
Rock of Ages 1972 - Part 1

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The BEST Rock of Ages ever! *Please note - I do not wish for anyone to embed this video or any of my videos on external sites. Please respect my request for this. If NING allowed disabling of Embed code I would choose that feature. Unfortunately they do not at this time. Therefore I am publicly making this request.

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  • Love this video! Rock of Ages 72 was my first Rock and my favorite. Spent from Easter Sunday 1972 until January 11, 1996 in The Way. Thankful for the great Word and great people and I try to set aside the rest.
  • Thank you, John, for your labor of love in bringing this film to The Way Corps Site.  Wow, what precious memories.  The presence of the love of God was so golden and beautiful in those days.  We were so blessed to be a part of it.  And that young bespeckled narrator at the opening of the film--what a handsome dude he was!

  • Well Woodstock was 1969. This was 3 years later. Actually I would like to have been at both of them like Cliff was.smiley-eatdrink004.gif
  • On the anniversary of the Woodstock phenomena and the resurrecting of the memories of the same, I think this video surpasses all that. Give a look at this one again, people! Love and Peace
  • biggrin.gif

    Likewise you old hippie.
  • John...
    Bite me!
    you too Hope!
    Love you
  • We knew it was you, Cliff. You hippie! It looks as if you are driving around the grounds saying "Bite Me!"
    I wish I had that VW van now. What a classic. A scene I love there is a few seconds of Ralph dancing around with Joe Maestri. Everybody was so heppy to see each other!
  • At 2:12 into Part 1 a 1971 White VW Kombi van drives across the screen from right to left. It is being driven by a hairy ape-like creature. hmmm....
  • Howard, I always wondered who that was. You and she look very happy. We used to greet each other back then like we were long lost relatives, lost for decades, Only it was just a year between visits. Too bad we didn't have text and cells back then. What does that say on the back of your shirt?
  • Mike - I wish I would have been there. Furtheremore I wish I had some pictures of this event. If anyone has any please let me know. Look for Part 2 in Videos or on my listing of videos. It's there.
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