What should we expect?

Here is a very quick question but one I have been struggling with. I am a high energy, driven, risk taking personality who will go to any extreme for God. I think the Corps training taught me what I can expect out of myself but here is my dilemma.

What should be expected out of a non-corps full time minister? I feel that what I can do in a couple hours it takes 40 hours out of others. I did a 45 minute teaching yesterday and had two hours of preparation. I am expecting too much out of someone to be able to put together a teaching like such with less than 20 hours of preparation? Do I expect just too darn much out of others?

Sorry, It's hard to put into words exactly what I am trying to say but I am hoping you'l get the gist of what I am asking

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  • I am sorry I did not notice sooner, Frank, but this discussion is posted in the wrong place. I have been traveling and did not notice. Therefore I am closing the discussion here.

    Please re-post this in your BLOG SECTION. This Main Forum section is reserved for general site topics. See this link for an better explanation.

    What you should do, Frank, is simply copy and paste your original post and perhaps the comments as well. Open it back up for discussion by all means, but in the blog section please. Eventually I will delete this topic. Ning currently does not offer a "move" feature yet.

    Thanks for understanding.
  • I hear you, Frank. I put together a short 20 minute teaching which took me less than an hour to prepare and simplify for the intended audience. I taught it at the church we attended at the time. They loved it, of course, but were blown away because their pastor, who has a seminary degree and has been pastoring there for over ten years, never gave a teaching like that. The seminaries are churning out CEO's with religious backgrounds.

    Also spent some time with a pastor who had seven (7) ph'd's. He loved chatting with me and Paul because we knew our stuff. Had many a wonderful Greek conversation with him. But even he got his teachings off the internet. The churches pay these guys to come up with one teaching a week. One. We did seven or more a week without pay and cry that we didn't do more.

    True revival will happen when people turn to the Lord and Him alone. We have the means to help them do that. The churches don't. You can't expect anyone in the churches to do what we do, it's impossible for them. We've all been trained since our early 20's and even as teens, in my case.

    Right now there is a huge movement across the nation for home churches. I laughed when I heard... we've been spear heading that movement for 30 years now. I'm encouraging and training others to have their own home fellowships regardless of their denomination affiliations.

    The temptation will come to start a church out of the home fellowships but it will always fall because that's the system Jesus destroyed ages ago. The only churches I've seen prosper biblically are the ones run by ex-corps.

    Our training was excellent because we were trained up by scripture. Yeah, there were bad things going on, not to diminish all that,, but when isn't there?

    Have a great holiday weekend.
  • what a great point.God is sogreat. covering when you have the desire to serve.goWOW?rigt as long as im in the body.who cares? im probley am the callous on the bottam ofthe lowest part? still in The body.
  • Hello Charles, My Love you and Beth. God is great and His love never ceases to amaze me. The answers I am getting to my simple/complex question are starting to come together for me. How are the boys?
  • what a great point.God is sogreat. covering when you have the desire to serve.goWOW?rigt as long as im in the body.who cares? im probley am the callous on the bottam ofthe lowest part? still in The body.
  • i here you sister there is no ttraining like we recievwd.think the accuracy of Gods word is one of the bigggest factors?not tomention revelation? tryed but hadnt found any group close & we always have PFAL to teach! cant tell you hoq many times ive taught the opening of blue book.we have such awealth. of Gods word! i never apreciated to the state do now after seening wh else is avalible.praise God we are very privlige.shine on sis
  • Hey Frank, it's Charles.
    Just checkin' in my fine Colorado climbing guide. Great to see you, Lena and Paul, how's Andrew?
    Re: your question, I thought of Peter and how he was developed by Christ to be a full time leader. Corps traing plus yet he went through his own ups and downs and was never discarded or forsaken as a useless idiot. Seems like he came thru pretty well at Pentecost and for sometime thereafter even to the gentiles at Cornelius'. Some people are more headstrong than others, some less brainy, what really matters is, if in whatever time it takes is The word of truth rightly divided w/love ?
    Love from above, in Christ, to all you Abissi's, your brother
  • Frank... WE don't set the expectations... God does. It's HIS business. Christ is the head. None of us set standards for what others ought to be doing, outside of what's Written.

    I still think a good test is the 7 Characteristics of a minister Dr. taught in 2Tim 2. I also look at one main thing... are they leading people to Christ, or trying to get people to follow them (Acts 20:30).
  • Hi Chris, Yea, I am very serious. This is something that I have always thought about and dealt with. Over the years I keep getting more and more understanding of people and them doing what they can where they are. What I am really looking at here are full time ministers of the God. I naturally put everything I've got into everything that I do. When I pace myself I do so in such a way that I have nothing left at the end of the task.

    Is this type of persistence what I should expect of someone who supposedly is a minister of God's people? It's not the value of a person I'm questioning, it's what level of commitment is expected of a leader of God's people. It's a tough question and one that I don't have the answer to, but need to understand more.
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