
Rock of Ages 1984 - Selected Clips

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Steve Budlong gave me this DVD which he produced and directed with the help of others listed in the credits at the end of this film. This is a shortened version. The original was too long for posting on NING. I selected what I felt were the highlights. I added overlays of names of some of the people and performers from back then. **Please note - This video is not to be copied or EMBEDDED into any external sites or reproduced. Please respect my request.

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  •   ROA 84 was my interim year.  I was going to spend it in Bismark, ND as a Twig Area Coordinator.  It was that May in 1985 that Dr. died. Everything began changing until finally, it went to hell in a handbasket when POP was read on the last Corps Night before we (the Graduating Corps) went to  HQ to graduate.  It was like a military funeral all the way through that time.  Every one of us kept our hearts and mouths closed.  Still, rumors filled the air like birds going south for the winter. It was a horrible way to graduate.

  • '84 ROA began my first WOW year. It has special memories for me. There is indeed a lot of water under the bridge, but these were very special times adn I am thankful to have seen this. I can only believe that the biggest and best ROA is yet to come. Truly joy uspeakable! 
  • Thank you John,
    That was some great times. Next best thing to the return. Love you bunches, Judy
  • What a blessing to see the family of God all together and loving each other. You can feel the fellowship and the love of God just from watching the video. What an extrordinary time and event. These are the memories that I hold in my heart and mind as a glimps of just how fantastic the return of Christ is going to be. So many beautiful friends and family all there because of Gods Word. Gee! What a concept, teach the word and fellowship around it. How did it all become do difficult? John, thank you for your labor of love to put this on the site. I guess for now we can all just keep loving each other and speaking Gods word. Maybe today will be our next Rock of Ages. ..Comment
  • WOW! That brought back so many memories. I even got choked up and tears came to my eyes.
    Oh to be in a perfect world. Thanks so very mucho Steve, John and all who helped put this together...DB
  • John - Hindsight is 20/20 - I had the same emotions watching the video. But I kept telling myself - it's the Word, the Word, the Word - doesn't matter who they were, but were they rightly dividing the Word and were they getting results? At the time the video was taken, not 15 years later-
    Some people on this site are still spreading the Word, via churches, other ministries, visits to other countries. I am glad. They are still applying what they have been taught in the Way Corps. The Word does not go out void.
  • I was happy to hear Sarah's take on Henri Mbizi - I wondered where he was and am glad to hear he's doing well.
  • I think seeing the ROA 1984 video stirs bad emotions along with good ones. When watching it I kept sayig to myself "If I only knew then what I knew now". I might have been able to sound some alarms, etc. But no one had a "crystal ball". It all ended. Sometimes I wonder if it wasn't God's will that it did. A better way of sayng it might be that "it all changed". It did not end. It just transformed.
  • Oh yeah - the ministry is now 80% in other countries - only 20% is here in the US, anymore! Africa is big and booming - lots of countries on the SNS Hookup each week!
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