
The Way Woods

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  • I saw Mimi's comment above from November 2007:

    We haven't been, nor would we now be, allowed to walk on grounds and see any of these locations."

    I am not so sure that is true anymore. The Way has changed from what I understand. I believe you would certainly be welcome to visit. I believe you would have to call in advance and make arrangement. That is understandable and seems fair. There are children living on grounds and there has to be a sense of security to some degree, not just an open property where people may roam in & out at will. .

    If anyone wants to visit you might call and ask about it. Let us know what you find out. Also I am told that anyone is welcome to go to a Sunday service in the Auditorium, no questions asked. .
  • Hi Randy,
    That was remarkable footage of what we experienced first hand as we prayed for so many things in the ministry. Thanks for sharing that with us.
    Love you, Jim
  • Aww, Janis you can't worry about that. I am not sure what you are saying matters in the greater scheme of things....whether its Believe or Believe God.....most of us knew what we were praying TO GOD for in this place. Your debate is with mere semantics. I would not so hastily say "we" made a mistake. Not me!

    No reason to be saddened. It's ancient history anyway. IMO you are wrong in using the phrase "ended up hurting everyone". It's not so simple. Life itself hurts everyone too at times no matter where you are or what you belong to. This was part of our lives. But I think I understand what you are trying to convey.

    Could have been a lot worse and yet we still had some great times and great experiences with awesome people, many of whom are on this site.
  • Randy,
    Thanks so much. It was so good to see the woods where many decisions were made. It's been many years since seeing it. Bless you.
    Vivian, family 2
  • Hi Randy,
    Thank you so much for sharing these videos. To see the Way woods or the House of His Healing Presence after so many years is amazing. We haven't been, nor would we now be, allowed to walk on grounds and see any of these locations.
    Thanks again.
    Mimi Finnegan
  • From what I have heard from some of my friends, that Campfire area holds special memories of the earlier Corps groups who met there frequently in their small groups way out in the middle of the Ohio cornfields and declared they were taking the Word over the World among other things.

    I love hearing Connor in the background calling you "Daddy." Ha, ha. I bet those kids had a great time out there in the country.
  • Randy, thanks for posting these. You are the only person I know of who has any video footage like this.
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