Most, if not ALL of us have a working background for the scriptural time line set by our Lord God.  We, as Corps were (I believe) INTENTIONALLY set free by the man of God, in 198_.(7?) to go everywhere preaching the deliverance of Jesus, the Christ.  Most of us, remained in morning for many years, and some just kept on doing what they had been taught to do; as an "type" for the rest of us to follow.  Few like myself took a hike through hog country for awhile.  But we're all His (God's) Corps.  Where did the time go?  It's late, and if I have any concept of how our Father works, He quite often dispenses "time" in sections of FORTY years.  Recently, It looks like several ministries are maturing in the Internet with goodly success.  But, to what end?  Certainly, we DO NOT want to re-create another "c_ _ t " as was where we were taught the "oracles of God".  We must go further, and it will not happen by us competing one with another.  We have thus far, learned how to "associate mutually" with each other, but we need to accelerate this process, because (as I believe) time - is - running - out.  For math's sake, 1987 till 2017 is thirty years, leaving a scant TEN YEARS that remain --if God will see, if His Corps will be worthy of Him to "restore" what was lost due to sin.  (This assumes that you know that God is often put in a position of restoring what man screws up!)  That means we must adopt a goal of touting a following of 40,000 followers in ten years.  It is no longer acceptable for private churches to limp along in self growth, or that the Youtube view count online to be in the hundreds, for each --arguably dynamic video that is extant, We must aim for the tens of thousands of views!  I submit, that our bonding together in one spirit of association is the way to demonstrate this Word of God that we have, to a world LOST in religion.  Only then, can we address openly, (as we do) in polite company, and matter of factly, that our God is One deity, that the dead are awaiting His deliverance, also that He desires, (for all that He has done for us) a small token of spiritual conversation (SIT) with His children, and-- that He will soon send His Son to take us from this evil world, to restore the Earth to His intended Paradise, wherein we will ever be with the Lord.   amen .

Some have called this, "Biblical Unitarianism".  IF THIS SOUNDS LIKE instituting a new "denomination", let it be that this denomination be to bring to the world, not pennies on the Dollar, but the full BUCK!

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  • Hi John
    You don’t know me but what you replied to Gary rings a real truth. God is running the show here. Jesus Christ is building His Church. Let’s remember who the head is and rejoice together that we are simply sons and daughters of God. That we are heaven bound. That our lives do touch many. And that Christ is doing the work. We should endeavor to be more Christlike as he showed us, and listen to our Heavenly Father. Who speaks to us daily in our own hearts by way of Holy Spirit. What a life we have!! Much love to all. Anne Richards
    • We agree Anne! Thanks. 

  • Hi Gary. Nice to hear your thoughts. But personally, I differ from a few of your viewpoints. But that's ok. Diversity is what keeps life from being boring.

    1.)  "We, as Corps were (I believe) INTENTIONALLY set free by the man of God, in 198_.(7?)" 

    *I was set free by Jesus Christ. Not by Dr. Wierwielle. But I think I know what you may be trying to say.  

    2.) I do not believe (and have never believed) he was "THE man of God."

    *I believe he was A man of God. Just like you and me. And much of the time he was not godly. (Just like you and me)

    3.) "It is no longer acceptable for private churches to limp along" 

    *Many of your so called "private" churches are doing great things today. And what is wrong with being a religion? Why did The Way demonize this word? I know the phrase your are going to use to justify but that phrase is not valid. It is man made too. In my humble opinion the Way was a religion too in the sensible usage of the word. Who am I to judge all churches in a negative light? It expands my understanding to simply look at the definition of religion and the definition of Christianity. It appears to me they are one and the same. What's wrong with that?  

    4. There will most likely NEVER be a reunion of The Way Corps except for a fun social reunion perhaps. You can't go back and recreate a movement whose time has come and gone. It would be like trying to recreate the 60's or Woodstock. LOL. In fact I am of the radical opinion that God himself (not the devil) had something to do with the ending of The Way and The Way Corps. Maybe He knew the numbers of people who were being harmed by it and wanted to protect others from harm. Who knows, really. But there is no doubt that for many of us it was a brief but significant and influential time in our lives.

    I have no regrets really. I am reminded of Charles Dickens famous words in a Tale of Two Cities:

     "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."

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