Blog or Article?

Blogs often focus on personal opinion, experiences, views, anecdotes or advice. Blogs tend to have a relaxed and conversational feel, such as in storytelling and are generally 300-500 words.

Articles aim to deliver well-researched, informative content with solid evidence to back up the points made.  Articles are usually more formal, organized and frequently range 500-1000 words.

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A Silly But Serious Question

Dear Way Corps & Fellow Saints,Yesterday I received an interesting question from a friend of mine. She and her husband deal in vintage posters, the very rare and high-end stuff. I thought I would share the question and my answer. It has a lot to do with our culture and how we rush to judgment in labeling people, places and things. I have learned that we often get it wrong, very wrong, even dead wrong.I also remind myself of what Dr. Wierwille always said, “Just because it’s labeled pickles on the outside doesn’t mean its pickles on the inside.” Now, understand that in my writing this response I know that Amy's husband will read it too. He is Jewish and she is a Christian. Spiritually they are unevenly yoked, and they know it, but they really do care about the world and our futures.The title of the email was “A Silly But Serious Question.” Here is part of it:Hi Steve,It was so good seeing you this weekend. Here is my silly but serious question (Please Don't Laugh). If Evangelicals or the Christians that are Rapture-Ready believe that the end is here, and are warning that Barack Obama is the antichrist, and that we need to fight him, than why would they oppose his candidacy? Wouldn't they want to endorse him so that Jesus will return?I know that this is probably just a fundamental misunderstanding of the Bible on my part, but I keep hearing about Obama the antichrist, the messiah, etc… Thanks for indulging me.AmySo how do you respond to that? I have talked the Word with them as well as politics, religion, popular culture, the arts and personal stuff. Although we deal professionally, they are my friends and they know where I stand. They know that I believe the scriptures are my only reference for truth outside of myself. What I found interesting about the question is they did not label me among the “Rapture-Ready-Evangelicals.” I liked that. I never liked being lumped with Jesus Freaks, Catholics or Protestants either and I have run from labels ever since I was ejected from The Way. I am a Christian first.If people want to know about my heritage I ask them, “Do you want the myths or the family tree?” Then I say, “I am an American.” If people want to know about my politics I tell them I was born into a Republican family but consider myself a Constitutionalist. That means that I as a citizen have a “contract” with my Government called the Constitution. And I read the Constitution as if it were (for it is not) The Word of God. What does it say line by line and word by word? How do you interpret those words in light of the context or having been used before? What were the cultural implications stapled to those words (we use to call them orientalisms, remember?) and can they be applied today? What is “to” us and what is “for” us? And so on and so forth.So here was my answer:Amy and Charles,Regarding Evangelicals they operate on fear, not love. Beware. The Christian right is just as wacky as any extremist group. Some Muslim extremists use the Koran; Some Christian extremists use the Bible, or more specifically the Book of Revelation. Some Jewish extremists use the Torah. All are forms of Fascism and Fascism says, "I am and therefore you are not.” Well, you know what happens when someone declares, "you are not!" You end up with discrimination, persecution or a holocaust.Communism is really no different. Communism says, "we are but we have no need of you comrade.” They both send you to the same place with different names. Call it Auschwitz or call it the Gulag.Anyway, regarding the Anti-Christ, the Bible says he will not be revealed until he enters into the temple in Jerusalem. That temple is likely not yet built (the second one was destroyed in 70 A.D. by Rome) and it stands to reason that when it is rebuilt no Gentile will have access to the inner sanctum, which is why some speculate that the Anti-Christ will be Jewish, as was the Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Jewish. But then again times change and being politically correct even in Israel, is a big deal. So Gentiles may have access despite the Law of God. Wait/Stop/Pause -- right here on this very point... I am speculating. And I need to stop and tell you that speculation can only be offered as opinion but never as truth. We have to, in all matters, discern between speculation and truth. Truth is limited to us by what God has revealed in the scriptures. In Deuteronomy it says that what God has revealed unto us is for us and our children's children down the line of time. But most Christians can't separate truth from speculation. That is why religion in general is such a mess of poorly digested and regurgitated doctrines.The Bible also says to the Christian living at the end of “man’s day”, fear none of this, for no man knows the times or seasons of the Messiah's second coming in G L O R Y, for the Day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night. It will not be understood until it comes to pass. You see the first coming of Christ was as a man, as the "promised seed" of Genesis 3:16. That is why Israel did not recognize him. The Judeans expected a warrior king like David, to put down the armies of Rome and reclaim David's throne. They did not discern or divide the two aspects of Christ's coming in Isaiah. It says they "wrestled" with this in the scripture; namely Christ's suffering as the son of man and his Glory in his coming as the Son of God. And in between these two events is “now!” That is where we live, in the "now."The other mistake Christians have made is to claim Jesus is God as Jehovah is God. But it can't be, for that is idolatry and the Old and New Testament cannot contradict each other. The term "trinity" does not appear in the Bible. It was not canonized as Christian until 325 A.D by the Council of Ephesus under the watch of the most questionable Emperor Constantine (a soldier, politician and emperor mind you, hardly a Christian first). So for me, I place "Trinity" down there with Christmas, Easter, Santa Claus, Bunnies and Chocolate Eggs. They are all pagan. Christians have confused the unity of God, His Son, His Children, His Creatures and His Creation with the myths of the Romans, Greeks and Hindus, all of which have three gods in one person and one god in three persons. They call this "a (or the) mystery of faith". Well, do you really think one plus one equals three and one? Just how far will that get you in life, much less a check-out line?A son may have the nature and authority of his Father, but that is different than being one and the same. Remember, "unity" not "trinity", and then the Old and New Testaments will fit together like a hand in a glove.And So Obama is not likely to be the Anti-Christ, let alone the Messiah. He is just an American doing his best with what he knows. Like me, God will judge him according to his heart, works and conscience. I hope that helps.”Truly Yours,SteveThat is how I replied. That is how I see it. I don’t want to go into the scripture here and there and teach or debate what I want to communicate. I just spoke the truth as I remembered it and now they can choose whether to believe me, hear me again or mock me (ouch, I hate it when they mock me). Yes, they can choose just like we can choose in November. For me, what is important is whether my contract with the government will be strengthened or weakened. I do not care about labels. That is why God told us to try the spirits. Check out what is really going on behind those masks people wear. That's what discerning of spirits is for. It is for knowing what is going on behind the curtain. So I will choose. Will you choose? And what will you choose... hmmm??? Your vote, your voice really does count. You really are God's best and it really does all add up in the end. We'll see!Respectfully Yours,Steven C. Budlong
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Northwest Missouri State University

A young man from a fellowship in Kansas City is now going to school, as a Freshman, at NWMSU. I drive 40 min. down to this fellowship in KC every Sunday. I teach every other Sunday. Northwest Missouri State University is an hour in the opposite direction from where I go to teach fellowship. I would have no problem driving up to the University on a regular basis to start a fellowship there. But, it would be great if there was one other believer who was a student to make it available to have manifestations. Does anyone know of anyone who is now going to NWMSU?Thanks in advance.Tom Kelso
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Why Blog or... Please Read

Why Blog?Steven C. BudlongSeptember 12, 2008I like this place, this Way Corps site. I really do. My thanks to John Richeson for setting it up. What I like about it is the friendliness of it. I see no backbiting, bitter words, anger or character assassination. The discussions aren’t stupid and nobody is memorializing their pets or favorite celebrities. The noise and static of life sends me here. I feel like I am waking up at The Way International in the early seventies. I call the late sixties to the early seventies, the Golden Age of The Way. It was a time of possibilities. I for one really believed we could move the Word Over the World, did you? Just the joy of saluting old friends makes my day. And I feel safe. I feel like I can stick my neck out. And, I have decided to speak up and begin blogging. Why blog? Well, let’s start with some background. If you don’t know me I will give you a very brief and humbled bio.I was born in 1956, grew up in Harrison, Rye and Larchmont (all in Westchester County, New York). My father was Clarke Budlong and Mother “Bobbie” Budlong. She was Family Corps Five, and fell asleep many years ago. My Dad passed last year. They were a lot of things to me, good and bad. I have two sisters, Gale Budlong and Carrie Hauger. Gale is my older sister. You can find her here. My younger sister, Carrie was married to Rev. Wayne Merrill. They are both godly women. I first came to the Ministry when I was 14, through my sister Gale. I started PFAL with Bruce Mahone in 1970, but "tripped out" because I did not think it would help me spiritually (and those were my exact words!). About that time I began a long fall down the rabbit hole and got into sex, drugs and rock & roll. My family moved to Columbus, Ohio, in 1971, and later that year, thanks to the Winegarners, I was reconnected with The Way. I was a Branch Coordinator in High School and continued my work for the Ministry through my years at Denison University. I studied a lot of things but majored in East European and Soviet Studies & Cinema. It was a double major. Since then I have gone back and forth to Russia and spent a lot of time sojournering in strange places around the globe, usually on somebody else’s nickel. Now what do Soviet Studies and Cinema have in common since the Soviet Union is no more? A lot! I will tell you about “Faith and Lies” later. It is one of my upcoming films.In my senior year of college I married the lovely Terry Moore and we took off on a long strange trip called life. After college I was partially successful at starting a film company with a silly name. I worked a bit too on weapon systems… Minute Man II's and III's and Titan Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. Rough years led to The Way Corps and the Corps was one of the peaks of my life. No regrets there. Lots of learning both good and bad. I came out alive (I have been a thread away from death three times, but those tales come later). Some of you may remember The Teacher film and Rock of Ages ’84. Those were mine, along with a number of other things like Niatross! I knew Dr. Wierwille kind of well. You may ask me if he was “One of a Kind?”, well… as far as human beings go… you decide! I even lived in the Wierwille home for three weeks. He trusted me with his legacy in part, that is the film I mentioned. He let me into his life to a certain degree and he told me and he showed me things about himself that were interesting, admirable and quite disturbing. I don’t need to tell on him because he told on himself. Hmmm, what’s that you say??? Have you not read his Tombstone, “I Wish I Were the Man I Knew to Be.” You know, the great puzzling statement that summed up his life. Doesn’t that say it all… like “I’m leaving with a lot of regrets and I surely hope skeletons don’t come out of the closet and into your face. I hope things stay quiet and hope nobody points out all the bad things I did…”Well, what do you do with that? Just what do you do with that!!! Bite and devour one another... or move on? I will explain to you in small morsels what I have done with that… later, okay? Because I have a responsibility to you, okay? “What responsibility?” you ask. “To speak the truth in love,” I say.So maybe he didn’t tell on himself, he just knew all the boomerangs he threw in life, and at us, were coming back at him and his legacy and his successors. And…. ah ha, yup… now there is a really good topic for all of us… LEGACY. We will get to that one later though. We will talk about OUR legacies. Ouch! Remember, what goes around comes around.So we enter The 12th Way Corps and do HQ, Emporia, Gunnison, LEAD and a dash of Rome City to see Mom. Terry and I are both the spokespeople for our Corps at graduation and we go to Manhattan, and not Manhattan, Kansas, thankfully. I had asked to go to Manhattan or LA. I knew saints in both locations working in the film industry. The ones I knew in Manhattan were working and the ones I knew in LA were talking about working. So we got lucky and went to Manhattan, known also as New York City. What heaven and what hell, yeah, and in the words of Jerry Garcia, “its a long strange trip were on man” because I still can’t seem to get out of Manhattan, even though we now live in Connecticut. We ran a Territory until I refused to pledge allegiance to a man or organization. Then I had the horrors of people coming to me after this terrible play they had been lassoed into which was a knock off of John Travolta’s “Staying Alive,” and saying things like “I feel like I have been deceived.” WOW, what do you do with that? Well, I spoke the truth in love and said “you have been deceived…” and, that is whole other story (and a very serious teaching on the ethics of the use of allegories and fables in media).!So we wrapped up Manhattan, moved to Westchester raised two kids and I go into spiritual bubble wrap. I sense the carnage. I hear the wreckage. I read the obituaries and I mourn the loss of the Ministry… I mourn what “could have been” if we had really behaved like one body with Christ as the head. I don’t blame anybody. I learned to be accountable to myself and clean up my side of the street and I climbed from under the rubble, or so I thought, only to find myself in a vortex of haze. Then there are the stories of my professional life, my personal life, my family life and on and on.So back to the question, “why blog?”Let’s start with now. Now I am a filmmaker, but I am a Christian first. I frequently get told I should do a film on this subject or that subject and I generally respond with "is that so?" And then plow through the drone of the other person’s really bad idea. What I would like to say is "if your idea is so darn good why don't you make the film?" But I am often too kind and put up with the bad storytelling and nod understandingly.See filmmaking is storytelling. If you want to be a filmmaker study art, photography and history and fill up your cache with knowledge of people, places and things. Leave the junk out. Have something to say. Then you can tell other people's stories or you can be really honest and tell your own story or stories. So that’s what I am going to do.I have decided to use this blog to address the household of former friends, acquaintances and true brothers and sisters in the Lord. I am going to stick my neck out and not be afraid. I have a lot to say. You don't have to read, comment or agree. But if you would like to yell at me, yell at me in private first. That is the polite thing to do. Please send all rants, fiery darts and BS to me personally. My email is I will try to respond but I can make no promises. You see my life is a tsunami of things to do, places to go, people to meet and see. And, oh yes, obligations, obligations and obligations. But I know I have to tell you what I have been privileged to see, hear, experience and learn about body, soul and spirit through my life. God has been gracious and merciful to me and I have seen and heard and know things I want to share with you. There, I knew you would understand! I am full and it is time to get it out.What most people will not understand is that when you are true to your subject you must be truer to God. Sometimes I don't like what I uncover and have to ask God whether to reveal it or leave it alone. I will just tell you what I am permitted to tell you, whether it is dictated by God, wisdom or discretion. You decide what to do with the information. Along the way I will share with you what God has taught me because it may help you. It is my nature to teach. It pours out of me and I love it. I have been silent too long. I have been turtled in my shell hoping the noise would die down, but it hasn’t. I want to remind The Way Corps that you, we, us and all of the other saints around us were the best God had for our times. And maybe we still are. Yes, maybe we still are. We still have things to say, fires to light and words to throw. Most of us still believe in the integrity of God’s Word and I for one have not denied my Lord. When he comes again, he is looking for one thing and what is that, do you remember? Not your bank account, professional status, home, cars or kids. He said “When I come again will I find faith in the earth?” Do we slumber or do we awake? You choose. As for me, I am getting out of bed.Your True Friend & Brother in Christ,Steven C. BudlongCopyright 2008, Sojourner Media, LLC
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Tidbits of Truth - 3

Hey all you wonderful people!Think you've got a handle on the HOLY SPIRIT field? Consider this. If you don't pay attention to something as simple as the possessive pronouns used with the word "spirit" in the Bible, you're missing something in a big way. This isn't new research. It's simply paying attention to what you're reading. Take, for instance, I Thessalonians 5:23. If you pay more attention to the number you wrote next to the word "spirit" in your Bible so long ago than you do to the word "your" in the verse that God inspired, you probably think the word "spirit" there refers to the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. Well, let me ask you a few questions about that. Does the term "your...body" in that verse refer to the body of God? Does the term "your...soul" in that verse refer to the soul of God? Now brace yourself. Does the term "your...spirit" in that verse refer to the Spirit of God? Do you get it? The word "spirit" there refers to the spirit of man, not the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God is referred to in Scripture as "His Spirit" (Ephesians 3;16), and the spirit of man as "your spirit," "my spirit," etc. Your spirit is your spirit and His Spirit is His Spirit and soup is soup and apple-butter is apple-butter. Do you really think the Apostle Paul would pray for the Thessalonians that the Spirit of God within them would be preserved blameless? As if God's Spirit could ever be somehow tarnished by our behavior!Oh my God! Do I really mean that man is born with a body, a soul, and the spirit of man? Uh...yes. Is that revelation really so earth-shattering?Now, as you read your Bible, keep in mind what you learned in elementary school and I just reminded you of and apply it when you see the word "spirit." This one simple thing will blow your mind and God will teach you things that will amaze you about the HOLY SPIRIT field, if your heart is still open to learning and you're still spiritually hungry.By the way, if you can write holy spirit with all small letters, then I can write HOLY SPIRIT with all capital letters.The HOLY SPIRIT is the power of God our Father that He uses as He reaches out to touch His creation in some way. It's not a person in itself, nor does God ever relinquish ownership of His Spirit to anyone. It is given as a gift to believers as a help and a trust, but it never ever belongs to you or me. It belongs to God. It was, is and always will be His Spirit. Jesus said the Father would "give" the Spirit to "abide" with us forever, not belong to us forever (John 14;16). We are strengthened with might by His Spirit in our spirit (the inner man). Thus, even in the new birth, the Spirit of God is referred to as "His Spirit," not ours.
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Happy Birthday, Christ Jesus The Lord!

Tomorrow, September 11, is our Lord's birthday. In the minds of men it is the day America was attacked by Islamic Fundamentalists. In my mind it was the day the devil initiated an all out war on the God's Saints. Remember, things that are literal can be figurative but they can also be both.We have forgotten how to read the Word. We have forgotten the importance of figures of speech. We have taken some things so literally that some still watch the heavens for "signs". The truth is that the signs (as signs happen to be) are all around us. The "signs of the times" are playing in the cinema, on your kids computer and on your iPod. Like Joel has said, the old men have been dreaming dreams and here they are... all about us. They shape and wash our culture. But we look past them and say "where did they ever come up with that!" My how we slumber!One of the things we were not taught in The Way Corps, were the keys to understanding biblical prophecy. The keys are not hard. They start with one fundamental truth that can be found in Habakkuk 2:1 - 4. Look it up, for I will not spoon feed you the Word of God. Look it up and you will see that prophecy will not be understood until it comes to pass. At that point it speaks, the literal words are fulfilled. Like water rippling across a pond it may appear to have applications at other points in time, for God's use of time and man's use for time are two different things. In history there are well over sixty noted dates where Christians gathered together to await the Lord's return. The Jehovah's Witnesses got it wrong in 1914, and several subsequent times thereafter. They were making stabs at the date based on man's reasoning. Don't laugh. Some of you have done it too. To understand prophecy you have to look at the "whole" Word of God. How has he spoken, to whom, when and why. Is it addressed to you or for you? And, is the holy spirit your teacher, your true teacher? Does he show you "things to come?" Why you? And what should you do with that information?If I were a cult leader I would pick September 11, 2008 for the return. Why? because it has all of the literal and figurative events wrapped around it and I would relish the idea of being right, like hitting the lotto! I guessed it, I figured it out. I am special and God has spoken to me. Even the math is reasonable, seven years to the day from the initiation of Satan's wrath.Since I am not a cult leader I will remind myself that no man knows the time or the season and that the Day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night. And I will rest my hope in Him, that when he comes to gather together His Body, then it will be time for the Bride, true Israel to come forward. Hey, did you know that there are more Jews in New York City, than in Tel Aviv? Curious, no???Anyway, let us be thankful for the whole Body of Christ, and pray fervently for them day in and day out. Pray for the Saints in India, pray for those that sleep to be awakened and pray that we watch with all diligence and listen, really listen to the promptings of the spirit. Jesus Christ said, you are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you. Wouldn't that be a great birthday gift to him... a little bit of obedience??? Happy Birthday Lord!
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Yeah, started playing violin again, formed a celtic band with some kids. Here's song we managed to record on some decent equipment: I had two stories in The Bohemian Alien first on, 'On Suing the Undertaker in an Election Year' is sort of modeled after Glenn Beck's type of humor. It deals with an undertaker, a presidential candidate, and a beer truck. (pardon the editing) 'Ghosts' is about a group of old, WWII vets who get together and start the next American revolutionI'm going to have one more bragging right real soon. My story, 'Paint it Black' is coming out in Coach's Midnight Diner. Then I can be like, 'Well, lah-di-dah, you have to buy it at Barnes and Noble..' Lol! In the meantime, ha! I could use a part time job! Just one more broke writer...oh well.
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Several years ago I had the privilege of meeting Clarence Jones. I was working on a tribute film for the man who had hired him back in the 1960's for his Wall Street firm. That made Clarence the first African American to become an affiliate member of the New York Stock Exchange.Over an eight year period Clarence had also been the lawyer and speech writer for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. Clarence wrote the first seven paragraphs of the "I Have a Dream" speech. He also shaped the Civil Rights Movement in ways he has never discussed. No more. What he says will surprise you. He argues that as his lawyer and writer and close friend he has the right to answer the question still asked of him every day, "What Would Martin Say?" Clarence also believes that issues must subordinate themselves to principles. King's principles were shaped by The Word, built on the non-violent teachings of Christ, and proven viable in the world by Ghandi.I am working on a film with Clarence. It is important and vital. Please keep it in your prayers. In the meantime, pick up a copy of "What Would Martin Say?" Read it before the elections. It may help you see things about what is going on in our nation.
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Newer The oilMD aromatherapy essential oil product line2) The Sweet Smell of Success:Health and Wealth Book by James "Tad" Geiger MD3) VEMMA: The best Mangosteen Juice drink in the universe4) Dr Geiger's Essential oils and Mangosteen juice Blog5) VERVE: The Insanely Healthy Mangosteen Energy Drink6) Dr Geiger's NERVE 2 VERVE blog7) Dr Geiger's aromatherapy social network: The oilMD Wellness Network.8) Dr Geiger's FORTE DIET BLOG: The Acai Berry diet program from New Vision
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[Author’s note: It is my intent to post little pieces of Biblical research from time to time in the hope that there will be readers who will be blessed by them. These postings may or may not be of any particular doctrinal significance. Some of them will be, but some will not. They will be just nice things to know. Hopefully, all will add to the readers’ knowledge of the Scriptures.]“Be ye reconciled to God” and Other Contradictionsby Ken Brown2 Corinthians 5:20Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. [KJV, as are all other scriptures unless otherwise noted]This is a familiar verse, but have you ever considered the fundamental problem with how the KJV is translated? How could Paul be beseeching those he is addressing to be reconciled to God? 2 Corinthians is addressed to the Church, believers, the born-again ones.2 Corinthians 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, unto the church of God which is at Corinth, with all the saints which are in all Achaia:The context of 2 Corinthians 5:20 shows clearly that reconciliation is a past-tense reality for the believer.2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.Also, compare the following:Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement [reconciliation].Colossians 1: 21 And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciledSo what’s the story? Scratch the italicized “you” in 2 Corinthians 5:20. Paul wasn’t reaching out to the Corinthian believers to be reconciled. He was simply quoting what his declaration was to the world as an ambassador for Christ. Some versions accurately reflect this. Darby and Young’s Literal Translation are both good renderings of 2 Corinthians 5:20.We are ambassadors therefore for Christ, God as it were beseeching by us, we entreat for Christ, Be reconciled to God. [Darby]in behalf of Christ, then, we are ambassadors, as if God were calling through us, we beseech, in behalf of Christ, 'Be ye reconciled to God;' [Young’s Literal Translation]Editors of some other versions, however, seem to have missed the point. Compare the following:We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. [New International Version]Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. [New American Standard (1995)]So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. [New Revised Standard (1989)]So we are the representatives of Christ, as if God was making a request to you through us: we make our request to you, in the name of Christ, be at peace with God. [Bible in Basic English]So we are ambassadors for Christ; it is as though God were urging you through us, and in the name of Christ we appeal to you to be reconciled to God. [New Jerusalem Bible]One has to wonder why the difference. I have no doubt that there were men working on each of these versions who were Greek scholars, intimately familiar with the intricacies of the language. Knowledge of Greek is a fine thing, but it is obviously not a guarantee for truth. It is not the great pinnacle of all requirements for accurate Biblical exegesis. The editors of the versions that missed the point on 2 Corinthians 5:20 were certainly capable of reading other related Scriptures such as the ones quoted above. How could they, therefore, translate this scripture in a manner repugnant to those scriptures? The Greek text could allow for their translations but did not require them.Apparently, when these men read these scriptures, they never changed their thinking accordingly. Otherwise, their translations of 2 Corinthians 5:20 would have immediately sent up a big red flag that said, “Whoa! That can’t be.” Why no red flag? Because the translations offered did not violate their belief system. When people read a scripture and choose to not genuinely believe it from the heart, changing whatever contrary belief they may have previously held, they open the door to violate yet other scriptures. They also close the door to further learning on the subject.If, for example, a person can read 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 and simply set it aside because it doesn’t agree with his previously held belief that the “dead” are already alive in heaven, what chance does he have of accurately interpreting other scriptures on this subject? 1 Thessalonians could not be any more clear that the resurrection of the dead in Christ will occur at some point in the future when he returns to gather the Church. They will meet the Lord at the same time as those who are still alive at that moment. They haven’t already met Him.1 Thessalonians 4:15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.There were plenty of scholars who lived before Dr. Wierwille (and he frankly declared that he was not a scholar), but who never put the Scriptures together as well as he did. Why? What was the difference? Yes, God taught him, but God did not single him out at random. There had to be a reason. Why was it that Dr. Wierwille could read the Scriptures and see the truth that the dead are dead until the resurrection, when thousands of theologians before him couldn’t see the clear scriptures on this topic? Did anyone ever teach this truth between the time of the Apostle Paul and Dr. Wierwille? I suppose someone must have, but are you aware of anyone doing so? This was pretty revolutionary. Imagine what it took on Dr. Wierwille’s part to reject his past teaching and the consensus of the entire so-called Christian world in favor of believing God’s Word on this topic. And what about the holy spirit field and other matters where his understanding of God’s Word was so revolutionary? Why was it that God was able to help him learn these things that had eluded other men for centuries? Could it be simply that God had found a man who was willing to believe and change?Let’s take another example. Ephesians 1 is very clear that God has already MADE us accepted.6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;Here is Young’s Literal Translation of these verses:6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, in which He did make us accepted in the beloved,7 in whom we have the redemption through his blood, the remission of the trespasses, according to the riches of His graceYet, when the editors of the King James Version translated 2 Corinthians 5:9, they had no problem rendering it in a contradictory manner:9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.The Greek word translated “accepted” in Ephesians 1:6 is the verb form of “charis,” grace. Literally, the verse says God “graced” us. He bestowed grace upon us. Translating it as “accepted” was not demanded by the Greek word, but it works in this context, showing what the grace was that was extended to us. The Greek word translated “accepted” in 2 Corinthians 5:9 is “euarestos” which literally means “well pleasing,” as is reflected by Young’s Literal Translation:9 Wherefore also we are ambitious, whether at home or away from home, to be well pleasing to him,OK, so again, what was going through the minds of the King James Version editors that they gave a thumbs-up to translating these two verses in a self-contradictory manner? Did they just not notice? That seems unlikely, but even if so, there was a reason for not noticing, a reason for there being no immediate big red flag. Apparently these two contradictory readings did not violate their belief system. Apparently, when they read in Ephesians 1:6 that “he hath made us accepted” they still held open the possibility that this only applied to us in some sense, and that there could be some other sense in which we must work to be accepted. The problem is that the verse in Ephesians does not say that. It just says He made us accepted. So are we accepted or not?A child in a loving family is always and will always be accepted of his parents. It is not likely, however, that he will always be well pleasing to them. Every child has his incorrigible moments that displease his parents, but no loving parent rejects his kid because of it. There is a difference between being accepted and being well pleasing. We work to be well pleasing, but God made us accepted in the beloved one, in Jesus Christ, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.If a person believes that he can be accepted of God and at the same time not accepted of God, then he will look no further to find the answer to the apparent discrepancy. (Of course there is a word to describe the mental condition that holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time. Secularists call it “insanity.” Theologians call it whatever they have to in order to maintain their belief system.)But what about redemption? Ephesians 1:7 says we HAVE redemption. Are there not other scriptures that say we have not yet been redeemed? No. Ephesians 4:30 does indeed refer to a coming day of redemption.Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.But what is it that gets redeemed at that day? It can’t be you. Ephesians 1:7 says we already have redemption (as does Romans 3:24, 1 Corinthians 1:30 and Colossians 1:14). Romans 8:22 & 23 make it clear that what has yet to be redeemed is your body (and all the rest of “creation”), not you.Romans 8: 22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.Don’t confuse you with your body. Your body is not you. Your body is just where you live. I know it is tempting to look at the pictures on this Way Corps site and think that certain of us have aged significantly since you last saw us. Don’t give in to the temptation. It isn’t true. Our bodies have aged, but our bodies are not us. We haven’t aged a bit.OK, fine for reconciled, accepted, and redeemed, but Ephesians 1:7 also says we have the forgiveness of sins. Isn’t there a sense in which this is true but also a sense in which it is not true? The verse doesn’t say that, does it? It doesn’t say we have forgiveness of sins in one way but not in another. Nor does it say we have been forgiven of some sins but not others. It just says we HAVE the forgiveness of sins. We can believe this or not (trust me, it is better to believe it), but it isn’t sane to think that it is true AND that it is not true. The same truth is given in Ephesians 4:32: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.It does not say you have been forgiven of some things but not others. It just says HATH FORGIVEN you. Compare the following records from Colossians.Colossians 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:2:13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you ALL [emphasis mine] trespasses;3:13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.There is nothing in the seven Church Epistles that in any way comes close to contradicting these verses. Quite the contrary, there are many more verses which corroborate them. We were dead IN our sins but now are dead TO them. That is what the Epistles say. There is not a single verse in all the Church Epistles that so much as alludes to the believer needing to do or say anything to gain God’s forgiveness. The Epistles say we already have it. I can think of two verses outside the Church Epistles that would seem to say otherwise, but there must be (and there is) an answer to the apparent contradiction. Unfortunately, those who are willing to hold two contradictory views at the same time will not even recognize that there is a problem, let alone seek a solution.Avoidance of self-contradiction doesn’t take a scholar, just people who are willing to believe the Scriptures exactly as they are written. Are we already reconciled to God or do we still need to be called unto reconciliation? You can’t have it both ways, as the editors of the King James Version (and others) seemed willing to accept. Have we been made accepted by God or do we still need to do something to become accepted? Both can’t be true. Have we been redeemed or not? Do we have the forgiveness of sins or do we still need to do something to obtain God’s forgiveness? Is the old man dead or do we still have to deal with him? Which is it? It can’t be both. Have we been made the righteousness of God in him (in Jesus Christ) or do we still need to do something to get cleansed of our unrighteousness? Holding both views defies reason. The Trinitarian who believes that Jesus is a man and he is God while acknowledging the truth of the scripture that says God is not a man, has closed himself off from the land of reason and thus from further learning on the subject. Accurate Biblical understanding requires that we not choose a path repugnant to reason.Dr. Wierwille wasn’t the first to be willing to change his mind upon seeing truths in God’s Word, and he isn’t the last. He never claimed to know all of the truth. Will we continue to learn more? It will happen only when we have the courage to go to God’s Word and believe exactly what it says. I have nothing but respect for Dr. Wierwille. I believe his words when he said God spoke to him in an audible voice, and told him He would teach him His Word like it had not been known since the first century if he would teach it to others. Dr. Wierwille answered God’s call, but what about us? Are we exemplifying the same courage he had and the same drive and hunger for the truth?
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Tidbits of Truth - 2

Hey all you wonderful people. It's 7/17/08.Did you know that speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, faith, the working of miracles and gifts of healings are never referred to in the Bible as the manifestations of the spirit? I Corinthians 12 refers to this collection as "the manifestation [singular] of the spirit."Nobody walks with "all nine all the time," but we shouldn't think of this power assortment as being comprised of particular gifts given to individual believers either, to the extent that some miss out on some and others are favored with many!Using the plural "manifestations," in addition to being unbiblical, tends to support the idea that these are many things dished out to some believers, rather than the truth that they are ONE thing distributed to ALL believers.The word in the Greek text for "manifestation" means a shining forth. The shining forth of the spirit is given to every believer.The nine aspects of the manifestation of the spirit are listed in I Corinthians 12 not haphazardly, but in the several categories according to how they profit. "For to one [profit] is given..." etc. Check out the usage of the Greek words allos "another" and heteros "another" in that section in this light and see if you don't see what I saw!The three categories of profit primarily are to yourself, to others, and to God.This truth becomes very enlightening as to the nature of these aspects of "the shining." For instance, discerning of spirits, (not discerning of demons), is primarily intended for the profit ultimately of others, not so I can be inordinately absorbed with noticing evil spirits and identifying them for my own personal satisfaction that I am so spiritually sharp! I John 4:1 tells us to "...not believe every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they are of God." You use spiritual discernment to do that. Discerning of spirits, therefore, has something to do with ending up believing or not believing something (being influenced or not). John was talking about the same thing as Paul. When you become "excersized to discern both good and evil" and are made aware of a spiritual deception of the Devil, you become a watchman responsible to warn others of the ploy that could be potentially harmful to them and you. So, the end result is a blessing to others. Now this discerning may involve becoming aware of the presence of a demon, or it may not. Either way, the deception originated with the Devil, may have come through demons, may end up being transmitted by people, and is disguised so you and others swallow (believe) it. The Devil wants your mind. The mind is what believes things. He's not interested only in sending demons around like kids showing up on your doorstep on Halloween to give you a transient fright. There's always more to it. The "more to it" behind the scenes is what discerning of spirits is all about. Therefore, the discerning is not an end in itself, but if you know that the Bible says it's primarily to profit others, there is with the discerning the sounding of the alarm also. Paul Revere didn't see the two lamps shining in the Old North Church and then go home and go to bed, so satisfied with himself that he got the message. He got on his horse, and the rest is history.Incidentally, the manifestation of the spirit is referred to in Scripture as in the category of "gifts" (I Corinthians 12:31), not particularly as gifts to individuals, but as a part of a larger grouping of gifts to the Body of Christ. So I would suggest you don't go around telling people that these nine are not "gifts" if you want to be taken seriously as someone who knows the Bible. What, did you pay for this ability or earn it?!I have only partially developed one aspect of the manifestation in light of what I Corinthians 12 is telling us, and I haven't gone into research format to expound the particulars, but this is supposed to be a "tidbit of truth."
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Tidbits of Truth

Hey all you wonderful people.Today, 7/2/08, is the anniversary of the vote of the Second Continental Congress to pass Virginia's resolution "...that these united colonies are and of right ought to be free and independent states, that they are absolved of all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is and ought to be totally dissolved...." It was the day in history that we Americans made history. The day the decision was made to be our own country. It was the first time any colony of a nation broke from the parent stem and declared its independence and freedom.This statement was incorporated into the Declaration of Independence, which was passed on July 4, 1776, and signed by John Hancock, the president of Congress, and Charles Thomson, the secretary, on behalf of the Congress. The prepared embossed copy was signed by most of the fifty six signers in August of that year and the last signer put his name on it probably in 1781.Their declaration of freedom was a done deal. Their claiming of that freedom took a fight.Our Lord Jesus Christ told us "...the truth shall make you free" and "...thy [God's] word is truth." Worldly bondage is nothing compared to spiritual bondage.God did not send and give the life of His only begotten Son for an organization. He did it for you and me. The Body of Christ is not an organization, it's an organism - a living body with Christ as the head and us as the members. One of the Devil's slickest methods to turn people away from God is to use religion as a diversion. If you have a bad taste in your mouth about spiritual things because of what men have done, consider instead what God has done.God declared our spiritual freedom for us in Christ. It's a done deal. But if you want to claim that freedom in life it will take a fight. Our Lord said "If you continue in my word, then you are my disciples indeed, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." If you've ever tried to continue in the Word, you know the Devil doesn't make it easy. Don't let him, the world, or the flesh get you down. The Body of Christ needs you and the world needs you to be salt and light.William Penn stated "Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." Similarly, Benjamin Franklin stated "We'll be ruled by God or by God we'll be ruled."Those who have gone before us have won for us our freedom. It's up to us now to keep it. The best way we can do that is to shine as the lights God made us to be and continue to be the salt that preserves. We owe it to our family, our spiritual household and our country.
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God I Miss That Man - Update

"TO GOD BE THE GLORY GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE".It's God who saved us and led us and hopefully still leads us all. God has placed members in the body, Dr. W. was one part of the body. No part is greater.It amazes me that this lesson is not fully absorbed yet. ONE BODY.
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from what i've read poking around here, it seems like most people here have retained at least some of their christian belief system. i'm wondering how many have not. my experience was, once i allowed myself to ask any of the questions i'd been suppressing for all those years, it wasn't long before i found myself pretty much back where i started. in fact, i was amazed at how quickly so much of what i'd been stuffing into my head and heart just fell away.i'm not looking for a fight here. i'm just curious. any other ex-christians out there?
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