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Blogs often focus on personal opinion, experiences, views, anecdotes or advice. Blogs tend to have a relaxed and conversational feel, such as in storytelling and are generally 300-500 words.

Articles aim to deliver well-researched, informative content with solid evidence to back up the points made.  Articles are usually more formal, organized and frequently range 500-1000 words.

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Thank you to all who stood with me in prayer & intercession for my son Marcus Cain & his beautiful fiance Marielle Rivera. God's love and grace and their trust in Him has gotten them through this challenging time. Her health is restored and their love is stronger than ever. I appreciate all of you who helped me get through this. Your love means more to me than you could possibly imagine. God bless you all, Ephesians 3:20-style!!!
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Doing Well, Doing Good

The Reverend Billy Graham was once asked what was the most amazing thing he had learned about life. His answer, “It’s brevity.”
Another holiday season almost gone, only a few days stand between us and a New Year. Some years hurl change at us with such startling speed that we breath a sigh of relief when they reach a close. Others are merely the slow tick, tick, ticking of time passing, uneventful, unremarkable.
One morning, while reheating a cup of coffee in the microwave, I watched the seconds disappear in their countdown to zero. I was shocked to witness in real-time the passing of 30 seconds of my life. Half a minute of my life was gone and all I had accomplished was to warm a cup of coffee.
Much of life is like that, mundane things chewing away tiny bits of this wonderful gift of life. Of course, we spend much of our life feeding the needs of the body, eating and sleeping consuming great chunks of our time. The greater portion of the rest is given over to the jobs that enable us to eat and sleep with some degree of comfort. What precious little is left is ours to feed our souls, whether time with the ones we love, worship, volunteerism or sport. In other words, it is those pursuits that we find to enrich us beyond our physical necessities.
It is incredible to realize how much is accomplished in these small hours that are left of our time. Churches are built, the poor are fed, even puppies are trained and a good, in many forms, is achieved.
If we are lucky, or as some would say blessed, we will see in our lifetime the fruit of these labors, the completions of things we deem bigger than ourselves. But sadly, this is hardly ever the case; we usually never see the end of our work.
There is a story about a king who summoned to the throne room the best of his wise counselors. “We have a big problem before us, a mission so great that it requires our attention immediately,” he said. The wise ones looked at the project the king had laid before them and said. “Oh, King, we don’t have the tools, the manpower, the money or the many things this project demands.” The king looked down upon them with scorn and said, “I asked you to start the task not to finish it.”
So, I ask myself, as well as you my reader, what will be the thing that we give ourselves to this year?
Knowing that we have only so much time, what is worthy of those few minutes we have to enrich our souls by doing good? As Reverend Graham’s words so cautiously remind us, life is short.

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“Life has been good to me so far.”

It has been—to say the least—a hard journey from summer to winter. My dad passed away in July and my mom has had two heart attacks and two strokes. We are caring for her at our home and are please to do so. Once in a while I am able to steal a few minutes and look in on this site. What joy, pain and fun memories fill my heart and head each time I see a familiar face. Even so, as I have told John, I never remember being in the Way Corps with any bald middle-aged men with beer bellies. Of course when I look in the mirror these days I often say, “Who in the hell is that?” But all in all, as Joe Walsh said, “Life has been good to me so far.” On more than one occasion memories of the Corps come back to me, some haunting, some hilarious but always—at least as I remember it—fun.
Even the laws that seemed silly then, still seem silly now. I mean really, every time GW would get us up an hour earlier to pray because someone had not gotten up when they where suppose to. I found it yet another occasion to pray that I wouldn’t have to get up and pray anymore. So, now, as then, it was funny. What I miss most of all was the friendship, the kind of pure friendship that comes from not wanting anything from the other person, except wanting to be with them. We were young, full of life, earnest—maybe a bit to earnest—but full of expectations for what we could accomplish.
To paraphrase the Big Chill, "Getting away from you people was the best thing that ever happen to me, how much Bible, booze, sex and rock n’ roll could one person stand.” No, really, what a real joy it has been to know many of you and to see that you are okay. To learn that things may have not always worked out the way we wanted but we are still here. That alone is worth so much. As time allows I will sneak back in. It is always great to hear from you all. B

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John, OK, OK, OK, as usual you rain on my parade.


OK, OK, OK, like usual you rain on my parade and my time to wonder about the TWI former Leader of Leaders is now over regarding reconciliation.

But I am still wondering why you drop out of the Priesthood. I am going to get a background check on you and until you are cleared, I am going to make sure Doug McMullan keeps his goats and sheep away from you.

The Rock of Ages was cute… Did Hope come up with that line? Are you getting quick witted in your old age? Who is going to call Doug and let him know the Party Is On?

I can see it now, back in Sindey, Ohio Fairgrounds when we were all in tents and it rained like cats and dogs. Or when we moved to HQ the first year and we worked our ass off getting ready. Hell, Doug will have us clearing the back forty, stringing wire, building a waste water facility, etc., etc,. etc,. Next thing you know Monty Hobbs and Art Poling will be back bossing everyone around.

Charlie Quillen will have break out his old Way International Security outfit. You have me laughing out loud….

This made me remember the old group of friends we had back then. Such as, Bill Greene, I do not want you to say anything negative about him. He made his life’s choices and I hope him well. Boy, do I have found memories of him… What fun he was and always could make us laugh.

Would it not be great to have a cold beer or two (3, 4, or more) with him. I bet he could make us laugh until we cried… He was always good for a great story.

Will John you did it again. I hate doing it, but I must admit, you have done a good job with this site. You made me reflect and for that I thank you and wish you well…

Your friend, (of course it should be without saying, Let’s Keep our Friendship from a Distance!!! GOAT LOVER)


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Reply to John Richeson

(For the benefit of other readers, John and I are having great fun catching up and teasing one another; please don’t think that we are doing anything to harm each other or that we are mad at each other).

Now back to my reply to John’s comments:


Your comment on my blog reminded me of Dan Akroyd comments on Saturday night Live when he would say, “Jane you ignorant slut, once again you got it wrong”. Now John, I have to say, “John, you ignorant goat lover, once again you got it wrong”.

You went right to the conclusion… You might be right but I doubt it… and that is only because you said it and I would be remorse if I ever agreed with you.

John, wondering is like to cooking vegetable soup. It is best when you cook it slow and let it take its time to develop that delicious taste.

For instance lets wonder if a few of the top leaders actually saw benefit by coming together because it made business sense. (Let’s forget the spiritual sense for a while)

Let’s wonder if these top executive would think like the executives of IBM and Cisco for an example.

These executive come together from time to time because they want to alien themselves to accomplish one or many strategic objectives. Let say that the top leaders of these break off segments from the Way saw that it made sense to come together because they could buy Gunnison or even Headquarters. Let’s say the Way was in financial trouble and together they could collective benefit from such an acquisition.

Or maybe they came together and one leader discovered his strengths were in managing and the other was in visionary and recruiting. Do you see the point…? Just wondering?

John, never says never because with the right resource and talent anything is possible. You talked about software & technology development over past few years. Now let’s think about that. Because of the internet and because almost anyone has access to it, people do not have get their information from just the leaders. Look at you, even you can read and make up your own mind. (What a minute, I better ask Hope if that is OK. I remember you did have trouble coming out of the rain).

Sorry, back to the point, because of this site you put up, just maybe a ground swell could get started and people would make things happen.

Leadership and change does not always have to come from the top leaders of an organization. Most good ideas in business come from the people that are touching the customer not always the executives. Again, hoping you see it is nothing more then wondering

I remember after my 2nd corps evaluation that I had made up my mind something was very wrong with the organization. I was being told that I had quotas to meet and I was expected to do more. I was volunteering my time and money because I choose to give freely. I wondered back then, why someone would not appreciate what I choose to give. I often wondered how the leadership got confused with someone that was not on the payroll vs. someone on the payroll.

I recently was wondering why someone like Doug McMullan would spend his hard earned money to fight for visitation rights at the Way?

(I would tease him like I tease you John, but I wonder how long it would take him to come to Louisville and kick my ass. So I think I will just tease you and leave him alone… I don’t have to wonder if he could kick my ass even at his age. I would bet on him against a twenty year old)

After reading Shari Weirwille profile and seeing her kids are still involve in teaching the Word, it may me wonder what our children will accomplish? I wonder if they will learn to think for themselves and still do great and mighty things for His Highest.

I wonder why I have so much fun teasing you.

I wonder if after John Linder retires or leaves Headquarters if he will apply for a job in Mayberry? OK, I am sorry I should never make fun of Mayberry.

Will it is Christmas Eve and I am wondering why I even care about replying to you. Even if you were right in all of your conclusions, I just think there is so much to wonder about.

For instances I was wondering how you married a Saint like Hope because you truly are a wonder…

OK, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and I do love you.

I will be waiting for your reply.

Love and Kisses,


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This time of year is always my favorite. Most of us will have more time with our families and time to relax and enjoy those we love most in our lives. After reading many profiles here, it seems the common thread in all of our lives is family. Regardless of what our beliefs are or how we live our lives, we have grown and matured enough to know what is most important and who is most important. I hope it starts with yourself. The spiritual journey is full of twists and turns and what is exciting is that it is now. It is personal. It is rewarding when we share who we are and what we have with our family, our loved ones, our friends, and whoever we come in contact with in our daily lives. I'm not talking about being religious; I'm talking about being you, sharing you, the person you are, the gifts you have. We all have so much within us. It's a short life we have and we have each new day to really live and explore this great journey. David, Jonathan and myself send our love and Holiday greetings to all of you here and hope you enjoy a time of peace and great fun! Reach for the stars!

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Dear Way Corps Brothers and Sisters,

To those of you that know me and for the benefit of those that do not know me, I would like to take the time to post a few thoughts after reading many of your profiles.

My background is that I started off my professional career as an electrician. I went into the Way Corps never with the intent to be a leader in the ministry. I saw business principles that were being taught in Way Builders and other departments of the ministry and I thought I could apply them into my future business that I wanted to start.

Anyone that had ever heard me teach God’s word knows that I have a hard time rightly dividing electrons and protons. Many of you will remember that every time I taught the Word, even the dogs and cats would cover their ears.

So let me make it clear, I am not a teacher, prophet, evangelist or anything else, I am a businessman that has been making my own payroll with the help of my wife Dawn since January, 1980. We have never received a paycheck from anyone else and we are very proud of that fact.

On the other hand, I see that many of you still run bible studies, home fellowships, home churches, or a host of other names that we once called twig fellowships. I bet some of you out there might even be pointing fingers at the other saying that their organization is a Cult.

This caused me to reflect that many of you did go into the Way Corps to become teacher, prophet, evangelist, etc... or cult leaders… Come on put a smile on that face, I am just trying to keep this somewhat light.

The writer, John Maxwell said, “That great things are not accomplished when extraordinary people come together. In fact in most cases that is one of the causes of the organization failure. They fail because too may egos get involve. He continued to say, that Great Things are accomplished when Ordinary People come together to accomplish Extraordinary Things”.

Again after reading many of your profiles, I thought that there must be hundreds or even thousands of fellowships running throughout the world that are Rightly Dividing the Word every single day. But are we speaking with one accord? Are we one church? Are we one body? Are we likeminded?

It made me remember that history always repeats itself. I again wondered, which way would many of you answer this question?

  1. Are you living like the first century church in the 1st phase when they spoke with one accord?
  2. Or the 2nd phase when envy and strife took over?

I promise everyone of you that I am not hear to judge because if you look at my life you would say, that I am a sinner and I fall short in every category of the Christian walk.

On the other hand, I was wondering if anyone of you is like me and just wondering???

In business or in any great mission, it takes a leader to set the vision, it takes a leader to make sure the team has the tools and resources necessary to accomplish the mission set before them. A leader must be a problem solver with the wisdom to surround himself with a multitude of wise and ethical council. A good leader does not upset the apple card unless he has a plan to improve his or her operations.

I was wondering how many of you leaders want to get the ship we all started back on the right course? As I remember many of us in our early twenties and thirties we had a lot passion but little experiential knowledge. God, how I love youth… But as I grow older youth without experiential knowledge is what got me in most of my life’s troubles.

Many of you are older and hopefully wiser. Again, just wondering? Can we reflect on history or an event that caused ordinary people to come together to accomplish an extraordinary mission.

I was wondering how the early colonies came together an elected the leaders to represent themselves to build a more perfect Union. WOW, what vision, what leadership in took, how in the world did the facilitator of that egomaniac group get them to stay the course without killing each other? What motivated them?

Again, just wondering is it possible for some of you leaders to find a facilitator that could get this ministry back on track? Or are we doomed to be segment?

Do not interpret my question that I have a desire to go back to the Way International because that is not the trip I was wondering about. Just felt like I needed a little clarification on my part. Nor do I have the time or the capabilities to facilitate this effort.

Hell after thinking about it, it might not be worth the effort? Gosh, who would be the leader in the end? Who would want to give up their titles and responsibilities or it may even come down to paychecks and cash flow. Again, I was just wondering???

Funny, like I said after reading your profiles earlier, their must be hundreds and even thousands of fellowship throughout the world that is rightly dividing the Word but the leadership is segmented. What a sad state of affairs.

Remember, I never wanted to be a leader in any ministry and I know that there are so many of you out there that are truly, Leaders of Leaders.

I wish all of you well. By the way, I have already received my 1st Goddamn you email. So if I pissed you off, please accept my apology and my condolences that you do not see the humor in life. And please do not send anymore of those, it made me cry tears the size of horse turds.

I am just having fun and was wondering. After the GD email, I was wondering why I would give a shit but what the hell it is fun to wonder… I hope all of you still enjoy wondering like I do… I believe it keeps us young.

Enclosing, don’t let the bastard get you down and in a few years after your are dead remember that most will have forgotten your name. So my philosophy, is live life, be fair, clean up your messes, and keep the negatives out of my space. It is my life and I am going to live it to the best of my ability.

I hope you enjoy the journey because we only have one life to live on this world.

Love and kisses,


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Travels II

Well I'm back for part two.
well while I was out to lunch and miserable my wife had been talking to her close friend and telling her of our problems. We were miserable. not talking to each other. I was always tired and miserable from my two Jobs. we had reached the breaking point. two things happened that totally changed our lives.
First; I came into the office one day and my manager asked me if I knew a woman named Linda Scovel, I said I didn't and was asked why she used me as a reference. I went to meet her and find out. As we talked she told me she had also been part of the Way Ministry, You'll find them on this web site. She also told me that she and her husband David held a fellowship at their house. I went home and told my wife and we decided to start going because we really needed help. We began to feel that things were turning around as we spent time with these people. I really believe it a miracle because as I spent time talking with David it was amazing how close our friendship grew in such a short time. It felt like we had known each other all our lives.

The second thing was even more miraculous.
My wife's friend called us one day because she learned that Dale Sides was teaching a class in our area called "Exercising Spiritual Authority" . After she told her fellowship about our problems, they took up an offering and paid her way here to babysit our children for us while we attended. God is so good to us. Well the fun times continue. about a month before the class I injured my eye at work. by the time of the class it had healed. well the day before the class I woke up and opened my eyes and screamed in extreme pain. It appeared that during the night my eye had dried out and the new cornea had stuck to my eyelid. When I opened my eye it ripped out all the new cornea. The pain was so severe that my wife had to lead me around because one eye had to be covered and opening the unhurt eye was just as painful. It was easier to keep them both shut. So for four days I was led around by my wife everywhere. God used this to begin healing our marriage. It gave me the rest I so desperately needed and reminded us why we got married in the first place. we were beginning to talk to each other instead of Yelling at each other. God is always faithful

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in many ways I feel that I'm writing a "what I did on my summer vacation essay". I was at work the other day and thinking about this website. The Lord impressed on me a desire to write here in my blog the tail of my travels after separating from the Way Ministry.
I was given the decision to stay with the ministry or my wife( who had many questions that were not getting answered). Believe it or not this was a tough decision for me since all my adult life was spent as a part of the ministry. After much council from many friends and some other situations(the expectation of our second child) the decision was made that it was time to move on.
This caused no end of pain and hurt in my heart. All my goals and dreams seemed to be over. I was working two jobs, which meant i was working everyday from 4:00am till 7:00-8:00 pm . this went on for seven years and I found I hated the man I'd become.
I now had three children, two sons and a daughter, I had stopped communicating with my wife and we found less and less in common. My children lived in constant fear of the angry man they called their father.
When I wasn't working I either slept, read sci fi books, watched tv, or constantly yelled at everyone who truly loved me. I had packed up everything that remotely reminded me of the ministry in the attack because I hurt so much. I also got extremely drunk at every occasion I could find, which was easy when you befriend the world. To say I was lost is an understatement. I embraced the darkness with vigor because you can't see in the dark. But as much as I tried to forget I couldn't. I longed for the good ol' days, and missed all my friends so much!
well I've got things to do so this is it for now.

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My daughter & "The Used"

I have a teenage daughter at 54. (Help me Jesus and God!!) Rosie is a junior in high school and likes the things most juniors in high school like I suppose. Since she was small I always tried to teach sweet little Rosie to be bold and adventerous. I guess I am reaping what I sow but in a somewhat different manner than I expected.

She's bold alright! Here she is dancing on stage with "The Used" at an all day rock concert she was at last week. Ugh!

Click here to see "sweet little Rosie" who is not so little anymore (but still sweet.)
Roise and friends dancing with "The Used" at Next Big Thing

Click on the imbedded video to see the dancing. She is to the right of the stage.

It was a thrill for her since this is one of her favorite bands and the featured group at the end of the of the whole day. If I were 17 again I would have probably been there too.

But I think I was home asleep in front of the TV. Ha, ha!

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