
6th Corps Emporia 1975 - 1978 - Part 1

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Miscellaneous slideshow pictures of the 6th Corps in Emporia. *Please note - I do not wish for anyone to embed this video or any of my videos on external sites. Please respect my request for this. If NING allowed disabling of Embed code I would choose that feature. Unfortunately they do not at this time. Therefore I am publicly making this request.

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  • *Please note - I do not wish for anyone to embed this video or any of my videos on external sites. Please respect my request for this. If NING allowed disabling of Embed code I would choose that feature. Unfortunately they do not at this time. Therefore I am publicly making this request.
  • From what I hear, the place was a wreck when we bought it, Sarah. The 6th Corps did a lot of the initial work to get it in shape. After a few years, with hundreds of people working on that place daily (work programs) it was immaculate. I was on the paint crew for a while when we were working on Anderson Library. The detail we put into simply painting something was amazing.
  • Gosh! It looks as though a lot of work was done to get Emporia looking as spic-and-span as it did before I got there in 1984! Thanks guys. :-)
  • Just now getting round to watching this, WOW! I know alot of people here, what a great thrill ride. I totally agree with Crae, they sure where good times and all is still good in my heart. When I arrived at Emporia in the 9th corps, I thought what a great looking campus, now I know it was the 6th that helped make it that way. Thanks to all of you and thanks to Tom Plain for the slide show. God Bless...DB
  • John, my friend, I am not judging anyone. I understand why people feel bitter or hurt and I don't judge anyone for it. John, my husband left me because one of our Corps sisters talked him into living with her. I don't judge her or him. It is my strong suit. There are a million weak things in my life but I rarely think evil. I won't say never. I was just saying that I did what it took to keep myself in fellowship and you did what you needed to do and others did what they needed to do. In the long and short we all have Christ in us and when he returns it will be but a grain of sand compaired to the Sahara dessert. You are so wonderful John and I love you and am soooooo thankful that you are doing all the work that it takes to do this site.
  • Crae, I am a person who HAS listened to all the "evil things" that went on. I participated in anti-Way sites for years. It was my home for a while. I could tell you more about TWI1, TWI2, TWI3, VPW, LCM, etc, etc. than you would ever care to know. I am aware of every little detail and have participated in may dicussions and debates about many topics about TWI. I helped expose, spoke out. got mad, got it out of my system and helped many others do so.

    Yet here I am, on this site, focusing on the good. Focusing on the wonderful people that made up our experience while leaving behind all the crap. Trust me, this is not a denial. After hearing it all and leaving no stone unturned my conclusion is....... the experience was awesome on so many levels I do not know where to begin.

    I am not sad. Instead I rejoice at the lives of these great people and what they did (and are doing) for the world. On the ohter hand, I understand fully if others feel sad, hurt, bitter, betrayed or angry. Been there. I do not judge them. I can only speak to my own experiences and the path I have been on.
  • I was really blessed looking at this slide show. It reminded me of a really happy time in my life. I am a peope person. There was nothing more wonderful for me than living in a room with `13 other people that I loved, hearing the word constantly, praying with my brothers and sisters in Christ, working together planting trees, being with so many people who loved God. I think that God must have protected me somehow from seeing what was going on at the campuses because I had no idea. Either that or I am pretty thick for an intelligent woman. It wasn't until I went to Boston that things got sad and unpleasant and I left. I have loved God all of my life and I knew I would love him no matter what. I have avoided listening to the evil things that went on and have continued to dwell on the good things that have happened in my life because of the word that I learned and the love that I was surrounded by. I am thankful for my time in the Corps. I am also very thankful to John for doing this site. My few cents for what they are worth
  • Listening to the songs while watching the slide show really stirred something inside. More than anything, it made me feel sad. I don't think I ever want to see Emporia again; I would just cry.
  • I have lots of mixed emotions watching this.

    It's amazing to remember faces I haven't seen for over 30 years.

    God Bless us every one.


    Hi Mike Kasiak, how you doing?
  • Hey Marcia. Great to see you again. You know I can understand your feelings. I do not like to think we were robbed. My view is....if it wasn't this it might have been something else. Hard to play what if. I felt that way about attending a Catholic seminary for two full years. I thought..."what a waste (robbery) of some of my life." But looking back, I am glad I got to get out of my small town environment and meet people from all over the world at that time and befriend some pretty cool people....even though the experience of the program (in the seminary) was awful.

    I tend to be a "glass half full" kind of guy. But with all due respect to others who do not feel that way. We all have different ways of dealing with our cards. Call us some time. Let's catch up. Maybe see you this summer in Ohio?

    PS - were you in the ROA 1972 video? I thought I remember you telling me you were. If so, comment there too. It looked like fun.
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