
  • I am no longer a Christian and do not partake of any religion or church. Furthermore, I no longer believe that the bible is "God's Word" and should absolutely not be taken as such. Same holds true for other holy books or sacred scriptures claiming to be written by their version of God.

    In my view, the problems begin when people claim their sacred book(s) are the truth from God and take it seriously rather than what they written by humans who lived at that time. They become so fervent in their sacred truth, their prophet, man of God, Pope or charismatic pastor that they begin to rule based on their version of that belief system. They govern all people by it. I don't need to give you examples of the devastation that has been done ( and is still being done) by religions through the ages including Christianity. No separation of church and state or freedom FROM religion.    

    I am not an atheist. I believe in a supreme being or creator but that's it. My views today are similar to that of one of our founding fathers, Thomas Paine, in his work called "The Age of Reason"

    I'm a part of a growing group of people called "nones", those who have no religious or church affiliation. Meanwhile Christianity and church attendance has been on the decline for decades. It's just a fact. Things change. People change. Does that mean I am against churches or a person's religious belief? Does that mean I discard the bible? Absolutely not. Some religions and churches do charitable things and help people. But so do other non-Christian charitable organizations, even more than religions. Parts of the bible have excellent life advice and stories that can be inspirational. But so do other books, holy or otherwise.  

    I think some Christians mistake the declining popularity of their religion and their views of morality as "persecution" when all it is change. Religious change is hard. So is leaving a cult.      

    In some ways I think you could make the case that people are under persecution from evangelical Christianity as well as other religions, not the other way around.  Here are a few links for reference. 


    Christianity is shrinking in the U.S. 

    Non-religious countries experience greater economic growth

    Some Reasons Why Humanists Reject The Bible

    Religious Freedom - Catholics for Choice

    “Nones” on the Rise | Pew Research Center

    • Thanks for the clarity, John.  It's helpful to know who's who in "perilous times."

      II Timothy 3 

      • I am also an optimist. I do not believe we are in "perilous times". I believe we are in some of the greatest times in history. A few examples come to mind:

        • Just think about that small device you carry everywhere called a smart phone! Amazing. Apple started in a garage and is now the world's largest company. If I thought these were perilous times, I would have owned physical gold all these years instead of buying Apple stock. That would have been a big mistake.
        • Self-driving cars are already a thing which will reduce auto deaths substantially. 
        • From 1990 to 2014, the world made astonishing progress in reducing extreme deprivation: more than one billion people moved out of extreme poverty. The global poverty rate declined by 1.1 percentage points a year on average, from 37.8 percent in 1990 to 11.2 percent in 2014

        Living legend and National Treasure, Dolly Parton, seems to agree with my attitude that we are NOT in perilous times. Take a listen.

        • Thanks for the additional clarity, John.  We likely do not agree on what I consider many of the important issues of our times and the threats they pose to free people.  One example for you to consider is that I have concluded Trump to be the right man to serve as President for this time in America.  Another is that I consider the Democrat Party to be dedicated to the comprehensive diminishment, distortion, and disruption of practically every traditional American value and founding principle (most pivotally Christianity).  That has been the stated aim of progressivism, socialism, Marxism and communism throughout the last century or so.  Those are the ideologies driving the Democrat Pary and many "progressive" Republicans.  Just consider who has been backing the grooming, trafficking, and sexual mutilation of children.  Pure evil!

          • WOW! I have not concluded those things, but I have concluded other things which I may or may not speak about on here. I enjoy respectful civil discussions and debates about most topics. But there are others I do not care to participate in. 

            But first I am trying to figure out what is allowed or not allowed on The Way Corps Site so as not to disrupt its goals or offend members. For example:

            I support whatever the answers are and will comply by any and all guidelines. But at the moment I am not sure of what might or might not be acceptable. I encourage the moderators to provide clarification. I found a few examples: 

            These are Twitters Rules: Click here.

            These are rule for a Christian site: Click here.

            • I welcome reasoned debate with clear thinkers.  To be clear about my perspective on life, I consider myself a Constitutional conservative politically and a committed biblical Christian philosophically.  It's important to have a solid foundation of knowledge when understanding issues.  I have found that in this American cultural environment we are in, unless a person has a solid foundation in Biblical principles and traditional American principles and values (this is actually a bit redundant since America's founders were dominantly Biblical men and women), that person can be easily persuaded that ideas contrary to those fundamentals are valid and beneficial.  In other words,  I'm convinced that what made America as great as it  has become through modern history are those foundations.

              I don't know if there are limitations on what can be posted and discussed in this forum as long as contributors are civil.  Discussions of "politics" and "religion" get uncivil and abusive due to the individual rather than the topic.  If I can't discuss either topic here, I am in the wrong forum.  Politics is an essential element of life in this culture.  Religion (understood as spiritual realities) is an essential element of life in this culture as well.  Those two categories address both the creation and the Creator.

              Here is my perspective on the difference between government and politics:

              "Government and politics are terms frequently confused with one another.
              As I see it, government SHOULD be the principled administration of the practical affairs of a nation, state, county, or community on behalf of the citizenry. Government has been described as a "necessary evil." "Necessary" because large communities of free individuals require some type of over-arching administrative vehicle to enforce the laws of an ordered civil society, as well as maintain essential services, infrastructure, and security said individual citizens cannot manage on their own. "Evil" because laws may be passed that any one particular individual may find disagreement with or be limiting to his personal will. In order to finance and sustain these functions, taxes become a necessity. In America, our principles of government are set forth in the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, the constitutions of the individual States, county, and municipal statutes.
              Where it can go wrong is when government officials abandon principle in order to focus on their own accumulation of power, influence, and/or wealth to benefit themselves rather than the citizens they presume to serve.
              As I see it, politics SHOULD be the necessary vehicle, process, or mechanism by which candidates compete for election to public office in government. Individuals SHOULD seek public office in order to fill positions of leadership, service, and oversight of government law-making, administration, and judicial functions for the benefit of their general constituency. Competition comes into play when more than one person is seeking election to the same office. The essence of honorable competition may be described as "may the best man win."
              Where it can go wrong is when politics is used for the advancement of a candidate's own accumulation of power, influence, and/or wealth to benefit themselves rather than the citizens they presume to serve. In a free nation, it's up to the majority of the electorate to discern how honorable and qualified each candidate is to fill an office. This results in having the type of government the citizens deserve- by their own choice or failure to choose. If the citizens fail to educate themselves sufficiently regarding issues and candidates or fail to fulfill their civic duty to participate in the political process, the wrong candidates can ruin the government and tyrannize the citizenry for personal gain.
              The price of freedom is constant vigilance!"
              In other words, both government and politics are vital elements to modern living.  I came back to this forum after a long absence because I think Steve Sann and others trained in the Way Corps might be open to what I have to share.  I consider myself a "watchman" in the essence of Ezekiel 33 in these times.  After much contemplation of current public affairs and cultural issues, I have become focused on warning my fellow Amercans of various threats to our liberty and safety. 
              How did we come to the condition in America where the US President, and many others controling the levers of power, have been compromised by the World Economic Forum and the Comminist Chineese Party?  How did we come to the point where the LGBTQ+ flag would be hung in a place of honor between two American flags and at the same level on the White House?  How did we come to the point where the current "Obiden" Administration would officially open our borders to drug cartels and an invasion of foreign nationals, actually using federal agencies and tax payer funds to support and partner with human trafficking and sex slavery?  Also, knowing this, how can we rise up to reverse these trends?
              Christianity and American citizenship come with real, practical, individual responsibilities.  Civic duty is both Biblical and practically necessary.  Dereliction of duty is not a fruit of the spirit or in the American tradition.  Here is another perspective of mine regarding our current cultural condition in our nation:

              "God's people in America today have inherited a Great House.  The whole world has admired, respected, desired, and emulated its excellence.  It was built upon a firm foundation of Biblical principle, including the hard work, skill, sacrifice, and diligence of its founders.  Each successive generation has been entrusted with its maintenance.  However, the roof is leaking.  Its foundation has been allowed to become weakened.  The protection and security it has provided is diminished.  Its inhabitants still pray, hug one another, read scripture, speak God's Word to one another, and expect His blessing.  Sadly, too few hearts and hands have performed the practical daily duties to steward and maintain the structure built by previous generations.  Distractions, inconveniences, and oppressions have stifled the will of many inhabitants to put forth the effort required for upkeep.  Vermin have been allowed to infest its walls and defile its strength and beauty.  The privileged inhabitants have become threatened.  Prevailing winds have torn at its beautiful exterior so that foul elements penetrate its shield.  The dwellers have ignored increasing threats to their safety, property, and wellbeing- assuming that God would intervene.  But God entrusted the practical care to the residents.  Who will rise up and acknowledge the increasing threats, and their duty to shoulder the necessary, practical work to restore and preserve it?


              We see in America today the tragic and increasing consequences of generations of neglected duties on multiple levels.  Decide with me to take a stand to turn the tide in America.  Do it for this generation, and the next, and the next, etc., should the Lord tarry. 


              “For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”  (Hebrews 5:12-14)


              It’s past time for American believers to not just recognize the nature of good and evil around us, but to be ready to speak and act accordingly wherever we can have influence to make an impact.  Prayer and preaching are essential, but they are not enough.  That wicked Haman in Esher’s day sought to destroy God’s people by law.  God made a way where there seemed to be no way to countervail a wicked law and save His people.  The wicked and destructive influences in today’s America can be reversed and curtailed if God’s people responsibly intervene where doors are opened to have practical influence."
              I have found appealing a principle frequently voiced by a prominent conservative talk show host and Hebrew scholar, Dennis Prager.  Essentially, he says that aggreement isn't always necessary in civil debate, but clarity is beneficial and desireable when discussing differing views.  You may not be persuaded by my views but at least you should have a clearer idea of where I stand and how I think.

              • "I welcome reasoned debate with clear thinkers." Sadly, that does not seem likely here on a site with no terms of service. For example, all of my reasonable comments were deleted by the moderator. I never once name-called, disrespected anyone, made racist or hateful comments, etc. To quote from a blogging consultant:

                "Yes, your blog is your own property, and you can do whatever you want with it. However, when you decide to ban people from expressing a different point of view from you own, word soon gets around."

                I was since told by the moderator that "We only want to talk about the things we learned in the PFAL Class and the things we were taught in The Way Corps." 

                If we seriously want to discuss PFAL then there is no way to hide the fact that many of the PFAL and ADVANCED CLASS writings and research principles were plagiarized word for word from J.E. Stiles, B.G Leonard and EW. Bullinger and others. It's all over the Internet and verifiable by hard copies. It's only a shame if it's not acknowledged. Acknowledgement is much more effective form of damage control than silence or censorship.

                Regarding things we were taught in The Way Corps, we were taught by Dr Wierwille that "all gay people are possessed by devil spirits and that they can become straight again if those spirits are cast out." Thats a very interesting topic. Can we have a discussion about that? Not here it seems. CONFUSING!!      

                • In one of your posts above you stated:

                  "Just consider who has been backing the grooming, trafficking, and sexual mutilation of children.  Pure evil!"

                  You didn't state clearly who exactly that might be. But no worries. I found the answer for you. Here are a few links that shed light from a lawyer who is keeping weekly statistics and data on who the offenders are.

                  Hint - the religion industry dominates the statistics. Evil indeed! 



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