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I have been very blessed in the past year or so studying some of the writings of reformed theologyThese guys surely love Gods Word and are great workmen, still we need to "separate the precious from the vile""Let us provoke one another to Love and god works..".Rick and the HeartDouglas WilsonI must perhaps begin by explaining that I do understand that an (abusive) ad hominem argument is a logical fallacy. There is no reason to think we have refuted someone's arguments simply because we have vigorously attacked their person. There is also another fallacy, closely related to the ad hominem, dubbed "Bulverism" by C.S. Lewis. [1] He pointed out the modern tendency to dismiss an argument on no stronger grounds than the fact that you had explained how your opponent came to believe it.But it does not follow from this that there is no connection between lifestyle and truth. It is inadequate to argue that the atheism of Jones cannot be true because he kicks his dog. If he offers arguments, then the arguments should be addressed. A thorough apologetic method will address arguments, while at the same time understanding and taking into account their source.As Christians, our intellectual object is to think God's thoughts after Him. Our aim must not be a false humanistic "originality," but rather, in one sense, submission to the way things are. This is because we believe that the world is the way it is because of the Creator and Sustainer of all things. But if truth is to be found through submission to God's truth, then does it not become a matter of concern if someone claims to have found truth, but is living in open defiance of God's law?For example, Karl Marx engaged in a prolonged, shrill, and bitter argument with reality.[2] The poet, Shelly, was a "lifelong absconder and cheat."[3] The existentialist, philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre, was a notorious exploiter of women. Most notably was his mistress, Simone de Beauvoir. "In all essentials, Sartre treated her no better than Rousseau did his Therese; worse, because he was notoriously unfaithful. In the annals of literature, there are few worse cases of a man exploiting a woman. This was all the more extraordinary because de Beauvoir was a lifelong feminist."[4] It would not be at all difficult to fill a volume with names of men and women who shook their fists at heaven with less than altruistic motives.[5]Now, it is quite true that the ethical standards of a man do not have a direct bearing on his opinion that 2 + 2 = 4, or that the sun rises in the east. But suppose the subject of debate is existence of a Judge? The debate is whether there is One who will weigh and evaluate the thoughts and deeds of the sons of men, and cast those who hate Him into the outer darkness. Is the lifestyle of the participants really irrelevant? In other words, are the accused qualified to give judgments about the existence of the Judge?The heart of the problem is the heart. "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools..." (Rom. 1:18-22).[6]A moral problem (refusal to glorify God as God, and refusal to thank God) is the cause of an intellectual problem. It is not the other way around. Our ethical condition cannot be preserved and protected through the intellect. The two are connected, but not in the way Christians have frequently assumed. We are to protect our intellect through our ethical standing before God. [7 ] The reason unbelievers do not believe has nothing to do with a lack of arguments. Rather, their lack of desire to hear the arguments for the truth of Christianity is the result of unbelief.We sometimes approach evangelistic apologetics as though unregenerate men did not love their sin. We speak and act as though an intellectual defense of the faith will somehow impart to the rebellious a desire for holiness. It does not. We argue with them, assuming that they would want to submit to this truth, if only they knew it to be truth. But they do know it is true, and they don't want to submit to it (Rom. 1:28). At this point, many evangelists and apologists may be tempted to walk away in despair. Like Ezekiel, they are uncertain about the efficacy of prophesying to bones. But more on this shortly.The intellect is insufficient protection for morality. But obedience does protect the intellect. Credo ut intelligam. If I refuse to believe, then ultimately I am refusing to understand. The testimony of Scripture is that ethical rebellion produces intellectual darkness. It is false to say that we can protect our lives with arguments; rather, we protect the integrity and reliability of argument by how we live our lives. The disobedient will eventually search out arguments by how we live our lives. In short, the disobedient will eventually search out arguments that will justify them in their disobedience. Because no such argument can be both true and valid, it will not be long before the rebellious begin to attack argument itself, i.e. "false Aristotelian categories, etc." [8 ] Christianity is initially rejected in the name of reason, but apart from Christianity, reason collapses into an irrationalism of despair.This is why a revival of godliness will always produce a revival of learning. It does not flow the other way; learning does not produce godliness. Knowledge puffs up. But love builds up, and one of the things it builds up is knowledge. This is also why an abandonment of godliness will eventually destroy learning. The process begins with folly disguised as scholarship and learning, i.e. the folly is festooned with footnotes.[9] Eventually, when the bankruptcy becomes evident to all, then scholarship itself will be denounced.MannerGiven this relationship between godliness and the intellect, the manner we display in our presentation of truth is important. In II Timothy 2:23-26, we are instructed to correct "in humility" those who oppose us, with the hope that God will grant repentance. The sovereign God uses means in the salvation of the rebellious, and one of the means is humble instruction from the godly. In particular, the apologist should cultivate two things in his demeanor as he talks with those who are in the Romans 1 mold. His demeanor should address the two areas identified in that passage as being the heart of the problem, i.e. the refusal to honor God as God, and the refusal to give thanks.First, the apologist must be filled with an understanding of the majesty of God. If the rebellion of the one before you comes from a willful blindness of this majesty, then how can he be helped by an evangelist with the same problem? The triviality, triteness, and silliness which characterizes much of evangelical Christianity will not be successfully covered with the whitewash of some argument. Why is it that our modern declarations of evangelical truth lack the triumphant and majestic tone of the prophet Isaiah? "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. There is not searching of His understanding" (Is. 40:28). It is this writer's conviction that this sense of God's grandeur has been lost from the church at large because of the widespread rejection of the Biblical understanding of who God really is. Nothing empties a man of himself quite so much as the realization that God is God in everything, and cannot be replaced by a creature in anything, including the creature's salvation.[10]Second, the apologist must be filled with thanksgiving and gratitude. Again, because the rebellion of man is rooted in a refusal to thank God, the more he is exposed to thankful Christians, the better. The mystery of thanklessness begins early. Who among us has not seen some puffy-faced, rebellious child refusing to thank some adult for something or other? There is something in the sinful nature of man which does not want indebtedness, and saying "thank you" to God is an intolerable indication of indebtedness.[11]If these two attitudes are evident, then they will be used by God to convict the hearer of his basic problem. This is not to say that words are unimportant. The words of truth are the nail which must be driven into the heart. The submission of the evangelist to God as God, along with his gratitude, is the hammer. The One who wields the hammer is the Holy Spirit; He is the One who gives repentance.ContentIt is crucial to remember that evangelism, and consequently faithful apologetics as well, may be divided into two aspects: law and gospel (not to be confused with the dispensational or Lutheran distinction). Much modern evangelism does not bear fruit simply because both these elements are neglected, or they are twisted.When law comes to an unregenerate man, he always does two things; he acknowledges it as true, and he hates it as true. It is not our position to seek to persuade him that he has an obligation to honor God as God, and to thank Him. He already knows this. It is a truth which he is suppressing in unrighteous. Consequently, the individual hears the law everywhere; in the Creation, in his own wicked heart, and from the evangelist.[12]In other words, we should not seek to get the person to whom we are witnessing to verbally agree to the Biblical view of man. He is the way God has made him whether he agrees to it or not. So we must assume the Biblical view of man. We speak on this basis. As we speak, we know that the one who hears knows, at some level, that we speak the truth. This is true however much he has suppressed it. It is on the basis of this that God judges men who reject the gospel. They rejected it, knowing it to be true.The content of our communication should revolve around two things; again, these are the two points at which men are rebelling. First, we must not be hesitant to speak of God as God. He is the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of all things. We must not speak of a Higher Power, however man conceives him or her to be. We are Christians who serve the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, not devotees of some Fuzzy Benevolence in the Sky. But as we speak of God, it must be clear that these words have very clear definitions, and that the definitions are not man-flatterers. God knows everything; He oversees everything; He brought everything into existence; He is holy, righteous and good; He is a severe Judge and a loving Savior; He is present everywhere; the whole earth is full of His glory; from Him, through Him, and to Him are all things. The twenty-four elders need to spend more time on their faces (Rev. 4:10-11).Second, we must emphasize, overtly, the obligations of all creatures to render thanks to God. Everything that has breath is to praise the Lord (Ps. 150:6). Too often, Christians assert that God is the Creator, without going on to apply the obvious ethical response -- thanksgiving. Suppose, for a moment, that we gave all the engineers and scientists in the world a titanic budget and the following task: to come up with a functional human hand, with all the options. A hand that would grow callouses when used, repair itself when cut, move with the dexterity of an accomplished pianist, and so forth. They could not do it with all the resources in the world. And yet, here I sit at my word processor, typing away with two of these things. And they were given to me. Free.We, as creatures, have an obligation to thank God. Those in rebellion who do not thank God need to be reminded of the obligation. God is God; He is not like we are. God is good; He daily gives to each of us, Christians and non-Christians alike, far more gifts than we can even keep track of (Matt. 5:45).As we testify to these things, the testimony has the force of law. It does what the law is supposed to do, which is to increase and reveal transgression (Rom. 3:20; 5:20). It condemns. It is no wonder these truths are suppressed. For non-Christians, there is no good news at all yet.After the law comes the gospel. The message of the cross and resurrection reconciles sinners to God, and part of this reconciliation is the dispelling of intellectual darkness. The futility of thinking is gone because the hardness of heart which produced it is gone. Hard hearts makes for soft heads. Because the Spirit of God has taken away the heart of stone, the way the man thinks is altered forever. Everything is not done at once, but the process has begun. Because the rebellion is over, the process of renewing the mind is established (Rom. 12:1-2).Cold Intellectualism?I Peter 3:15 instructs, "sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed." Good reasons, good defenses come from good hearts. If I am only prepared intellectually, I am not prepared intellectually, [13] The representative of Christianity must have "sanctified" the Lord in his heart, he must have a good conscience, and then he must give his defense, and his reason for hope. The one to whom he speaks has not sanctified the Lord in his heart, and does not have a good conscience. This is why he is in intellectual darkness.As mentioned above, the popular dichotomy between the head and heart is a false one. But to use the terms assumed by it for a moment, if someone concerned for heart religion rejects the importance of "doctrine," the problem is not in his head. The problem is in his heart; it is not bearing the proper fruit. This is because if a man sanctifies the Lord in his heart, the result will be defenses and reasons.And if a Christian apologist, who is "into sound doctrine," lives a life that is an ethical stretcher case, then the problem in his heart will eventually show up in his thinking.[14] We cannot seal off one part of us from another. When people get out of a Biblical balance, they lose the very thing they deem most important. Pharisees worshipped the law, but in effect, destroyed it. Pietists say we must concentrate on the heart, but the result is a heart which does not produce the fruit it should. In the name of clean hearts, they produce rotten ones. Our more intellectual brethren neglect the heart, and consequently are really neglecting the head. In the name of sound minds, they destroy the basis and foundation of all clear thinking, which is practical obedience. [15]ConclusionThe Bible teaches that intellectual darkness is the result of rebellion, not the cause of it. Those who have been brought out of darkness have a responsibility to speak to those who are still in it. As they speak it is crucial to realize the source of intellectual darkness, and to address it through the demeanor of the speaker, and the content of what is said.If the apologist displays God's character and demonstrates thankfulness to Him, then it is far more likely that God's mercy will be demonstrated. These same two truths should spill over into the content of what is said. Until this happens, we will not see what has been absent from evangelical Christianity for hundreds of years: apologetics on fire.Notes[1] Lewis, C.S. , God in the Dock (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970), pp. 271-277.[2] I believe Marx was a good living example of the two fundamental tenets of atheists: (1) There is no God, and (2) I hate Him.[3] Johnson, P., Intellectuals (New York: Harper and Row, 1988) p. 46.[4] Ibid., p. 235.[5] It would also not be hard to fill another volume with names of professing Christians whose lives were less than admirable. But the problem of hypocrisy is an entirely different one. The immoral atheist is unwilling to live with the logical tension between his premises and his lifestyle; he wants them to be consistent. The immoral "Christian" is willing to be inconsistent.[6] Gordon Clark sees this same process in II Timothy 3:8. The false teachers had "deteriorated intellectually". Clark, G., The Pastoral Epistles (Jefferson: The Trinity Foundation, 1983), p. 173.[7] Some have sought to protect themselves from sin by looking at the final consequences of it. This is quite Biblical. (Prov. 5:1-23), but there are other places to look besides the divorce courts and skid row. I have encouraged myself to godly and moral behavior by considering the intellectual folly I have seen at a nearby state university. There, the wreckage in intellectual.[8] Of course, the attack on argument is itself an argument.[9] The two best examples of folly defended by scholars are Marxism and evolutionism. Here we have two patently ridiculous theologies, and the priests of these religions are teaching at our best universities. As often noted, the last bastion of Marxism in the world appears to be American universities.[10] Biblical theology, properly understood, is a joyous, victorious, militant, conquering faith. It has this effect because of the proper understanding of who God is, and what He has done in the cross and resurrection of Christ.[11] Have you noticed how our ungrateful culture doesn't know what to do with Thanksgiving? They want it to be Turkey Day.[12] The doctrine of man's total inability does not refer to his inability to recognize the law of God. It refers to this inability to recognize and love it at the same time. He can love it, provided he misunderstands it (zeal without knowledge), or he can understand it while hating it (the sinful mind is hostile to God). But he cannot, without the intervention of the Spirit, both understand the law and love it.[13] This point is often misunderstood by "pietistic" evangelists. They establish a false dichotomy between the heart and the head. assert that only the heart is important, and then take a stand for Jesus. But good hearts will produce intellectual fruit. To object, as they do, to "intellectualism" on behalf of heart religion is like a farmer objecting to apples on behalf of apple trees. True piety will always produce true learning.[14] I once wrote a letter to a pastor, making a point very similar to this one. He and his church were into what they called sound doctrine. Rather than pointing out the deficiency of love, which was a charge they were not doubt used to, I pointed out a doctrinal deficiency -- the low view of Scripture indicated through their disobedience. I received a copy of my letter back from him with a term of exchatological significance stamped all over it.[15] If a man won't obey God in how he treats his wife, then why would he obey God in how he thinks? Rebellion tolerated anywhere will spread everywhere.Copyright © by Covenant Community Church of Orange County 1990 Return to CRTA Root Page Return to CRTA
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Guardian Angels?

The Pope said recently that the day he fell and broke his wrist (recently) his guardian angel was not available for some reason. Anyway, check this 10 minute video out and let me know what you think about "guardian" angels.
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Peace -Isaac Newton

It is a little known fact that Isaak Newton wrote more on theology than he did on science.He was a contemporary and a friend with John Locke,they exchanged many letters with each otherMany of Newtons beliefs were not considered orthodox in the "Anglican Church"(Church of England)As Locke wrote in his essay on toleration "Everyone is orthodox in his own mind"...anyway Locke had fled England because of his "unorthodoxy" church and state were one body then,Newton kept his "unorthodox" opinions to himself,because of the paradisaical spirit of his timesLike the Parents of the one born blind :John 9:2222 These words spake his parents, because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had agreed already, that if any man did confess that he was Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue.Newton is a co fonder of calculus ,his writing Principia is considered one of the if not the greatest scientific writing ever .He built the first refractory telescopeHe was in charge of the royal mint making coins amongst other thingsa 2005 survey of scientists in Britain's Royal Society asking who had the greater effect on the history of science, Newton or Albert Einstein. Newton was deemed the more influential.Newton wrote more on Biblical hermeneutics than the natural science he is remembered for today.We all know him from grammar school for the apple falling on his head which led him to the discovery of the laws of gravity.He was a unique genius who sought to glorify God with his life.Here is something he wrote on Peace in the body of Christ Newton ProjectThe Newton Project Logo‘Bringing the works of Isaac Newton to life’Irenicumby Isaac NewtonSource: Keynes Ms. 3, King's College, CambridgeAdditional MetadataSwitch to diplomatic textMore information<1>Irenicum.In matters of religion the first & great Commandment hath always been: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart & with all thy soul & with all thy mind. And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self. On these two hang all the Law & the Prophets. Matth. 22.27. And the Gospel is that Iesus is the Christ. Whoever beleiveth that Iesus is the Christ is born of God, & every one that loveth him that begat, loveth him also that is begotten of him 1 Iohn 5.1.When Christ rose from the dead he appeared to his disciples to prove to them his resurrection, & expounded to them out of Moses & all the Prophets & the Psalms the things concerning himself, vizt how that the Christ ought to suffer & to rise from the dead the third day & to enter into his glory, & that he was the Christ in whom all those things were fulfilled, & that repentance & remission of sins should be preached in his name amongst all nations beginning at Ierusalem. (Luke 24.21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 44, 45, 46, 47.) He told them also that all power was given him in heaven & in earth & that he would send the promise of his father upon them (vizt the Holy Ghost) whereby they should be endued with power from on high & that they should then go & teach all nations what he had taught them & baptize them in the name of the father & of the Son and of the Holy Ghost & that he would be with them & their disciples & the disciples of their disciples always unto the end of the world Matt. 28.18, 19, 20. Luke 24.49, 50. And after these things he ascended up into heaven in their sight, & they were told by an Angel that he should come again in the same manner as they saw him ascend. And all this is the Gospel which Christ sent his disciples to teach all nations & which the first Christians were taught in catechising before baptism & communion,Repentance & remission of sins relate to transgressions against the two first commandments. We are to forsake the Devil, that is, all fals Gods & all manner of idolatry, this being a breach of the first & great commandment. And we are to forsake the flesh & the world, or as the Apostle Iohn expresseth it, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, & the pride of life, that is, unchastity, covetousness pride & ambition; these things being a breach of the second of the two great commandments. And we are to beleive in one God, the father, almighty in dominion, the maker of heaven & earth & of all things therein; & in one Lord Iesus Christ the son of God, who was born of a Virgn, & sacrificed for us on the cross, & the third day rose again from the dead, & ascended into heaven, & sitteth on the right hand of God in a mystical sense, being next unto him in honour & power, & who shall come again to judge the quick & the dead raised again to life, & who sent the Holy Ghost to comfort his disciples & assist them in preaching the Gospel. All this was taught from the beginning of the Gospel in Catechising, that the Catechumen might know before Baptism why & in whose names he was to be washed. vizt in the name of one God the father & of one Lord Iesus Christ &c. And nothing more is now necessary to communion & salvation then what was taught in those days before baptism & admission into communion . ffor every thing necessary to communion must be taught before admission into it.All this the Apostle Paul calls milk for babes & the foundation & first Principles of the doctrine of Christ. And those things which are to be learnt after admission into communion he calls strong meat for men of riper years. For in writing to the Hebrews he saith: When for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; & are become such as have need of milk & not strong meat. For every one that useth milk, is unexercised in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good & evil. Therefore leaving the principles <3> of the doctrine of Christ let us go on unto perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, & of faith towards God, Of the doctrine of Baptisms & of [admission into communion by] laying on of hands [in the name of the father Son & Holy Ghost ] & of the resurrection of the dead & of eternal judgment. Heb. V.12, 13, 14 & VI.1, 2. Here the Apostle under the name of milk for babes comprehends all that was taught before baptism & admission into communion, & under the name of strong meats he comprehends all that was to be learnt afterwards by men of riper years in studying the scriptures or otherwise. And since strong meats are not fit for babes, but are to be given only to men of riper years they were not to be imposed on all men but only to be learnt by such as after admission into communion were able to learn them. And by consequence men were not to damn or excommunicate one another or treat one another as heretiques, or quarrel or reproach one another, or hate or despise or censure one another for not knowing them. Every man after admission into communion was to study the scriptures & especially the Prophesies, & to learn as much as he could out of them, & might endeavour to instruct his neighbour in a friendly manner, but not fall out with him for differing in opinion about any thing which was not imposed before baptism & admission into communion. For enmity & discord in things not necessary to communion tends to schism & is contrary to the rule of charity imposed upon all men in the second of the two great commandments & more especially upon those of the same communion. And with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged. See Rom XIV & XV, & 1 Cor. III. If any thing s{hould} at any time be made necessary to communion which was not so before, it ought thence forward to be taught before admission into communion.And as for the Christian worship, we are authorized in scripture to give glory & honour to God the father because he hath created all things, & to the Lamb of God because he hath redeemed us with his blood & is our Lord, & to direct our prayers to God the father in the name of Christ for what we want & give him thanks for what we receive, & to wish for Grace & peace from God & Christ & the Holy Ghost & baptize in their name, & to receive the Eucharist in memory of Christs death. All this was practised by the first Christians in the Apostles days from the time of their admission into Communion, & is included in the first principles of the doctrine of Christ, & if any man contend for any other sort of worship which he cannot prove to have been practised in the Apostles days, he {illeg} may use it in his Closet without troubling the Churches with his private sentiments.< insertion from p 2 >The first Principles of the Christian religion are founded, not on disputable conclusions or humane sanctions, opinions or conjectures, but on the express words of Christ & his Apostles; & we are to hold fast the form of sound words. It is not enough that a Proposition be true or in the express words of scripture: it must also appear to have been taught from the days of the Apostles in order to baptism & communion. For the Laws of Communion are unchangeable Dan. 7.25.. If an Angel from heaven preach any other Gospel [as necessary to Communion & Salvation] then that which the Apostles preached let him be accursed. Gal. 1.8, 9. And since Christ set on foot the Christian religion by< text from p 3 resumes >And since Christ set on foot the Christian religion by explaining to his Apostles the prophesies in Moses the Prophets & the Psalms concerning himself, & sending them to teach his interpretations to all nations: if any question at any time arise concerning his interpretations, we are to to have recourse to the old Testament, & compare the places interpreted with the interpretations thereof in the new. As for instance in explaining why Iesus is called the a[1] Christ or Messiah, the b[2] Son of Man, the c[3] Son of God, the d[4] Lamb of God, the e[5] Word of God, < insertion from p 2 > the f[6] Lord who sitteth on the right hand of God, < text from p 3 resumes > & the g[7] God who was in the beginning with God & by whom all things were made And by this means the Old Testament will be also better understood.Newton spent a great deal of time studying Gods word and it shows in all his writingsTo read more go to:
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The characteristic of death is decay,that of life is ,growth.The regenerate man,being alive in Christ,will therefore grow.St Paul compared the growth to that of a child from baby hood and milk to maturity and meat.(1 cor 3:1-2,Heb.5:12-14Matt 13:3-9, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;4 And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up:5 Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth:6 And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them:8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.9 Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.KJVAn often painful experience, one which separates us from family and friends ,is their inability to grow,so that it becomes difficult to talk to people we love but have long since outgrown.The conservative ,fearful of the present and the future, looks backward only . The revolutionist is also past bound : his vision is one of destruction for the past and the present and a static unchanging utopia for the future.Neither is capable of growth,and victory then goes to those who destroy the most .Man in the state of grace is more conservative than the political conservatives : he has a surer grasp on the past and the present because he accesses it in terms of the word of God.He is also more radical than the revolutionist because he has a principle of growth in him which requires continual change and progress in terms of the word of God.When men hope for social reform by some means other than the grace of God in the salvation of individual men , they are declaring that evil is in the environment rather than in men.The state of grace reveals itself in a man by a delight in the word of God and a readiness to grow therein , and the ability to endure the hot sun of adversity and grow stronger in the faith .The Word of God that finds "good ground " , or regenerate heart, brings forth fruit:there is growth and production( Matt 13:1-23). Because growth is a characteristic of life , it is a characteristic of a state of grace.Rousas Rusdoony _---Revolt Against Maturity Pgs. 176-177Ps 1:1-31 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.KJVPs 119:1616 I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.KJVJer 6:1010 To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the Lord is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.KJVPs 119:4747 And I will delight myself in thy commandments, which I have loved.KJVPs 119:174-176174 I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord; and thy law is my delight.175 Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee; and let thy judgments help me.176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek thy servant; for I do not forget thy commandments.KJV
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A Nod is as Good as a Wink to a Blind Horse

To make a long story short, I love a good idiom but, make no bones about it, suffering fools is the last straw.An idiom can be defined as a phrase whose meaning cannot be determined by the literal definition of the phrase itself, but refers instead to a figurative meaning that is known only through common use.We once had a Polish housekeeper (she spoke English very well) who looked at me with utter disbelieve when I said, “The dog is having a cow.”These colloquial metaphors allow us to add spice and flavor to our language giving us a unique poetic lingua franca of our culture.Colloquial language is based on casual, familiar spoken phrases that are regional, ethical or culturally-based.Take for instance the words used to describe a carbonated beverage: In the Midwest it is commonly called “pop,” while in the Northeast and West it is referred to as “soda.” But in the South it is “Coke” regardless of brand.Idioms are colloquial metaphors, or as the idiot said, “What’s a meadow for? Cows, of course.”A metaphor is a device used in literature and especially in poetry, where with few words, emotions and associations from one context are associated with objects and entities in a different context. It compares two subjects without using ‘like’ or ‘as.’As in, “Roses are red, violets are purple, sugar is sweet, so is maple surple.” Because there are no words in English that rhyme with purple or orange we are forced to use the kind of silliness that drives a word-maven up the wall.Yet every cloud has a silver lining and every dog has his day, so, we use idioms to sometime express a truth more truthfully.Most of us never know when to bite our tongue but we are more often than not happy to bite off more than we can chew, while putting our foot in our mouths.Sadly, most of our fellow citizens and more than a few politicians will bend over backwards to beat around the bush.Too bad most bad politicians spend their time barking up the wrong tree forcing the good ones back to square one.In his play As You Like It, Shakespeare writes, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances.”The speech compares the world to a stage and life to a play, and catalogues the seven stages of a person’s life, sometimes referred to as the seven ages of man: infant, schoolboy, lover, soldier, justice, pantaloon (old age) and second childhoodThe man in the poem goes through these stages:* Infancy: In this stage he is a baby.* Childhood: It is in this stage that he begins formal education, leaving only momentarily the protective shelter of his home.* The lover: In this stage the boy/man is always rueful due to some reason or other, especially the loss of love. He tries to express feelings through art, sport or other activity.* The soldier: It is in this age that he begins to think less about himself and begins to think more of others. Still he is easily aroused and tends to be hot headed. This is a period where he is constantly working towards making a reputation for himself and gaining recognition, however short-lived it may be, even at the cost of his own life.* The justice: In this stage, he has acquired wisdom through his many life experiences. He has also reached a stage where he has gained prosperity and social status. At this juncture, he becomes very attentive of his looks and begins to enjoy the finer things of life.* Pantaloon: He begins to lose his appeal both physically and mentally. He begins to lose his resolve and assertiveness, and shrinks in stature and personality.* Second Childhood of dependence: Faced with mental dementia and death, he loses his status and he becomes a non-entity. He becomes dependent on others like a child and is in need of constant support before finally dying.However, there are many men and even a few women who never progress through these stages, some have their lives cut short and others more tragically never travel life’s road beyond, childhood, lover or soldier phase. They never know the ropes, lend an ear, let sleeping dogs lie or stop being a loose cannon.They are chickens with their heads cut off never realizing that pride goes before a fall.From the new kid on the block to the old salt, these fools get off on the wrong foot in a New York minute. Never playing with a full deck, they let the cat out of the bag and never accept blame by constantly passing the buck.Of course, I can always smell a rat and will beat any offender like a rented mule.So, for now, I will turn a blind eyes to their silliness, keep writing until the cows come home, knowing the bigger they are the harder they fall.With tongue firmly in cheek, I bid you a big Fondue or any other malapropism that suits your fancy.
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The Spiritual "Cold Shoulder"

Most of us have experienced it to one degree or another. It could be from a buddy, an old friend or a family member. You talk to them on the phone or see them in the grocery store or chat with them online. The response is cold and short. "See you at the gathering", "Where do you go to church now?", "Who do you fellowship with?", "What are you doing with the Word?", "I don't read anything on the Internet", "Where is THAT in the Word!?" are some of the signs of a freeze coming on fast. It hurts. Especially when coming from a friend or family member. You feel rejected. What have you done to desereve this treatment? In the pre-Internet era it was harder. I respect some of you who went through this back then. Some found themselves suddenly alone and isolated. They lost all contact with their friends, their lifestyle, their fellowship and in extreme cases their spouse or children. It was tough. It was hard to live through. Most learned a lot about themselves and ultimately became stronger and better as a result. Others took years to cope. Some still do. It hurt. Religion can be cruel when misused. This behavior is nothing new. It has been going on for thousands of years look no further than our own home grown religions in America for for examples. Still, it hurts when you are the recipient of the spiritual cold shoulder. What would Jesus do? I am not sure but I have a feeling he would hug you and welcome you to sit down with him for a while. He would show special interest in you and your family. He would say "See you later, bro!" "Facebook me, man," And when you walked away you would feel warm. You would in fact see him later. He and you would both make sure of it. Isn't that the way we want to treat our brothers and sisters and our fellow man? It's about forgiveness, understanding and letting go. It's about humanity. Enjoy one of my favorite skits which puts this kind of behavior in comedy perspective. The next time someone gives you the spiritual cold shoulder just close your eyes and think of Dana Carvey and laugh.
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Inviting all Singles

Hi fellow Corps Brothers and SistersIf you are Single, please join the Single Way Corps group on this site. As many make plans to attend the Reunion Cruise us singles can make our plans togehter to share rooms and have some of our own fun. And remember a commitment to attend the reunion is simply adding your name to the list, even better, sending a fully-refundable $50 deposit. Go for it! For the you want to put a dot on your nametag? LOL.Carleen
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New Music to SingI want to let you all know about my new album of twelve hymns and songs. The album is entitled, “My Cup Runneth Over.” It is a collection of twelve new hymns that were written to uplift and inspire God’s people. It includes all voices for a four-part harmony, piano notation and guitar chords, and a large separate lyrics page for each song. An instructional CD is also included to help you learn the songs. The price is $12.95 and $2.50 for shipping, which totals $15.45You can order it at my website here: www.johnstonpublications.comThanks for considering it.God bless you,Charlie Johnson
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Some Thoughts on Independence Day

Each year we celebrate the 4th of July as the United States Independence Day. It is the Federal holiday commemorating our independence from Great Britain.Today, it would be difficult to imagine the courage and conviction of the supporters of this resolution.The declaration was a logical and intellectual refutation of the long-held belief that one man's right to rule over other men was divinely conferred. This was an affront to centuries of dictatorial rule and the opening for a government based on individual liberty and lawful representation. All the signers of the declaration were men of means, education and position, so, this was not an uprising of radicals but a planned revolution by the ruling elite. Yet, their purpose and plan for government was to give power to individuals via natural rights, rather than the divine rights of kings.The Founding Fathers risked, their lives and liberty rather than bow to Gilgamesh.By attaching their signatures to the Declaration of Independence, these men in effect, were signing their potential death warrants.The last line of our Declaration reads, "For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."When the signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives, fortune and sacred honor it was not just a symbolic gesture, it was literal.After the signing, Benjamin Franklin famously said, "We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."In her book Affairs of Honor, author Joanne B. Freeman explains that "honor" was used interchangeably with "reputation" but it meant "reputation with a moral dimension and an "elite cast." It was, also understood as, "the core of a man's identity, his sense of self, and his manhood."Sadly, there seems to be no equivalent words for "sacred honor," in use among today's politicians.Rather than relying on a code of "sacred honor," most of today's politicians' employ a more Machiavellian approach to governing. A stratagem that might be summed up by the"whatever it takes" refrain of the street.This, of course, leaves little but the rotting corpses of individual liberty and lawful representation.Lord Acton's April 1877 dictum that "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is seen daily in the halls of power and the headlines of the news.Lord Acton had a great interest in the United States and considered our Federal structure the perfect guarantor of individual liberties.A close observer of the American Civil War, his sympathies lay entirely with the Confederacy. He felt that the South was justified in their defense of States' Rights against a centralized government. Acton believed that all historical precedent pointed to a centralized government that would inevitably turn tyrannical.Not to put too fine a point on Acton's thoughts, it would seem that in today's political realm the only power readily available to the average citizen is to be found on the city or county level. In local politics one can attend meetings, talk with representatives and be face-to-face with those who make the decisions. This, however, takes a commitment on the part of the individual. But is this not a small price to pay to insure at least some of our liberties? Citizens must be informed and involved or else be content to be ruled like a dumb beast driven and contained by the whip and gate. Surely, we all have a few hours a month to insure that this independence, so dearly purchased, is not squandered by ignorance and complacency.Thomas Jefferson wrote, "I know no safe depositary of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power."Your thoughts?
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The Mystery In Motion,
Will I Go To Hell For This?

My favorite time in the Tenth Corps was during our first year in residence at the end of the year. As you remember, we’d all been preparing for the 8th Corps Corps weddings, and Steve Lowder and the Maintenance crew had been pumping the mud and swan crap out of the pond for like a whole week. But then, when the pumps got most of it out but there was still serious amounts of muck with about ten inches of water on top of it, we, as the “Mystery In Motion” were called upon to do the mud bucket “hand over hand” thing to get the rest of the water, muck, pond scum, and Aquilla and Priscilla crap out of there. I remember that the guys did the hand over hand thing with the buckets full, sending the buckets to the back forty behind Uncle Harry, and the gals handed the empty buckets hand over hand back to the pond. No doubt, Phyllis Solomon, Mary Dougherty, Cheri Hall, and the other tough gals in the Tenth Corps made sure to get in line with the boys with the full buckets. But everybody, it seems, did their time in the pond, slopping mud on their backs to prevent the sun, etc. I remember a few guys and gals writing “I Love God” on their backs after the mud was slathered on, and after it was washed off later in the day, the same words stood out in “sun burned pink” on their backs. I remember that it was insufferably hot, and we all worked very hard, with guys throwing crawdads, baby catfish, and baby bass at the girls, and all was lots of fun.

And then I remember at one point in the afternoon, Britt Lynn and then Phil Bonadies (those guys were like two peas in a pod), decided to change the afternoon for the better. I was working on the northern edge of the pond about half the distance from the rope swing. I remember hearing a big “who hoo!” from someone, and looking up just in time to see Britt Lynn flying through the air off the rope swing and landing in a belly flop right smack dab in the mud! And then, Phil Bonadies followed suit, and the “order of the day” quickly began to unravel! I remember Britt (at least I think it was him-coulda been somebody else) going up to Linda MacDuffy and dumping two whole handfulls of mud straight down the top of her bib overalls! Which in turn caused her to start grabbing mud and flangin it at anybody within reach! And all hell just flat out broke loose!!

Now, I remember standing on the sidelines there thinking; “Man, I don’t want to get all muddy like that. I’m just going to watch”. But then I remembered the scene in the movie “McClintock” with John Wayne where there was a huge mud fight, and I decided right then and there that I was going to jump in with both feet. And so I did. I remember throwing people in to the middle where there was still water and slop, and I particularly remember grabbing Bob Kriebel from the sidelines (he’d been cheering on the fight but staying safely “away”), and dragging him in and throwing him in the muck. And I too was thrown down a time or two, and it was great.

But then, I looked to the edge of the pond on the circle drive side and saw our own Reverend Richard Thomas standing up in the much dryer mud at the edge of the pond and throwing people in with great vigor and gusto. When I saw that, I noticed that Jay Wilson had also seen what I’d seen. So I went over to him, and we conspired to tackle Richard and give him a taste of his own medicine. We retreated way back even to downstairs doors of the “garden level” of the Wierwille Library and consulted with each other. Both of us were convinced that “Richard T” had to go down. But we were also seriously worried about tackling a “Reverend” who also happened to be our Corps Coordinator. But we came to the conclusion that; “If he could dish it out”, he shouldn’t have a problem “getting it back”. And so, Jay made up the plan. He’d played football, I had not, although I could have I think. But Jay says; “Okay Kevin we’ll run at him from behind. You hit him high, and I’ll hit him low around his legs and into the slop he goes”. And so, with a little worry on our faces, we commenced. With great alacrity of mind (great alacrity of mind?-I just like that term, although it isn’t really fitting here), we ran at him as he was yelling and jeering at people that were getting all mucked up. He seemed to be enjoying his “immunity” as well as his physical ability to throw people into the sludge! It was wrong man, just plain, wrong, and we were going to fix that...

He never knew what hit him. I flew through the air at the same time Jay did and I wrapped my arms around his arms and chest just as Jay wrapped his big ol arms around Richard T’s legs. Our momentum was serious and we drove him straight into the pond! Richard was face down in the muck as I rode on top of Richard’s back. We drove him, rode him, straight into the water, the muck, the crawdads, and the swan shit! It was beautiful man!!

And when we came to a halt, Jay and I looked at each other and grinned from ear to ear. But, just then, Richard started cussing and saying “motherfuckers” and all kinds of bad shit and stood up and wiped the mud from his eyes which showed his rage. And I was thinking; “Oh shit! I am goin to Hell after all! I just tackled The Lord’s Annointed! The wrath of God be upon me!” He looked right at me and lunged. I tried to sprint in the mud with my legs going like Fred Flintstone trying to make his car go fast, and finally started to make way and get away from Richard. But man, he was pissed! He was not going to let me get away! I made it about fifteen feet before he tackled me and slammed me face down into the water, the muck, the crawdads, and the swan shit. He had the back of my head by the hair and repeatedly slammed my face into the slop, over and over and over while he cussed me out. Then he let me go and got up.

Wiping the mud from my eyes, I could see Jay Wilson standing there in disbelief with his jaw dropped and all that mud all over him. And Richard went after Jay. And it was the same story. And Jay started trying to run in that mud with his feet slipping and flyin but really getting nowhere. (polysyndeton) Yet, Richard seemed to get traction just fine! Within seconds, Richard T had Jay by the back of his head by the hair and was systematically slamming his head in to the, you guessed it, the water, the muck, the crawdads, and the swan shit. Richard muttered something and walked back to the rim of the pond…

I don’t think Jay and I talked to each other just then, but rather, just went our way, wondering if we’d done something “wrong” by “tackling a man of God” like that. At least that was what I was thinking. I did get back into that mud fight, and thought of it as one of the best times I was to have had when I was in The Way Corps. And it was. Man youz guys, we had some fine times, didn’t we? Dammit all, it was brilliant, that mud fight! I think Britt Lynn and Phil Bonadies were walking by the spirit that day!

I also remember a few years later, once I was on more of a “peer level” with Richard T, asking him if he thought we “were out of line spiritually” for doing that, or, if he was just pissed off. And he told me flat out that he was simply pissed off and wanted to pay us back plain and simple. So, Jay and I had made the right decision after all. We nailed your ass Richard! Hah!!
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Father God, Godly Father

Father God ~ Godly fatherI was just thinking that on this Father's Day not everyone has a father to honor. Some have fathers who are difficult to honor. Perhaps you did not have the joy of growing up with or being loved and cared for by a Godly father. No matter your situation, as a child of God you can honor Him on this Father's Day.God embodies all the qualities of a strong, loving, tender father. He is worthy of our honor. He loves us unconditionally, no matter how we are thinking or behaving on a particular day. He does not mete out punishment for our wrongdoings, and always has a shoulder available to cry on when we reap the consequences of our wrong decisions.He rejoices at our successes, weeps with us over our losses, and loves us despite our failings. He looks upon our hearts with thankfulness for the purity that lies therein. He knows our frame, understands our struggles, and does not judge us by our weaknesses. He looks upon our hearts and what He sees there is the perfection of His creation in us, His incorruptible seed, the Christ in us. He looks forward to spending eternity with us ~ His precious planned for, long anticipated children ~ enjoying the continual feast He's prepared. But He rejoices each day we live upon this earth and love Him, doing our best to be our best for Him and for those we love.If you are doing your best to be a Godly father today, I thank Him for you. Love your family with all your might. Do not expect perfection from them any more than they expect it of you. Be kind, be strong, speak the truth of God's Word and cherish each moment you have loved ones to hold near and dear. Love your family despite their failings, and do your best to always be there with a comforting, nonjudgmental shoulder to cry on when necessary. Above all, love yourself as God loves you and rejoice in this gift of life you've been given.God bless you.
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This is Not a Hallmark Moment

Here in the United States we celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June. Father’s Days are not an American invention and are observed in 52 countries around the world.It was not recognized as an official US holiday until in 1972 President Richard Nixon signed it into law.Father’s Day has always run as a distant second to Mother’s Day and was, in the beginning, thought to be a bit of a joke. Some felt it was a commercial stunt designed to fill up the calendar with useless holidays in order to sell greeting cards.The first modern Father’s Day celebration was held on July 5, 1908, in Fairmont, West Virginia.For those grammarians who often find pleasure in pointing out spelling and other errors, the acceptable spelling is “Father’s Day.”Although the name of the event is usually understood as a plural possessive (i.e. “day belonging to fathers”), which would under normal English punctuation guidelines be spelled “Fathers’ Day,” the most common spelling is “Father’s Day,” as if it were a singular possessive (i.e. “day belonging to Father”).For the most part, I do not subscribe to the notion of setting aside specific days to celebrate an event such as Valentine’s Day. It has always seem to me that a good spouse should remember to do something special on more than one day a year or else soon they will be celebrating, “Divorce Day.”Sometimes I feel, holidays are nothing more than “Hallmark Holidays,” which are manufactured for commercial reasons. These include Grandparents’ Day, Sweetheart Day, and Administrative Professionals’ Day (formerly Secretary’s Day).Hallmark Holidays are nothing more than the manipulation of human emotions for financial gain.As the years have passed, I have grown much more sentimental and have had my “Hallmark Moments.” A thought, a smell, the look in my wife’s eye can make me cry as easily as smile. It seems, as we get older we appreciate things more, or at least we know what we have lost and what we miss.My dad has been dead now for a few years and there is little on this earth that would give me more pleasure than to spend the day with him. I view my dad as a great man, he was smart, charming, funny and most of all he loved me.When I was a kid my dad built me the best go-cart on the block and he never missed a chance to play catch with me, my dad and I were together a lot. In many ways, he was typical of what a dad should be and that is not to be underestimated.My dad also was a wonderful storyteller and I cannot calculate the many hours I would sit and listen to the fanciful yarns he could spin. Many of these stories I can still hear in my mind today. Perhaps this is why I became a writer.Each day, when my dad came home from work, the first thing he wanted to know was, “What did you learn today?” This continued to be a question he would ask me until he died. He was a curious man of many interests.I spent the last five years of his life being with him everyday, he needed my care and attention and it was little to repay the man who had given me so much.I lost some valuable time in those five years but I gained more in love and understanding than I can express in a few words. To know a loving father as a child is a gift of rare value. To really know your father as an adult and to feel the love grow is priceless.Toward the end of my dad’s life he would sit in his favorite chair and nap. Sometimes he would reach down and feel around the bottom of the chair for something. One day I asked him what he was looking for. He said, “I was trying to pick up Billy, he was right here next to my leg and I wanted to hold him for a while.”Often, we hear people speak about how the US Constitution has its foundation in the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament, what a different world we would live in if that were true.“Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you,” is a commandment and the only one that gives a specific reward to the keeper.However, I know of no US laws that requires that this be followed even though the world would be a better place if we did. It is also interesting to note that the verse does not say, “Honor your father and your mother, if they have been nice to you.” Sometimes what is not written can be as powerful as what is. So I will leave that as food for thought.As for me, I will not celebrate Father’s Day this year; I will not buy soap-on-a-rope, Old Spice or a goofy tie. I will most likely never celebrate “Groundhog Day” or “Give Your Pet Lizard a Bone Day,” or any other Hallmark Holiday.But I will be thankful for having a wonderful father who was my protector, provider and friend.If your father is alive spend some time with him on Father’s Day or any day you can. Even if he was not the best of dads, he is your dad. If he has passed on like mine, remember him with fondness and like Wordsworth think of, “Father!—to God himself we cannot give a holier name.”
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For Sale/Give Away???

I dont know if anyone has any interest, but I would like to know if there is a need for a FOR SALE or FREE STUFF on here. I am cleaning house and have a WAY CORPS medium sweatshirt if any one is interested in it for "old times sake". I will give it away if interested party will pay s/ this something of interest to anyone? A FOR SALE site????
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A Birthday Blog from Dr. J

I am rejoicing with an overwhelming sense of gratitude to God for another year of life. To say that I have been blessed, not just this past year, but over the past 67 years, is quite the understatement. How grateful I am for all that God has done for me. At such a time as this I recall the refrain to a hymn that speaks of the Love of God. These words mean so much to me:Could we with ink the ocean fill,And were the skies of parchment made,Were every stalk on earth a quill,And every man a scribe by trade,To write the love of God above,Would drain the ocean dry.Nor could the scroll contain the whole,Though stretched from sky to sky.To know the love of Christ which passes knowledge . . . such knowledge is too wonderful for me . . . it is high. I cannot attain unto it. Yet I can and do experientially know that God loves me, and that is more than I can bear at times. Nonetheless, I am truly grateful for all that He has done for me.For the past several years, I have composed a poem on my birthday, generally a reflective piece written in celebration of God’s goodness over the past year. From time to time, I think of the words of Saint Augustine: “To contemplate the truth and to share the fruits of that contemplation.” Here are some of my thoughts on this very special occasion:Accounting RecordsAn Apostolic Sonnet composedin celebration of my 67th BirthdayJune 17, 2009“Yes, the old account was settled long ago.”Traditional Gospel Song“. . . for your account in heaven is paid in full.”Dennis Cramer to Lonnell E. JohnsonAnd [so] the Scripture was fulfilled that says, Abraham believed in(adhered to, trusted in, and relied on) God, and thiswas accounted to him as righteousness (as conformity to God's will in thought and deed), and he was called God's friend.James 2:23 [Amplified Bible]As I once more compute the sum of all my days,Lengthen my life and strengthen my heart evermore.Assess my value and consider all my ways,As you add yet another measure of favor.Remove any trace that displeases or offends.Readjust my life and balance my equationAnd calculate the full return of your dividends:Record the total worth of Kingdom Salvation.That You are more than gracious cannot be denied:Far beyond the price anyone can estimate,All-sufficient grace, not added but multiplied.Each effort to serve You will more than compensate.You supplement to adjust the final amountAnd with joy reconcile each heavenly account.Thanks for celebrating God’s goodness with me.Lonnell
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Important Health Information- Water or Coke?When you are thirsty which beverage will you choose Water or Coke?This information about water is so important I have to share it with you.WATER#1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.(Likely applies to half the world population)#2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weakthat it is mistaken for hunger.#3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as 3%.#4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangsfor almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University ofWashington study.#5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.#6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses ofwater a day could significantly ease back and joint painfor up to 80% of sufferers.#7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-termmemory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing onthe computer screen or on a printed page.#8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk ofcolon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breastcancer by 79%., and one is 50% less likely to developbladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of wateryou should drink every day?Coke#1. In many states the highway patrol carriestwo gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood fromthe highway after a car accident.#2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Cokeand it will be gone in two days.#3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into thetoilet bowl and let the ‘real thing’ sit for one hour,then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removesstains from vitreous china.#4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers:Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of ReynoldsWrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.#5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Poura can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubbleaway the corrosion.#6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Colato the rusted bolt for several minutes.#7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola intothe baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake.Thirty minutes before ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mixwith the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.#8… To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Cokeinto the load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and runthrough a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosengrease stains. It will also clean road haze from yourwindshield.FOR YOUR INFORMATION:#1 the active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid.It will dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoricacid also leaches calcium from bones and is a majorcontributor to the rising increase of osteoporosis.#2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup! (the concentrate) thecommercial trucks must use a hazardous Material placecards reserved for highly corrosive materials.#3. The distributors of Coke have been using it to cleanengines of the trucks for about 20 years!Now the question is, would you like a glass of water?or Coke?
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Cat's in the Cradle

First of all, I should say, that I'm not really a cat person...I neither love cats nor detest them; they touch my being about as much as Dutch food does...Somehow, through no fault of my own and via circumstances I have never been able to recollect, I became the owner of a jet black cat that was dubbed "Sketchy" before her ever having set foot in my house...It seems that a couple of years ago, while minding my own business, I somehow ended up, either through one of the kids moving away, or a nephew or maybe some humane neighbor, with a litter box, a cat water bowl and food dish, a bag of Meow Mix and some verbal instructions on how to care for Sketchy, and of course,... Sketchy...Sketchy and I get along rather well, really...Sometimes we play little games or have little contests, like who can ignore the other the longest...Usually, I win, and when she's had enough of being ignored, she'll jump onto my lap, or on top of the computer keyboard or the newspaper and purr around for awhile---demanding my full attention...I'll accomodate her for awhile, until she starts rubbing her nose somewhere on me...I don't know why she has such a wet nose, and it's probably just some harmless cat juice on the end of it, but it still feels like snot to me and I really don't care to have it anywhere on my skin...So, I'll shoo her away, she'll turn and look at me like if she could, she'd give me the finger,and we'll both go back to whatever it was we were doing, which included ignoring eachother...Sunday night, while I was relaxing with the newspaper crossword in my lap and the baseball game of the week on the telly, there was a knock on the front door...I opened the door to a clean-cut looking young man who said he just wanted to let me know that his wife was in my garage rescuing her cat that ran away the day before...I said 'fine' and went to the garage to help out...When I got there, the wife was trying to crawl under my car and he asked me if I would close the garage door so her cat wouldn't get away...When I went over and pressed the button, the door went down about a foot, then stopped, and the wife yelled "she's getting away!", and flash!, I saw Sketchy go darting past her...I cleared my throat and said something like " umm, I ahh, like, err, I, I think that's MY cat"...The wife, nearing tears, gave me a look that said 'You don't own a cat! You probably steal all your neighbor's cats and feed them to your pet boa constrictor!'....Then she said, "I know that's my cat...I've had her for 11 years,...since I was little...She has seizures!...She's an epileptic...So now what?...Two minutes ago, life was good, baseball was on the tube and I was solving one of life's great mysteries, or at least the Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle, and now here I am facing this near hysterical young woman who wants to take my cat away from me...Do I now play King Soloman, and propose that we cut Sketchy in half so we both can have her?..I thought it best that she clear up any doubt whether Sketchy was in fact her cat or not...I pointed out Sketchy's crooked tail, which was broken when she was a kitten after somebody shut the door on it...That didn't convince the young woman...She looked at sketchy's ears and her belly and said " I know that's my cat"...Now, I'm feeling pretty dumb because I don't even know my own cat...But then again, who really studies all the features of their cat, and can describe them---especially a black cat?...I made a joking reference to the 'Meet the Parents" movie and Ben Stiller painting Robert DiNiro's cat...The woman decided to call her mother, who lived down the street and whose house her cat ran away from, to help her identify her cat...Then I start thinking, wait a minute---this girl is pretty dumb---after printing 'lost cat' flyers and having a cat for 11 years she still thinks the wrong cat is her cat?...Shortly, mom and dad pull up, confer with daughter and son-in-law while I'm standing at my front door wondering how I went from enjoying a carefree baseball game to feeling so defensive...Meantime, Sketchy is now relaxing on my living room floor like she owns the place, and since mom seems the most knowledgeable about the lost cat, I invite her in to examine Sketchy to clarify if in fact, my cat is the one that ran away from her house...The mother looked at Sketchy for less than a minute and determined that her daughter's cat was much bigger---but the resemblance was remarkable...Of course, I'm thinking all cats look alike, but I imagine Sketchy probably also gave the mother a look that said "I'm not going anywhere with you people----I'm staying right here"...They got back in their cars and left, apologizing for inconveniencing me and thanking me for my cooperation....I almost apologized to the young woman for owning a black cat and falsely getting her hopes up...And now Sketchy is getting bored with ignoring me and me ignoring her while I write this boring story, and is wanting attention, so here she is hopping up on my keyboard in front of my computer screen,blocking my view and ......jkfuiowyrw74h474gr647eh39d^^&F*7789*&taq2367F5r590()jhUI(9*)((*(*&G*^ff788p7p.....Meeeeoooowwww
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