John Richeson replied to George Alan Brown's discussion Government Persecution Of Christians Proceeds!
"Nonsense. Politics from the pulpit is why Christianity is declining and NONES (non-religiously affiliated like me) are increasing by leaps and bounds. Christianity is not under attack. It's just failing miserably from within. People have had enough…"
Feb 24
FRancis patrick lubomski commented on John Richeson's article Welcome to the House of His Healing Presence
"For those of you who knew Dave G Stokes from Michigan , he is awaiting the return of our Lord and is asleep in Jesus . Dave passed yesterday , his son Don Stokes lives near here and we are in touch ...please pray for Dave's and Don's Families , Dave…"
Jun 1, 2020
Vicki Olson commented on John Richeson's article Welcome to the House of His Healing Presence
"Thank you for the prayers for mom. She finally got approved for low income housing and after 18 months something opened up.  At first she wasn’t really excited about the apt as it was pretty far from where she was used to living but now she REALLY…"
Jan 14, 2020
Geordie Stewart commented on John Richeson's article Welcome to the House of His Healing Presence
"I ask for prayer for the work I am doing. As a Corps member I continue to take my calling and commitment seriously, even after 30 years. I have been building a training called Spiritual Bootcamp with 3 levels over 3 years, under the umbrella name…"
Jan 11, 2020
Gary Robert Anderson replied to John Richeson's discussion Digital Sing Along the Way Book
"HI guys!  I have a project that involves a talented keyboardist.  I want to put all the old songs into MIDI format just like Dorothy and Rhoda did on their album.  Just simple traditional piano.  Then, they can go viral via email and be used in…"
Nov 10, 2018
Thomas Hemingson replied to John Richeson's discussion Digital Sing Along the Way Book
"I just took a music class for college (2018) and found myself looking through my old songbook. I was surprised how many songs I couldn't remember the tune for anymore. I always enjoyed sitting around in someone's living room and singing these songs,…"
Nov 10, 2018
John Richeson commented on John Richeson's video
"Excuse me, yes, I meant Lima. I was on bless patrol with George Hendley pulling cars out of the mud all afternoon. "
Oct 20, 2018
John Richeson commented on John Richeson's video
"Footage taken by Michael Scherling. I was there. That year was a big muddy mess due to being at stinky Sidney Fairgrounds and it rained almost all the time. It was the following year that the ROA was moved to Headquarters grounds. But that's another…"
Oct 6, 2018
John Richeson replied to Iona Cheryl W Kranz's discussion THE PASSING OF STEVE BUDLONG
"Steve in Russia when he was a Vice President at Citigroup. "
Oct 6, 2018
John Richeson commented on Sally Hixenbaugh Bailar's blog post Erich Altvater Awaiting the Return of Christ (August 11, 1955 - November 19, 2017)
Sep 28, 2018
John Richeson replied to Iona Cheryl W Kranz's discussion THE PASSING OF STEVE BUDLONG
Aug 31, 2018
John Richeson replied to Iona Cheryl W Kranz's discussion THE PASSING OF STEVE BUDLONG
"Oh no! I am so sad to hear this. Though I did not have the chance to meet Steve personally, we became friends on this site when he began posting some awesome blogs here. They are  some of the best I have ever read. He was an amazing writer. I am…"
Aug 31, 2018
PAUL DIONISIO,," vergilio..." replied to John Richeson's discussion In Loving Memory of Kathy Oriard Stutz
"my deepest condolences to Monica and Michelle, I've known you both from the day you were born, your mom and Dad were very good friends of mine..I heard about Kathy while I was in Italy....I just returned from there Monday, so I missed the memorial…"
Aug 4, 2018
Ricky Brown replied to John Richeson's discussion In Loving Memory of Kathy Oriard Stutz
"Jim and Kathy were my Limb Coordinators in New Hampshire when I first got into the Word in Portsmouth, and then when I graduated into the Way Corps and moved to California.  They will always have a special place in my heart.  God's abundant…"
Jul 30, 2018
John F. Butler replied to John Richeson's discussion In Loving Memory of Kathy Oriard Stutz
"Steve-thanks for posting this and getting the word out."
Jul 28, 2018
John F. Butler replied to John Richeson's discussion In Loving Memory of Kathy Oriard Stutz
"Oriard- That's what and how she was known to me....she picked me up every night to drive me to the 2nd ever PFAL class in Spokane WA...Oriard had the best laugh ever, I can still hear it ring in my head. We ended up moving to Ohio together to go…"
Jul 28, 2018

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  • John, I'm beginning to fear that this "Corps" site has gone the world's way.

  • hi Hope!

  • Wow John that's a serious box!
    I'll bet it's still going.
    Thanks for all the work you've done to bring all these saints back together.
    What you've done here is NOT insignificant.
    May we continue to live pleasing to the Father.


  • I'm STILL on my way - ON-HIGH-O!
  • Thank you, John! 

  • Hi John, Final Four is in San Antonio this year! Are you going to make it here?

    I was in Tampa back in June. I was planning to give you a call but my phone died. I was lost without it. I didn't even have Rachel's number.

  • John, what a killer Ray Charles blues song! Thanks for the contribution!
  • P.S. any word about Ted Ferrell.Someone on facebook had a memorial about him passing Nov 12th? I don't know if it is true!

  • Hey John thanks for the welcome! We go back to Altamonte Spgs.smoking cig and talking whatever. Also was doing windows back then Then moved around fla.,then the U of life/Audio at way and on and on.Now married 34 with 2 adult children who live elsewhere. Have been in OK since 1990. That's some of it in a nut shell.

  • John, Thanks for adding me. Do you admin the memorial site, or is it just an external link?

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