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Blogs often focus on personal opinion, experiences, views, anecdotes or advice. Blogs tend to have a relaxed and conversational feel, such as in storytelling and are generally 300-500 words.

Articles aim to deliver well-researched, informative content with solid evidence to back up the points made.  Articles are usually more formal, organized and frequently range 500-1000 words.

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Dear Way Corps Brothers and Sisters,

To those of you that know me and for the benefit of those that do not know me, I would like to take the time to post a few thoughts after reading many of your profiles.

My background is that I started off my professional career as an electrician. I went into the Way Corps never with the intent to be a leader in the ministry. I saw business principles that were being taught in Way Builders and other departments of the ministry and I thought I could apply them into my future business that I wanted to start.

Anyone that had ever heard me teach God’s word knows that I have a hard time rightly dividing electrons and protons. Many of you will remember that every time I taught the Word, even the dogs and cats would cover their ears.

So let me make it clear, I am not a teacher, prophet, evangelist or anything else, I am a businessman that has been making my own payroll with the help of my wife Dawn since January, 1980. We have never received a paycheck from anyone else and we are very proud of that fact.

On the other hand, I see that many of you still run bible studies, home fellowships, home churches, or a host of other names that we once called twig fellowships. I bet some of you out there might even be pointing fingers at the other saying that their organization is a Cult.

This caused me to reflect that many of you did go into the Way Corps to become teacher, prophet, evangelist, etc... or cult leaders… Come on put a smile on that face, I am just trying to keep this somewhat light.

The writer, John Maxwell said, “That great things are not accomplished when extraordinary people come together. In fact in most cases that is one of the causes of the organization failure. They fail because too may egos get involve. He continued to say, that Great Things are accomplished when Ordinary People come together to accomplish Extraordinary Things”.

Again after reading many of your profiles, I thought that there must be hundreds or even thousands of fellowships running throughout the world that are Rightly Dividing the Word every single day. But are we speaking with one accord? Are we one church? Are we one body? Are we likeminded?

It made me remember that history always repeats itself. I again wondered, which way would many of you answer this question?

  1. Are you living like the first century church in the 1st phase when they spoke with one accord?
  2. Or the 2nd phase when envy and strife took over?

I promise everyone of you that I am not hear to judge because if you look at my life you would say, that I am a sinner and I fall short in every category of the Christian walk.

On the other hand, I was wondering if anyone of you is like me and just wondering???

In business or in any great mission, it takes a leader to set the vision, it takes a leader to make sure the team has the tools and resources necessary to accomplish the mission set before them. A leader must be a problem solver with the wisdom to surround himself with a multitude of wise and ethical council. A good leader does not upset the apple card unless he has a plan to improve his or her operations.

I was wondering how many of you leaders want to get the ship we all started back on the right course? As I remember many of us in our early twenties and thirties we had a lot passion but little experiential knowledge. God, how I love youth… But as I grow older youth without experiential knowledge is what got me in most of my life’s troubles.

Many of you are older and hopefully wiser. Again, just wondering? Can we reflect on history or an event that caused ordinary people to come together to accomplish an extraordinary mission.

I was wondering how the early colonies came together an elected the leaders to represent themselves to build a more perfect Union. WOW, what vision, what leadership in took, how in the world did the facilitator of that egomaniac group get them to stay the course without killing each other? What motivated them?

Again, just wondering is it possible for some of you leaders to find a facilitator that could get this ministry back on track? Or are we doomed to be segment?

Do not interpret my question that I have a desire to go back to the Way International because that is not the trip I was wondering about. Just felt like I needed a little clarification on my part. Nor do I have the time or the capabilities to facilitate this effort.

Hell after thinking about it, it might not be worth the effort? Gosh, who would be the leader in the end? Who would want to give up their titles and responsibilities or it may even come down to paychecks and cash flow. Again, I was just wondering???

Funny, like I said after reading your profiles earlier, their must be hundreds and even thousands of fellowship throughout the world that is rightly dividing the Word but the leadership is segmented. What a sad state of affairs.

Remember, I never wanted to be a leader in any ministry and I know that there are so many of you out there that are truly, Leaders of Leaders.

I wish all of you well. By the way, I have already received my 1st Goddamn you email. So if I pissed you off, please accept my apology and my condolences that you do not see the humor in life. And please do not send anymore of those, it made me cry tears the size of horse turds.

I am just having fun and was wondering. After the GD email, I was wondering why I would give a shit but what the hell it is fun to wonder… I hope all of you still enjoy wondering like I do… I believe it keeps us young.

Enclosing, don’t let the bastard get you down and in a few years after your are dead remember that most will have forgotten your name. So my philosophy, is live life, be fair, clean up your messes, and keep the negatives out of my space. It is my life and I am going to live it to the best of my ability.

I hope you enjoy the journey because we only have one life to live on this world.

Love and kisses,


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Travels II

Well I'm back for part two.
well while I was out to lunch and miserable my wife had been talking to her close friend and telling her of our problems. We were miserable. not talking to each other. I was always tired and miserable from my two Jobs. we had reached the breaking point. two things happened that totally changed our lives.
First; I came into the office one day and my manager asked me if I knew a woman named Linda Scovel, I said I didn't and was asked why she used me as a reference. I went to meet her and find out. As we talked she told me she had also been part of the Way Ministry, You'll find them on this web site. She also told me that she and her husband David held a fellowship at their house. I went home and told my wife and we decided to start going because we really needed help. We began to feel that things were turning around as we spent time with these people. I really believe it a miracle because as I spent time talking with David it was amazing how close our friendship grew in such a short time. It felt like we had known each other all our lives.

The second thing was even more miraculous.
My wife's friend called us one day because she learned that Dale Sides was teaching a class in our area called "Exercising Spiritual Authority" . After she told her fellowship about our problems, they took up an offering and paid her way here to babysit our children for us while we attended. God is so good to us. Well the fun times continue. about a month before the class I injured my eye at work. by the time of the class it had healed. well the day before the class I woke up and opened my eyes and screamed in extreme pain. It appeared that during the night my eye had dried out and the new cornea had stuck to my eyelid. When I opened my eye it ripped out all the new cornea. The pain was so severe that my wife had to lead me around because one eye had to be covered and opening the unhurt eye was just as painful. It was easier to keep them both shut. So for four days I was led around by my wife everywhere. God used this to begin healing our marriage. It gave me the rest I so desperately needed and reminded us why we got married in the first place. we were beginning to talk to each other instead of Yelling at each other. God is always faithful

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in many ways I feel that I'm writing a "what I did on my summer vacation essay". I was at work the other day and thinking about this website. The Lord impressed on me a desire to write here in my blog the tail of my travels after separating from the Way Ministry.
I was given the decision to stay with the ministry or my wife( who had many questions that were not getting answered). Believe it or not this was a tough decision for me since all my adult life was spent as a part of the ministry. After much council from many friends and some other situations(the expectation of our second child) the decision was made that it was time to move on.
This caused no end of pain and hurt in my heart. All my goals and dreams seemed to be over. I was working two jobs, which meant i was working everyday from 4:00am till 7:00-8:00 pm . this went on for seven years and I found I hated the man I'd become.
I now had three children, two sons and a daughter, I had stopped communicating with my wife and we found less and less in common. My children lived in constant fear of the angry man they called their father.
When I wasn't working I either slept, read sci fi books, watched tv, or constantly yelled at everyone who truly loved me. I had packed up everything that remotely reminded me of the ministry in the attack because I hurt so much. I also got extremely drunk at every occasion I could find, which was easy when you befriend the world. To say I was lost is an understatement. I embraced the darkness with vigor because you can't see in the dark. But as much as I tried to forget I couldn't. I longed for the good ol' days, and missed all my friends so much!
well I've got things to do so this is it for now.

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Please pray for me

I'm having physical challenges with my earthly body. I fell last May and that pinched a nerve in my SI joint (sacroiliac, a.k.a. hip) I got an MRI in November and this past Tuesday (Dec 11th) I had a procedure done where the doctor injects an anti-inflammatory medicine by epidural using fluoroscopy (living x-ray). The referred pain is gone but there's still a lot of pain in my hip and buttocks. Could you please pray for the pain to end. I'm not able to sleep very well and the pain wakes me up. Other muscles go into spasm in response to the rest of my body being all out of alignment. I cannot take any of the over the counter anti-inflammatory medicines because they upset my stomach. Please pray for my total physical heath.

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My daughter & "The Used"

I have a teenage daughter at 54. (Help me Jesus and God!!) Rosie is a junior in high school and likes the things most juniors in high school like I suppose. Since she was small I always tried to teach sweet little Rosie to be bold and adventerous. I guess I am reaping what I sow but in a somewhat different manner than I expected.

She's bold alright! Here she is dancing on stage with "The Used" at an all day rock concert she was at last week. Ugh!

Click here to see "sweet little Rosie" who is not so little anymore (but still sweet.)
Roise and friends dancing with "The Used" at Next Big Thing

Click on the imbedded video to see the dancing. She is to the right of the stage.

It was a thrill for her since this is one of her favorite bands and the featured group at the end of the of the whole day. If I were 17 again I would have probably been there too.

But I think I was home asleep in front of the TV. Ha, ha!

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From a study on Grief

Very good insight at TAPS site. Good Site regarding Grief.


Grief is a healthy and natural reaction to a major loss, often characterized by extreme mental anguish. Though grief is important and leads to emotional healing, it can be a prolonged and intensely painful experience,and can result in significant emotional distress. The grief reaction may last for months or years.People who are grieving may never stop missing a deceased person or regretting a loss, but the painwill eventually lessen.

Any major loss can cause a grief reaction, especially the death of a loved one. Miscarriage and stillbirth, though not often recognized as major losses, cancause grief for the parents. A major lifestyle change,such as divorce, loss of a home, loss of a job, or loss of the ability to pursue a career (e.g., a physical injuryending an athletic career), may also result in grief.

Grieving is generally easy to recognize, and symptoms of grief are both physical and emotional. Grieving peopleare often sad and may sigh, sob, cry out or yearn for what was lost. Shock, disbelief and denial are common,especially immediately following the discovery of the loss.People who are grieving may feel angry or guilty. They may tire easily or feel as though they are always tired.Disturbances in appetite and sleep often occur.

Most people who are grieving do not seek or require professional help. When help is needed, an evaluation by a physician or a mental health professional may be used to rule out other conditions. Although grief may progress into major depression in some cases, it should not be confused with this serious mood disorder.

It is not healthy to avoid grief or to deny a major loss for a long period of time. Avoidance of grief may lead to serious physical or emotional problems later in life.

The most important aspect for grieving people is learning to cope with the loss. Individuals who are grieving need to speak with and explain their feelings to others. Most physical complications of grief can be eased by eating properly, exercising and getting plenty of rest.

When professional help is sought, interpersonal therapy (IPT) is among the most commonly used forms of psychotherapy to help people cope with grief. Group therapy can also be helpful.

Original topic: Does anyone have knowledge or practical or experiential input on this topic? Healthy/unhealthy ways to handle it? In what timeframe did you experience acceptance? How about any good references or sources for information on grief ?

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Hi folks: Wow, it's been a long hot spiritual season. I miss all of my 8th Corps family much. I guess I'm supposed to say something fantastic here about what I have been doing. Well, I have a beautiful daughter, Ramona, who married Eric June 23rd. I am also an RN and have received my MBA. Love to travel, which I do in my job. I probably know every nook and crannie and dirt road in WV. My dearest friend, Lynn Perrigo-Pappas came to visit me in August and I was able to take her on a semi-tour of this beautiful state. Dee Ann PS I have been looking for Charlotte Willson for five years. If any of you know where she is, PLEASE let me know.
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The Power of the Gospel to Change Us

Our life in the flesh died with Christ at Calvary. We are no longer indebted to the flesh and the old man. Once we accepted Jesus as the Christ, our Lord and Savior, believing and agreeing with God that Jesus died for our sins and was raised from the dead, we became new creations. This is a wonderful reality. It is really who we are. We are no longer flesh beings imprisoned by the desires of the flesh and mind, but we are really and truly newly created beings, living in the Kingdom of God. Renewing the mind to this reality is what God calls our spiritual service of worship.

Romans 12:1 reads: I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

Take the time to really consider what God is saying here. Spiritual worship is living and walking in the New Covenant that Jesus Christ earned or instituted for us. Spiritual worship is not singing or experiencing a warm, nice emotional feeling. God defines what spiritual worship is for us here in Romans 12:1. Presenting our lives as a living sacrifice to God, being holy and acceptable- which is how we are MADE TO BE through Christ- is how God desires for us to serve and worship him. So, as we live in and accept that we are holy and acceptable through Christ's work (hence, it is ALL through Christ's accomplishments by grace to us), we are being a living sacrifice and this is the spiritual worship God is seeking. We read in verse 2 more on how God desires for us to serve and worship him.

Romans 12:2 reads Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Here we read that by making our minds new with the thoughts from God related to us (New Covenant realities) that we are transformed. We are transformed or changed or altered by God. This verb is in the passive voice which means that we are acted upon. You don't transform or change yourself by your great works or achievements. Scripturally, from these truths, we aren’t supposed to try really hard to be loving or to be good. But instead, we allow God through the power of his gospel (message) to transform or change us into the manifestation of that spiritual man. Compare this with 2 Corinthians 3:18:

And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit. (NRSV)

The word transformed here in 2 Corinthians is the same verb from Romans 12:2 and it has the same implication being in the passive voice; That is, as we continue to look into the perfect law of liberty which is the New Covenant (see 2 Cor. 3:6, James 1:25), and we don't forget what manner of man we are (hence, we are believing who we are in Christ) we are changed by God through the power of the gospel. We are changed into the image of Christ which is our new man, the new creation. This is that “same image” that verse 18 is speaking about. Isn't this awesome? God has made it his business to take away all the glory or boasting from man for any work that man could do. We are acted upon by the truth, which is the power of the gospel, and we are changed. Our glorying is then truly in the Lord and the power of his might.

You may want to consider Romans 1:16 in light of this truth.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

Here we read that the gospel of Christ is the power of God. What is this gospel of Christ? It is the glad tidings or good news (gospel) about what Christ has done. Well, what has he done? He paid for the sins of the whole world by being the Lamb of God, the guilt offering for sin. We are now justified through his work; this is salvation by grace. The Apostle Paul had the privilege of writing down much of the doctrine concerning these accomplishments of Jesus Christ. What we refer to today as the "Church Epistles" reveal these glad tidings. The New Covenant is taught to us through Paul's epistles.

This Good News is what transforms us. It is the power of God unto wholeness. Salvation in Romans 1:16 is wholeness. Does that stop with the new birth or do we continue to manifest more and more wholeness in our lives as we allow the power of the gospel to transform us? Yes! This is what Romans 12:2 and 2 Corinthians 3:18 are telling us. As we continue to look at who we are through our unification or identification with Christ and believe it, we are changed more and more into manifesting the new man.

We don't change ourselves. It is not a work of the flesh but a work done by or through the spirit via the power of the gospel. Doesn't that take a load off? It is not up to you to change yourself. That is not what renewing the mind means. It isn’t a synonym for “works of the flesh.” Instead, the work you do is to simply think the thoughts of who you are in Christ. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ. (Romans 10:17 RSV) This is your part to do, and God does the rest. He changes you into the image of Christ in manifestation in your life. And where is the boasting? Can you boast in yourself because you did such a great job changing yourself? No, our boasting is in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

God has covered us completely and utterly by the love he manifested in sending his only begotten Son into the world to save us from our sins. This is grace. Praise God! Thank God for Jesus Christ!

For more inspiring articles on your New Life in Christ go to The Grace of Christ Ministries web site at

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Hello everyone!!

I just wanted to say hello and to also thank Mike & Lisa Tracy for introducing us to this great site!

I will try to post as many pictures that I have from my time in residence. I beleive I have most of my first years posted. Please enjoy and respond.....I still am one of those photographing fools....cant go anywhere without my camera!

I hope to hear from as many of you possible!!

God blessings!


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Since everyone is going to ask me this question...

Hello, my name is Steve Perez. I was in F9 as Junior Corps. I knew Steve Perez and his family from F7 but I am not him. My mother is Lourdes Cordero, we were from The Bronx then after being in residence we were in Boston. People have been asking me if I am him or related to him for decades. It's OK, I'm used to it!
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Just to say THANX to John Richeson for putting this whole thing together and making this site a place for some happy homecomings for me and many others. I believe it's a "GOD THING" and I'm thankful for it and looking forward to making many more connections with many dear friends from decades ago.Please say HOWDY and leave me a note and I will respond to any and all that are left on my page.With Appreciation for you and looking forward to more connections and reconnections in the months and years to come.GH
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Tampa Florida since 1979

I moved here in 1979 right after I graduated from the 7th Way Corps. Here is a picture of our family from 2007 when we had opportunity to meet Jon Stewart. He's very funny. He is a friend of ours and hangs out with us all the time. In fact I am trying to get him to join the real Way Corps and spend at least a year in residence so he will be qualified to join us on this site. laughing024.gif I'm kidding! Someone believed me. Ha, ha. Actually it was because we clean the windows on that center so they let me go to a "meet and greet". (I am always searching for celebrity autographs or photos. I have a few others such as James Brown.)

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Hello All...

This is almost as cool as it was going to the Rock every year and seeing all the people you loved and missed all year. But only this time I've waited over 20 years. Now everyone has grown up kids...and grandkids....and real jobs in the world! I'm so happy to see your faces and your families and hear your loving words. As you can see by my pictures, I have 2 children, Gina & Jimmy and a wonderful significant other, Bob Burke. I look forward to keeping in touch with you and catching up!!


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Ok, I'll admit it even though I am a guy. My emotions have been stirred seeing and reconnecting with people on this site. I am not sure exactly why and I can not really explain it and do not want to try. There have been a few tears of joy and a few outloud laughs. biggrin.gif

I don't claim to be as religious or bible believeing as I was in my youth. I am not even a church goer at this time. But it appears that whatever "bond" we had in our brief years in The Way Corps affected us more deeply than we may have realized, even some 30 years later, perhaps even for the rest of our lives. I do not think this is a bad thing. But I do believe it would be difficult to set it (our relationships and experiences in The Way Corps) aside and forget about it.

As for me, I just want to enjoy these moments (and emotions) while they last and celebrate the lives of some of the greatest people I have ever met.

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Welcome to my blog! I have posted my quarterly newsletter in the section above for you to enjoy. I email it to everyone I know in hopes of reconnecting believers such as this site. It's design is to allow people to share what their fellowships are doing and/or a short teaching. I did my first article in the last issue. I love to hear from all my old friends and more.
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