedAnd unprepared for life’s torrential winds and rain,As the raging storm center races toward our shore,Gathering force and mounting into a hurricane.We find ourselves near the eye of the storm once more.The whirlwind soon passes over and leaves behindRising flood waters that would overwhelm the soul,But through prayer and strong faith we know that we shall findCourage to endure, though each storm exacts its toll.God prepares us to go through howling gusts and rain,With strength between storms, ready to go through again.Lonnell E. Johnson--September 28, 2005The Prayer Directive: Strength between StormsInspired by the second of two teachings by Dr. Aaron L. ParkerRejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation,continuing steadfastly in prayer;Romans 12:12 [NKJV]When it seems that we have reached our outer limitsOf exhausted options and can no longer cope,Wrestling with unbelief, our foe that inhibits,God’s Word reminds us to keep rejoicing in hope.We know that in patience we possess our soul.In the midst of life’s pressures, we remain secure,Assured that in Christ Jesus, we have been made whole,Watching and waiting with renewed strength to endure.As stately palm trees, we yield and bend in the wind,And pray in the spirit, with requests that never cease.As sweet-smelling incense, our fervent prayers ascendIn greater measure, as our petitions increase.Though storms may overwhelm, we are still in God’s care:Therefore rejoice, be patient, continue in prayer.Lonnell E. JohnsonOctober 8, 2005Walking on the Troubled Waters of LifeInspired by another “storm” teachingby Dr. Aaron L. ParkerZion Hill Baptist ChurchAtlanta, GeorgiaMatthew 14:22-33In the fourth watch, long before the sun begins to rise,A tempest attacks my ship with waves that overwhelm.My vessel seems abandoned with no one at the helmWhen a vision of the Savior appears before my eyes:Jesus comes walking on the troubled waters of life.As storms of our times bring conflict, confusion and strife.May I not be fretful, anxious, cowardly like some,But like Peter say, “Since you are my Lord, bid me come.”And step out of the boat to walk on the storm-tossed sea.While battered by fierce waves, tormented and tossed about,In the time of my distress I cry out, “Lord, save me!”He then asks, “O, you of little faith, why did you doubt?”In the midst of turbulent times, may I “get a grip”And walk hand in hand with the Master back to the ship.Lonnell E. JohnsonFebruary 25, 2007
Be Still and KnowBe still, and know that I am God;I will be exalted among the nations,I will be exalted in the earth!Psalm 46:10Be still and know that I am God, that I am the eternal one.Though your cherished dreams have faded and long since goneThe way of all flesh, my divine plans you shall see,As I weave the tapestry of eternity.Though you seem forsaken, you are never alone,Even when the burden of dark sin cannot atone,And the hearts of men have hardened and turned to stone:Be still and know that I am God.Though storms may overwhelm and friends may abandonWhen diseases surface to assault flesh and bone.These scenes will reveal the man I thought I could be,As words of the Psalmist comfort and remind me,When this life is over and all is said and done:Be still and know that I am God.Lonnell E. JohnsonAtlanta, GeorgiaJanuary 11, 2005
To Bring Closurefor Cheryl Lois Thompsonmy blessed and highly favoredsister and friend"Your life is a book and everyday is a page.”Elijah PierceIn the eyes of God, each life is an open book,Inscribed in first person, where nothing is hidden,But to really see, we must take a closer lookTo discern between each line as it is written.Past pages reveal both the shame and the glory,As we craft chronicles from confusion and strife,Ongoing sagas of our personal history:Tragic lines composed in the comedy of life.We strive to bring closure to another chapterAnd break free from the bondage of each past mistake,To apply the painful lessons and grow thereafterIn fleeting years of heartbreak and exquisite laughter.This real life drama transcends the game of “Let’s Pretend,”As each scene unfolds, moving toward our perfected end.Lonnell E. JohnsonAugust 27, 2004Biloxi, MS
The Eternal Moment
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.Ephesians 5:16Now is always the time.Though grains of sandfall and forma mountainrange,Nowdoes notadd nor take;the moment cannot change.The time is always Now.
We conclude with this final reminder that the celebration of your life goes on. This is just another “new beginning,” as this final musical selection tells you once more “It’s Your Time!” Now is the time, and it’s your season, so rejoice, my sister.