
Rock of Ages 1972 - Part 2

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The BEST Rock of Ages ever! *Please note - I do not wish for anyone to embed this video or any of my videos on external sites. Please respect my request for this. If NING allowed disabling of Embed code I would choose that feature. Unfortunately they do not at this time. Therefore I am publicly making this request. If you experience problems with this video please pause it for a few minutes to let the "buffering" get ahead of itself. This is a NING server issue.

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  • I am so happy that you posted this. I was moved to tears as Dr. Wierwille taught the word and I remembered once again the joy in my heart as I heard it for the first time.
    Many years have passed and the influence that man had on the world may never fully be known until Christ returns for His saints. So many miracles, men and women committed to the Lord, new ministries, etc.
    I will always know to whom I am indebted for hearing the Word of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • *Please note - I do not wish for anyone to embed this video or any of my videos on external sites. Please respect my request for this. If NING allowed disabling of Embed code I would choose that feature. Unfortunately they do not at this time. Therefore I am publicly making this request.
  • Wow!

    I was there at ROA 72 and was blessed to tears by this!! It was an honestly great time.

  • Wow, I really enjoyed watching this again; seeing a lot of familiar faces and reminding me of the love and enthusiasm of those early days of the ministry. I went to my first Rock of Ages in 1977. It was at the Sidney, OH fairgrounds. I looked forward to it every year thereafter. It was a great time of renewal in so many ways. Thank you for putting it on this site for all of us to enjoy.
  • It was also great to hear Tim's Dad teach too on the main stage. Rev. Bishop had wise words to speak at that gathering. He is still living and well today, well past 90 years of age. His son, Tim, can be found on this site. Tim was one of the runners in that scene where they were jogging down WIerwille Rd.
  • Ask your brother to take a few minutes to register on here if he would. This is simply a site (tool) for reconnecting and preserving some of our past. Tell him there is no pressure and no negative discussions or doctrinal, etc. I am sure many folks would enjoy saying hi to him. I am not sure if he knows the impact he and all the other memebers of Pressed Down had on our young lives at that unique time. It was a huge and long lasting impact. It was a good thing.
  • What a wonderful blast from the past. I am so blessed to have seen this video. you are so special for doing all that wonderful work. I will share it with my brother Joe, he will really enjoy it. thanks again.
  • Yeah, Kevin. I found it kind of emotional to watch these as well. And I wasn't even there. It was a special time in our lives in my opinion.
  • Wow. Thanks for that John. I gotta tell ya, Shannon and I just watched that ROA 72 vid, and, we got all choked up over it. So amazing that so many of us kids were so excited and committed to making this old world a better place by trying to reach out with God's Word. And, the "may your tribe increase guy": I thought he was Tim Bishop's dad also. Thanks for putting it up...
  • Oh, I gotta contact Ian and get him to take a look. So he used to be a "Doug". Were you there Sara? or Your husband?
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