Way Corp group(s) I was in
Married or Single
About Me
I live in a very rural area of southern Maine with my husband, Darren and our three children, Devin (20), Olivia (18), and Jacob (12).
My Interests
Cooking is a real passion. I love walking in the woods, horseback riding on quiet trails, playing with my dogs, and of course, My Children.
Music I Like
Simple Gifts (a Shaker hymn)
... 'Tis the gift to have friends and a true friend to be,
'Tis the gift to think of others not to only think of "me",
And when we hear what others really think and really feel,
Then we'll all live together with a love that is real.
Books I Like
I LOVE to read but these days I'm just too busy to sit down and do it.
Television I like
Not much, but I watch it anyway.
Sports Teams I like
I'm a big fan of The PBR ~ Git er Dun!
New England Patriots
LOVE YOU sistah
First of all . . . She is married to the greatest brother-in-law in the whole wide world! Second . . . did she tell you all that she and her husband (the amazing Darren Leonard) started with a paper napkin and a pen and while they sat and ate dinner a few years ago, they drew a picture of what is now their home! They designed it, paid someone to draw up blueprints and then that spectacular brother-in-law built it. The place is a REAL beauty. (Sheila - put up some pics for the world to see).
Third . . . She is a superb mother. Positively a whirling dervish of a woman that somehow stays up with it all and has raised some great kids. I wish you all could meet Darren, Devin, Olivia, And Jacob. As you can tell . . . I am still her greatest fan!! And did I mention what a stud she is married too!!