Blog or Article?
Blogs often focus on personal opinion, experiences, views, anecdotes or advice. Blogs tend to have a relaxed and conversational feel, such as in storytelling and are generally 300-500 words.
Articles aim to deliver well-researched, informative content with solid evidence to back up the points made. Articles are usually more formal, organized and frequently range 500-1000 words.
Thank you,
That said, I work in a community besieged by both addictions. While careers appear to be surviving, marriages are not (at least not happily) and the community is challenged to make progress on its larger issues while enduring the distractions of prominent residents being more in the limelight for the results of their addictive behavior than for their contributions to the good of the community.
I think your comments and insight are great Steven-Thanks for bringing it up!
Fast forward to Way days. Interestingly the liberal atmosphere of The Way is what appealed to me the most. I probably would not have stayed for 5 minutes if it had been traditional. It did not take me long to find the parties, especially in The Way Corps. The alchohol abuse was quite rampant. I am not sure why. It made for some fun times honestly. The down side was the harm it ultimately did to the abusers. It got to be too much. It was wrong. I will admit it. It should have been talked about and discussed as much or more than homosexuality was in my opinion. Some lives might have been changed for the good and certainly some marriages might have been saved. Suggesting a 2 drink limit was not effective. (Too many loopholes, ha, ha.)
I do not blame anyone really except myself. I think part of it was our times and our youthfulness and part of it was influence from some of our cool leaders who were similarly affected.
Many of us got off drugs when introduced to The Way and its teachings. But what I learned and believe now is that alchohol is a drug too. Why is alchohol legal and pot illegal? Honestly I wonder which is the most harmful and what kind of a message is society sending to our children when it comes to which is the greater evil? I have my opinion but that is a topic for another thread.
Yes, we drank a lot in The Way. Some of us were able to avoid being an alchoholic even though we frequently got wasted. Others were not so lucky. But it was also prevalent among other groups as well.
Catina (Abrell) Wilson