
  • Mike:

    I apologize. Yes. Gen. 2:4 is what I was referencing. But, surely you knew that. Was trying to remember where it was off the top of my head.

    Already, I see a mental filter in your use of "relationship" and "canon of scripture."
  • Hi Mike:

    What I am attempting to do here is offer an opportunity for folks to take a walk around the whole "statue" instead of just standing looking at it from one angle.

    KJV (or any English version) is not adequate to do this. Dr. Wierwille's view is just that, his view from one point of view, taken from the similar views of others. It's like looking at a painting instead of looking at all facets of a statue. There is much more to this "word" than we ever imagined

    I am so very surprised that a man such as him, whom I still admire greatly, could promote Biblical research, providing us with Greek and Hebrew study options, and not move away from the view he was used to. For me, his view was a beginning...a place to start. Thank God for him and his ministry in our time.

    Perhaps you might pick up a great book called "God's Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible." It is written from a historical perspective, one that I never got before. Much of what you have presented is based on King James English and not the languages it is supposed to represent.

    The Bible of the original languages is an eastern book, not a western one. So, I am merely suggesting the opportunity for others to look further and take a walk around what we are viewing. It is an incomplete view to stand in one place. God and His Word is much greater than we supposed.

    I think, from my own research, that the Bible of the original languages is more a metaphorical representation than it is an historical or biographical record. As you know, figures of speech are greater than the sum total of facts. They point to something greater than the words themselves.

    To walk around the "Word" is to walk around the Christ in you. The Word no longer remains an external truth, but an internal, living reality that waits on no time line of history, the present or the future. Christ in you is NOW. The ever present NOW. Christ in you is not waiting for any future event except for God to awaken it within you. But, that means our outward man must die in our perception, in other words, get rid of our mental filters. Like the prodigal son we must "come to ourselves" (the Christ within) to remember what that life really is.

    That is the living word, not just facts on paper, not an object we use as a god to rally the masses to action. Remember, strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life. It is an individual entering in without the encumbrances of the external man.

    Anthropos, (countenance looking up) has two to look upwards from external eyes or look upwards from internal eyes. Anthropos is merely anthropos. It is the eyes that make the difference.
  • Sandy,

    I don't think of my education as a closed view. Briefly back to the post on Logos, word.
    When God said it was so, is that not word? When He said light, from that we can gather a bit of the impact of the force behind his word. Further, the whole creation, is that not his word, he spoke and it was so. Whether fair winged birds, gazelles, looming trees, or budding flower, was that not His word? Even more, when the promise of the coming one is declared in the garden after the fall, why? Was it not death? Was it not loss of spirit? Is that then not the answer to man's woes, an exceeding by humbling, to the coming one? To cover the loss, to cover in righteousness, a righteousness, we did not deserve. No, scripture is clear about our father Adam, and scripture is clear on our Lord Jesus Christ, the last Adam. As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. There is no part of Anthropos, that is life giving, life quickening, righteous or redeeming, save for that part that becomes the living sacrifice wholly acceptable to God, by the renewing oof our minds, and that renewing is to the measure of faith.

    God bless.
  • Michael:

    It's all about the context of "awakening" the plural masculine dead. Dead being "without life." This context is not about a man named Adam and Jesus Christ another Adam. This is about process.

    Body is sown unhonored, awakened in a seeming, an appearance, a notion, an imagination.
    Body sown that pertaining to animal (animation), awakened a body that pertaining to the nature of spirits.
    SO, it has been written becoming the first in order a countenance looking up Adam (red from Hebrew) the principle of animal life (animation) living, the farthest (countenance looking up -elispsis) Adam (red) into (eis) a wind engendering living creatures.

    There is much more to this than an original Adam and a final Adam. This is the process of becoming...hayah...the firm becoming without shape or content and luminary becoming, and seen a beautiful.

    The closed view we have been taught in the past is that we must wait for the coming of someone or something external to us. The open view is not about waiting, but becoming from within, the Christ in you NOW. That is why it is an awakening, not a standing up. It is about anthropos, countenance looking up.

    There is a countenance looking up in animation living and there is a countenance looking up farther. Shall we continue looking from the outward animation we occupy, or from the internal engine of the ages, Christ in all of us?
  • Sandy;
    Actually LORD Yahweh God, Elohim occurs first in Gen 2:4- LORD in relationship to his creation, as all was fulfilled at that point for relationship.

    Rev. Cummings in his work has done some wonderful writings on the subject, which I highly recommend.

    It has been my experience that when it comes to the word, the more obscure a subject is, the more liberties that are taken in intrepretation. The book of Job is a classic case. No one nails it down defintively. They say it may have occurred anywhere from Gen. 10 to the time of Eziekal. A time spread of about 1,500 years. Some say he was Israelite, some an Edomite, others a Gentile. These are equally authoritative writers. Whats lost is the impact, this book was to hold in the canon, that is the scriptures, and as the writer of IT IS WRITTEN, the theme of the calling, said, The power of God is the word of God believed.

    I use a program called Bible works. In the old test. I can open greek and Hebrew and english simultanously. I can click on the strong numbers and get a word study fast. Its been a great blessing to myself. It has made me better than I am, a better workman. btw, I have worked body soul and spirit in the old test. in greek and hebrew. And in this I am amazed of the clarity that Dr. Wierwille wrote with given the obscurity that was there when he started.
  • Sandy,

    I think this verse is a keg of dynamite when understood. Living soul is life, and soul is the word for soul psuche.

    The last Adam was made a quickening spirit. greek is escahtos adam eis pneauma zoa poie
    or literally the last Adam all the way, pneauma life making.

    And so it is written, because of what Adam had become, a living soul. This speaks to scope and understanding as well as translation.

    God bless.
  • I believe in the simplicity of the body, soul, spirit concept. It seems to make sense to me. But sometimes I believe people in their minds confuse soul and spirit as meaning the same thing. I can understand why they would. Kind of intangible, sort of like the Trinity.

    We have asked plenty of Christian's (who were never in The Way ministry) if they believe Jesus Christ was God. They almost alway say no. But thenm they do sometimes, and then they don't. Mostly they don't think about it much.

    Does that doctrinal error and confusion cause them to be less holy or less of a good human being?
  • I think, therefore I am..., no wait, that's a comment for another website.

    Anyways, one of the great blessings I enjoyed getting into the Word was that we learned how to rightly divide the word in regards to the holy spirit field. So many religions and denominations do not even come close.

    Does that mean that I will understand every aspect of it? Do I know all there is about Balaam and the talking ass? No. But we as Corps or one-time Corps or whatever you want to be called cannot screw body, soul, spirit up, please. Please, please, please.

    I have Christ in me, I speak in tongues and operate other manifestations. It is seed. I can't screw it up. I am God's son.
  • Michael:

    Please check the Greek words in I Cor. 15:45. If my memory serves me, living soul is a breathing animation. Quickening spirit is a life creating breath.
  • Hi Michael:

    The problem I have seen in interpretation is in relying on KJV or any other English version to determine the "truth." I appreciate your thought that "body, soul and spirit, are foundational in understanding the word of God." But, what "word" are we talking about?

    Do we even know what "logos" means from its Greek usage? From what I've read in lexicons, "logos" is not a written thing, but a living thing. John Richeson mentioned that the early Christian communities did not have access to the written word. What a wonderful point! There was a living word before there was a written word. This is the point entirely.

    Written words are only descriptions of something living, not the living thing itself. We have way too many conflicts in western Christianity over what the written words mean. As a result, denominations. There is no singularity of such in the shadow of the tree of life. We only find the shadows of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which is a duality and in the worst cases plurality.

    Without understanding the first few verses of Genesis in Hebrew there is no way to accurately access the rest of the Bible. The Hebrew text does not say that God (a singular being) created anything in the beginning. Rather it speaks of an archetype within which elohim (plural masculine accomplishers) cut two entities. One, the singularity called the lofties (a masculine plurality) and the other, singularity, the firm (not the earth, a feminine singularity). As a result, the feminine singularity becomes without shape or contents.

    In the aftermath, the same elohim brood over what they caused and speak: "luminary become." This is the first prophecy in the Bible. What happens? Luminary becomes and it is seen as beautiful by the elohim. Elohim is the singular focus of action until the 3rd chapter when "Lord God" appears in the text. Lord God is yahweh elohim. Yahweh is singular feminine and, as above, elohim is masculine plural. Then, comes the "generations of the heavens and the earth."

    Think about that for around 10 years. Then, reread what I first wrote in this blog.

    With all respect and love.
    Sandy Sanders
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