
Rock Of Ages 1975

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This was my first ROA. I filmed with with my super 8 movie camera, no sound. And last year digitized and added some music and comments. Hope you enjoy.

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  • God was good. The rain and flies well we remember☔:(

  • Excuse me, yes, I meant Lima. I was on bless patrol with George Hendley pulling cars out of the mud all afternoon. 

  • Went WOW that year. Thought we were in Lima. The weather was rain,rain, rain. Glad I went and WOW.

  • Footage taken by Michael Scherling. I was there. That year was a big muddy mess due to being at stinky Sidney Fairgrounds and it rained almost all the time. It was the following year that the ROA was moved to Headquarters grounds. But that's another story. At the end of this film is some good footage of the Emporia campus. 

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