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Who Are We...Really?

Who Are We…Really?

Let’s start with how we got here. Not the journey from the unity of seed and egg, but how our personal identity came about. I don’t have to tell anyone about this process, because we have lived it and are still living it.

Have we ever considered the word “experience?” It originally came from Latin meaning “out-expert.” Our experiences make us experts on what is outside us. This also implies that there is an “in-perience,” though we have no word for that as the opposite of experience.

Ephesians 3:16-19

That he would grant you according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened
with might by his Spirit in the inner man;

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded
in love,

May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth,
and height;

And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with
all the fulness of God.

This is most definitely not in the three dimensional experience of the physical / biological body. Paul mentions four dimensions. Being filled with all the fulness of God is not in the three dimensional world. Neither is that which surpasses the knowledge that belongs to the love of Christ.

So, when it comes to the inner man, in this context, why should we think it is not in four dimensions?

Sitting beside the playground of Richland Elementary School, under first grade shade, a very serious thought came alive in my young mind. “I am here.” Of course, I had a name at that time, but the thought said, “I am,” without reference to my developing personality.

I found this memory buried somewhere under 68 years of experience with the outside world. Public school, college, rock bands, The Way International, over thirty years as a video engineer and projectionist for live events, musician, composer and songwriter over 50 years, husband and father, to name a few, all recorded in my subconscious.

Honestly, I can’t recall how the memory was re-membered. Perhaps, it found me, instead of me finding it. That certainly happens with subconscious memories of our experiences. It is a precious memory that lived in my subconsciousness way before the following 61 years of making and remaking an ever-changing personal identity.

What comes to mind is the Parable of the Prodigal Son. We all know it, but do we really know it? If the parable is consistent throughout, and I can’t imagine Joshua Immanuel not being consistent in his teachings, then we did not originate in this world. We came from the Father’s house into this world which offered things we thought were our inheritance, external to our true inheritance. When all that is “spent,” we find ourselves feeding unclean swine. But, the good news is that we come to ourselves and re-member who we were in our Father’s house.

We get up and start walking home. Quite a journey in itself, walking back each step of experience in this world and replacing our ever-changing personal identity with our eternal identity, “I am.”

This certainly goes against the grain of what we were taught by well-meaning teachers and the horrendous doctrines of “born into sin” instituted by the Roman Church, after the passing over of the apostle John, and the re-fashioning and re-purposing of those institutions through the Protestant Re-formation.

The Greek word translated “sin” simply means “missing the mark.” It is the aim that is important and what we are shooting at. It takes practice. Just like the 68 year practice of becoming an out-expert in the external world.

Through Introspection, we have work to do and it is a good work, bringing present day egoism
under the mastery of “I am.” This goes beyond meditation, but meditation, concentration and observation are important to help Introspection unfurl its wings.

Have we been strengthened with might by the Spirit in the inner man? What part of that inner man is weak that it needs strength, the mighty kind? If we don’t know, how can we make room for the work of the Spirit without first addressing the obstacle occupying the Spirit’s place? Introspection.

I will give you a personal example. I have enjoyed rising up, for lack of a better term, for about a year now. I’ve had worth-remembering “dreams.” Notable for my process. Not saying anyone else has to or trying to start another organization. Our so-called future in glory organizationally lives in the Eternal Now, within the very cause of God’s infinite love, absoluteness and being.

Very recently, I “experienced” what many people have called an ecstasy, of great and infinite joy. It has been life changing in my own process. But, when it didn’t come again after a couple of weeks, I noticed that my “dreams” were always about the work I’ve done for over 30 years. Every night, the same scenarios played out for me to view. What happened to the ecstasy part?

By the way, I have been unemployed since March because of the shutdown. Talk about forced retirement. What a wonderful time to spend on things of the inner man instead of the shells!

My present day egoism (human devil) decided how things had to go. My “I am” says, “I am not you and you would not exist without me. There’s more work to do in introspection to take off the shell of that 30 plus year identity. (No I did not hear a voice. Having found a memory of my “I am,” I have been mastering my shells of identity.

Ephesians 6:12-21

For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of
the body of Christ:

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

That ye henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with
every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they
lie in wait to deceive;

But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him, in all things, which is the head,

From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every
joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh
increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles
walk, in the vanity of their mind.

Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, through the
ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:

Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness (excess), to work
all uncleanness with greediness.

But, ye have not so learned Christ;

If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:

Those ancient words look differently to me now, by “experience.” Please forgive me for using the word experience for “in-perience.” But, you know what I mean. Getting out of the shells and becoming an out expert without them on.

Let us not be like the man of the tombs. He was enslaved among the memorials of his subconscious life. His identity was over 6,000 human demons accumulated over his lifetime, identified as Legion. Joshua Immanuel spoke directly and the human demons ended up in the unclean swine.

Hopefully, none of us have experienced the torture and brutality of a Legion of human demons we created for ourselves. Perhaps we are mostly alright as far as we know. The neighboring swine herders haven’t gotten involved. No one has tried to tie us up.

It is important to deal with these temporal identity shells to find ourselves naked and unashamed, revealing the light we really are.

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The Manifestation of the Spirit

In Power For Abundant Living, Dr. Wierwille taught us that there are 3 groups of "profit" for the manifestation of the Spirit:

Group 1: Speaking In Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues and Prophecy

Group 2: Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge and Discerning of Spirits

Group 3: Faith, Workings of Miracles and Gifts of Healing

That is NOT what the Greek text indicates.  Rather there are groups grammatically placed by the Greek words

"heteros" and "allos."

Group 1:  Word of Wisdom and Word of Knowledge

Group 2: Faith, Gifts of Healing, Working of Miracles, Prophecy and Discerning of Spirits

Group 3: Kinds of Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues

I am sure I am not the only one who has seen this in the Greek text.  This changes everything about the practices of the PFAL template, which, at best, are external expressions without Biblical accuracy.  There is more here that should be investigated by researchers of truth and life while we are in the way of this existence.

The word "profitable" is translated from the Greek word "sumphero."  It means to "bring together" or "carry together," as a whole, as a unity.  These Biblical relationships should be investigated, IF WE ARE HONEST about research and learning.

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September 11th: Happy Birthday!

September 11th: Happy Birthday!


September 11th has a special meaning to us, who acknowledge this day as the birth date of Christ our Savior.

For it was on the night of September 11th, over 2000 years ago, the shepherds were living out in the fields watching their flocks. Without warning, an angel of God stood before them, and the brilliant “glory of the Lord” radiated about them all!

However, the angel calmed the shepherds, saying:

“Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger. --Luke 2:8ff.


 At that moment, suddenly a multitude of heavenly host joined ranks with the angel, praising God, and saying:

“Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”


Afterwards, the shepherds decided,

“Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.”   And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger.

Once having found the child, the shepherds told everyone far and wide what the angels had told them. All were astonishedespecially those who had been awaiting the Messiah.


But Mary was treasuring up all these things in her heart and meditating on them.--Luke 2:19 HCSB


Mary built her confidence and her faith on the words of the angels, as passed on to her by the shepherds.

Mary was one of the great women of faith, whose example of believing still speaks louder today than words can describe. Genesis 3:15 first foretold of this courageous woman, who would challenge the devil head-on with “her seed”.

In retrospect, we see that the entire creation waited thousands of years for the arrival of Marythe starlet who would finally believe to bring forth God’s son, our savior! 

For all the works humankind attempts in vain to please God, there is no greater pleasure to God than when onelike Maryrises up to believe even one of His promises!

Consequently, Mary's simplicity of faith placed her in the center of God's heart.

We, like Mary, are to repeatedly rejoice at these angelic words, and treasure up all these things in our hearts, meditating upon them.


For most people, September 11th recalls a dark, turning point in the history of the free world.

But, in stark contrast to the evil, September 11th can remind us of the words of the angels:


“...good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

“Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”


Like Mary, let us take this special day of the year to treasure up in our hearts all these things told to the shepherds that night, and meditate upon them.

Praise God for what He has accomplished!

 --Steve Sann

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Digesting the Church

Thank You for keeping the discussion going regarding the dangers that the church is facing; but then, remember we've been in these "end of times" for over two thousand years.  So, OK, what else is new?  I just returned from a rather large (unnamed) fellowship that was celebrating the installation of a new head minister and associate minister, while the founder was retiring.  I was agog, that they REQUIRED facemasks, and wristbands of red, yellow, and green to communicate what level of greeting was permissible.  Very few seemed to wear red, most wore green, and "air hugs were common.  I knew many, but 30 years of age added to make the facemask cause any closeness impossible.  There were no nametags, and the event lacked 3/4 of the saints attendance.  I cannot fathom how people can hold such level of truth, and yet follow like lemmings the world's edict to wear this "costume".  What will they do at Halloween?  How do you minister healing from behind a mask and from a 6' distance?  Somehow, the manifestations are less than dynamic when you can't see the lips speaking.  How can you with "open face" tell people to not fear death  while pumping gel on your hands?  The millenials are marching in the streets, and the BLM movement is using them as pawns, while ALL are led by the Anarchy movement.  The Church is the group that is supposed to be altering society, but we have gone to the slaughterhouse of Satan, and are swallowed whole, headed for digestion followed by a loud BURRRPP!  Some will say that Zoom will save the Church, but I find it sophomoric and boring.  Therefore, the Father is leading me to go into the bowery of Cocoa Florida and take the less beautiful people under my wing.  I plan to go where they all know and some live either inside or nearby at their tents;  a closed down flea market. They will doubtless carry in their lawn chairs and ice chests of beer and have a "love feast", but we will cast off the pulpit and together open the Scriptures, and warn against the brick and mortar religion of the Bible belt.This concept is un proven except in Acts 2, but I expect to be exposed to the Christianity that Stephen and Agabus, and Aquilla & Prisca held forth.  UPCHUK !

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Jesus Christ: The World’s Biggest Conspiracy Theorist

The coming of the Coronavirus has brought with it several theories on how it originated.

Is Covid-19 a pandemic or a “planned-demic”?  

In other words, was this a random biological occurrence—or was it purposely designed in a laboratory for global release?

Is there a more sinister objective to the proposed vaccine—like, to use for government identification, depopulation, or even the mark of the beast?

Most of these speculations are considered “conspiracy theories”, laughed at and handily dismissed by the Main Stream Media (MSM). Although ironically, the MSM’s cover-up is usually a conspiracy theory’s greatest endorsement!  

In any case, I don’t propose to tackle each of these theories in this article. But, I do wish to consider the Bible’s viewpoint on conspiracy theories in general, and to point out that—as bad as the world may look on the surface—it may be much worse than it appears!

Was Jesus Christ a Conspiratorialist?

Firstly, what is a conspiracy theorist?

In short, anyone suggesting there is an unseen intelligence behind the world’s tragic events.

Or, as Cambridge Dictionary defines it: “someone who believes that an event or situation is the result of a secret plan made by powerful people”.

One has to admit, by modern definition, this makes Jesus every bit of a “conspiracy theorist”, does it not?

Remember—Jesus Christ likened the devil to a thief, who stealthily comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy”—John 10:10b.

If Jesus believed there is a secret devil, making secret plans to secretly steal, kill and destroywould that not make him a 100% conspiracy theorist, by modern definition?

Jesus, like the Apostle Paul, believed that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”—Ephesians 6:12.

One cannot envision a more secret, more powerful conspiracy than this: wickedness spiritually coordinated from on high!

You see, Jesus Christ described a shadowy, unseen spirit world lurking behind the material world in which we live. Its military-like chain-of-command carries out orders and assignments determined to herd mankind into a one-world government, leaving Satan in ultimate control of our destinies.

The book of Revelation foretells the culmination of Satan’s plan, which consummates into a new world order following “the gathering together”; i.e., the rapture. To this end, we are being incrementally marched.  Once we recognize Satan’s end goal, unraveling world affairs becomes elementary. In the globalist’s minds, “All roads lead to Rome”.

Jesus Christ’s Explanation of World Events Transcends All Others.

Most conspiracy theorieslike the Kennedy assassinations, or the 9/11 demolition of the World Trade Towersnever get beyond the narrow assumption that individual insiders devised, organized and carried out these intricate plots. To some doubters, this challenges human capabilityhow could so few engineer these global crises?  

In contrast, Jesus Christ spotlighted that the actual intelligence behind these conspiracies has its roots in the spirit realm. These intricate schemes incubate far outside the reach of human reasoning. Then, with the timing of an orchestra, they are broadcast globally to Satan’s key advocateshis seed.

Jesus pointed this out when he charged the Pharisees, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do.”—John 8:44. If the devil was their “father”, as Jesus confirmed, then the Pharisees were Satan’s seed, children by spiritual birth. As seed, their spiritual DNA instinctively yearns to fulfill Satan’s desires.

Yeslike God, the devil has his seed, his spirit-born progeny. And, for his spawn, there is no turning back.

Over the many years of Israel’s politics, the devil positioned his seed, the Pharisees, into key roles of decision-making. From there, the Pharisees were able to pervert the government, religion, economy, and education of the people of Israel by propounding the Babylonian Talmud above the Word of Godwhich remains the prominent dogma of the Jewish people today. Once in position, his seed waited ominously for the prophesy of Christ’s birth to be fulfilled, coiled and ready to strike.

With their rejection of God’s chosen Messiah, Jesus Christ promised that the utter destruction of Israel would take place within that generation, which was carried out by Titus of Rome in 70 AD, approximately 40 years after Jesus’ death.  Fortunately for us, with the birth to the Christ, ancient Israel had fulfilled its grand purpose on earth, and now awaits the resurrection.

Jesus “wrote the book” on Spiritual Warfare.

Astoundingly, Jesus Christ was the first to teach comprehensively of this conspiracy. Unveiling the devils’ kingdom, he underscored the magnitude of his revelation: For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.”Luke 10:24.

Apparently, neither Elijah the Prophet nor David the King could perceive of the global expansiveness of Satan’s kingdom, nor its evilness.  It was Jesus Christ who first exposed this worldwide web of Satan.



Why Many Folks are in Denial. 

Why do so many people remain blind to what is clearly going on around us?

Surprisingly, many people still trust the MSM, the mouthpiece of the Deep State. While the Main Stream Media and the Big Tech Elites are busy replacing God creating a global utopia after their own image, they are in fact laying the foundation of a one-world “technocracy”, in which all information will be centrally controlled.

Another reason for denial: folks wonder, “How can any one person cause a worldwide conspiracy” like world wars or global pandemics?

Good question. The answer is, they can’t.

For the most part, global conspiracies are not coordinated by any one person or group. Instead, they originate in the spirit realm, an intelligence hidden far away from human eyes, yet continually at work.

Often with little communication, activist groups, the media, educators, and governments leaders become magically united in ungodly causes, like transgenderism, defund the police, Antifa, Marxism, America’s “systemic racism”, and other ridiculous beliefs.

These conspiracies begin in the spirit realm and then—like spiritual “terrorist sleeper cells”—individuals in key positions awaken, harmoniously chirping the same siren song. Is this merely coincidence, or spirit influence?  

Lastly, there is an added reason good people are stuck in denial: it is impossible for most folks to grasp pure evil. “Good vs. evil” has become a mythological battle.

Few of us have suffered truly bitter hardship. It’s difficult for us to imagine that generations of truly wicked people have labored systematically over decades to dominate the world: to depopulate it, instigate wars, create birth defects, bankrupt nations, and dumb down our children’s educational systems. This is simply too evil for many folks to accept initially.

So, although it is hidden in plain sight, they fail to recognize this cunningly devised conspiracy.

The Scales are Falling from People’s Eyes. 

Like Israel of old, the devil has had centuries to maneuver his men and women into key, influential positions worldwide. They have infiltrated our governments, the “free press”, our universities, global banking and finance, big business, big pharma, big tech, music and entertainment, modern medicine, food production, and so on. 

This web is the “Deep State”: a Luciferian network of intelligence, that manipulates world affairs.

These include the globalists, the world’s elite, along with the organizations that empower them—all who would sell the birthright of our great countries for a mess of pottage.

In Western Civilization today, these spawn of Satan are transforming our freedoms into slavery, our food into poison, our children into androids. Tragically, Christians stand by dumbstruck while this evil ilk destroys our currency, overturns our history and culture, and inducts our youth into their never-ending wars.

Yes, it is going to take more than prayer alone to save our way of life—but prayer is a powerful place to start.

By usurping Christ’s authority over Satan’s kingdom in the name of Jesus Christ, we can begin to push back against his dominion on earth. Claim your God-given authority aloud in prayer! We’ve been granted the right to God’s protection over our loved ones and ourselves! Spiritual intercession releases that power—but you first have to say it and claim it.

The scales are falling from people’s eyes, and for the first time the devil’s opaqueness is coming into focus. People are beginning to wake up. Now is the time to speak! In the very end, all people will see and know that Jesus Christ was not a “theorist” at all.

Much can be done socially and spiritually to thwart the march of the Luciferian Deep State, and the decline of the free world into a one-world government, Satan’s New World Order. But, it all begins with recognizing that these evil plans are already at play.

Yes, the world’s biggest conspiracy is very much a reality. However, prayer and spiritual knowledge are lethal weapons in our hands. We must act decisively. With your help, others can also realize that there is no theory in this conspiracy.  


Thoughts?  Please post them to the Comments Section at the end of this Blog on the Way Corps Website, or email me directly at:

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Come and See The Chosen

Dr. Wierwille was so interested in taking God, Jesus Christ and the Word into the culture. I think he would have been so blessed to see how Jesus is portrayed in The Chosen, the first-ever multi-season show about the life of Christ. Come and see how Jesus reaches right into where we are.

8328345068?profile=originalThe Chosen Complete Season One (Episodes 1-8)

(Also available on your iPhone from the App store or Google Play)

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Announcing to new exciting teaching series


Happy Valentine's Day to everybody. As a gift to everybody I'm announcing two new exciting teaching series that are available on my website. One on "How to Handle Conflict Church" and another on "The Love of God", the Agape type of love.

The series on "How to Handle Conflicts in the Church" is a four-part teaching series on how to handle different opportunities within the church. It's a scriptural look through the book of Acts on how the church handled opportunities. As well as what the Church of Epistles say about how to handle conflicts within the church.

The Scriptures show a pattern that we can follow if we want to be able to get along with other members in the church. And that's the first big key in handling these conflicts. It is the want to do it.

I really started to want to learn more about this after my trip to El Salvador last fall. I saw firsthand how fellowships from the Central America countries came together when they had conflicts with each other. How they handled it openly and honestly. I left the meetings with the thought that we can get along if we want to. If we go to the Word of God to see what the Word says. If people with cooler heads can talk to one another, with a soft tone and without being accusative than we can help each other and stand with each other.

In the teaching series I focus on what the scriptures say about how to handle the conflicts. In the book of Acts they did handle conflicts and we're successful at it. Also there are records when they were not successful at it. We can learn from both.

The second teaching series is one that I been thinking about for years. Every February when Valentine's Day was being advertised. I thought of teaching a series on the love of God, the agape type of love.

The Greek word 'agape' has been thought of as the love of God and that's true. But it's so much bigger. It is the love of God in our minds (and here's the big key) it is in action. It's doing something. It's giving of oneself. It's more than just saying I love you. It is showing them that you love them by doing something. The Word of God shows us how to be bigger and better lovers.

What the world needs now is that agape type of love. That's why this series on "The Love of God."

To the Teaching series page

May God bless you abundantly until the next time we meet.



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Words to Live By:

“Believe for the Best, and Prepare for the Worst”

Insights into the Novel Coronavirus

By Steve Sann      

February 12, 2020      





Whether in business and finances, health and well-being, or family and relationships, a more suitable aphorism for crises has yet to be written:


"Believe for the Best, and Prepare for the Worst."



We know that believing is a Biblical requirement to receiving our answers from God. Therefore, believing for God’s best should be our daily mind set. 


Nonetheless—since we live in a world ravished by Splitfoot and his merciless thugs, we must protect ourselves from the devil’s unexpected attacks: in other words, prepare for the worst”. We should not be naïve to the devil’s methods, as so many poor souls seem to be these days. 

Even the Boy Scout’s timeless Motto is “Be Prepared”.


Certainly, believing and preparing is sound wisdom regarding the Coronavirus plague, as it works its way across Asia, and already into 27 nations of the world. 


By praying, God can miraculously intervene to slow or to stop its spread—after all, to perform miracles is the reason God gave us prayer. 


By preparing, we plan for the worst case, to keep our hearts free from sudden fear in times of crisis.


It has been two months since the outbreak of the Coronavirus in Wuhan, China, and its spread has shown no sign of abatement. An estimated 60 Chinese cities—potentially 400 million people (more than the whole United States population) —have been put on lockdown by Chinese authorities in an attempt to starve out this contagious virus. Large manufacturing has been abruptly suspended, and the streets forcibly evacuated. 


By China’s “official” count Tuesday, 43,112 are infected, and 1018 have died— and surpassing the 2003 SARS outbreak in number of deaths.




The Chief of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned this weekend, “the detection of a small number of cases [outside of China] may indicate a widespread transmission in other countries; in short, we may only be seeing the tip of the iceberg.” The WHO is the world authority on pandemics—when the WHO sneezes, everybody else catches cold.


What’s more, the number of people infected in Wuhan, China, could already be more than 30 times higher than the official tally, credible researchers in Hong Kong have previously warned.

Insinuations abound on major and “independent" news sites, suggesting the Communist government has rigged their statistics to downplay the pandemic’s severity—click here: the Wall Street Journal, Zero Hedge and Natural News.


Meanwhile, the lives of millions of people are in danger as the virus shows signs of spreading further throughout China, as well as internationally.   Click here for "A Quick Primer On Viruses".


China’s hospitals are overflowing. They lack sufficient beds and equipment, and many critically ill are being turned away at the hospital doors or expiring in the lobbies. Because of the shortage of medical Coronavirus testing kits, and with medical personnel spread thin, many return home to die untreated.


The New York Times has reported:

A senior Chinese official has ordered the authorities in the city of Wuhan to immediately round up all residents who have been infected with the Coronavirus and place them in isolation, quarantine or designated hospitals.
Sun Chunlan, a vice premier tasked with leading the central government’s response to the outbreak that is centered in Wuhan, said city investigators should go to each home to check the temperatures of every resident and interview infected patients’ close contacts.

“Set up a 24-hour duty system. During these wartime conditions, there must be no deserters, or they will be nailed to the pillar of historical shame forever,” Ms. Sun said.


In response to the crisis, China has rapidly constructed quarantine centers to detain thousands of suspected cases who lack sufficient hospital and medical treatment. These centers will restrict “the suspected infected” from circulating among the general population (think: "leper colony"). 



Some have asserted these “hospitals” (some without electrical outlets, not allowing for medical equipment) are merely death camps, where suspects are warehoused until they die.




Taking a page from China's playbook, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has just established eleven of their own small, scalable “quarantine centers” for Americans, located on local U.S. military bases.  Initially, 1000 detainees can be housed.

By Presidential executive order, the Department of Health and Human Services has been given blanket authority to quarantine and vaccinate interstate travelers suspected of communicable diseases, with criminal penalties for those not cooperating.


Although Western governments (US, Europe, Australia) have made some effort to limit outbreaks—by canceling flights to China, and imposing quarantines on travelers—it is still weeks out before we’ll know if these moderate measures will hold, or if Communist China-level draconian measures—amounting to a medical Martial Law lockdown—will be forced upon us, as well.


Should conditions become desperate, expect to hear: “Desperate times call for desperate measures”, becoming the Government’s mantra, which was also the justification for the unconstitutional U.S. Patriot Act on the heels of 9/11.


With every crisis, real or imagined, the federal government tightens its grip. In the immortal words of Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s first Chief of Staff: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” referring to the trillion dollar stimulus funding for the banks, following the 2008 economic downturn.


Should China-like measures be implemented, you and I will have more "worst case scenarios" to prepare for than just viral outbreaks. Try living without these essentials for a spell: food, water, medicines, utilities; shortages reported recently by “citizen journalists” within China. 

Click here to see videos of life in China under quarantine.


Click here to view pictures and videos on Coronavirus Twitter feed.

Whether or not the epidemic reaches your country, it makes sense to prepare for the worst now, and not delay. 


Let me pause and say this: I have no definitive foreknowledge that this pandemic will sweep the countries of us, our readers. In fact, I would expect that we, through united prayer, can forestall such a horrible fate.


Putting that aside, most of us been schooled in the importance of survival preparation.  Unless you disagree with maintaining minimal survival preparations, then what better time to shore up those supplies than now?


Why not see this event as a chance to tune up your food, home and medical supplies?  Since the world has experienced no less than three pandemic scares in just this last decade, we might as well take the time to prepare for any future ones right now.


The Book of Revelation foretells of several biological plagues that will encompass the earth, from which a third of the world's population will perish. From these prophecies, we can surmise that the world's best, most advanced technologies will be no match for tomorrow's weaponized viruses—many of which are housed in dozens of laboratories today. 


Obviously, no government will be able to protect mankind in that time, and no government should be relied upon to protect God's people today. Let's not be naive; but rather, prepare for the worst. 


Also, I do not side with those who believe that until the apocalypse, believers will not experience global pandemics, economic collapses and military holocausts, to name but a few catastrophes believers have experienced within this past century alone. Those who purport such teaching did not have to endure the Black Plague, Spanish Flu, or any of the many horrific, mindless wars, which have haunted the entire history of mankind. 


Yes, I believe God is forever trying to protect His people from this world’s destructions.  But, why can’t preparation for the worst-case scenarios be part of His protection?  

We don’t give up our jobs because we believe that God "will supply all our need"—He often supplies our need through our jobs.  Indeed, we are watched over, but we cannot remain ignorant of Satan’s devices. And, we will only be protected to the degree our believing shields are in place (Ephesians 6:16).


Following that, here are some ideas on preparing for a possible Coronavirus outbreak:


 Believe for the Best!


  • Pray Against the Pestilence:

There is no better survival plan than diverting disaster through prayer. Prayer with believing cracks God's whips over the hounds of hell, and can turn the tail on pestilences.

II Chronicles promises us exactly that:


II Chronicles 7:13, 14:

If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.


Even if pestilence does occur, God states that His primary will is that the plague is healed by the prayer of the people.

Psalms reminds us as the sons and daughters of God, we are specially protected in crisis:


Psalm 37:25:

I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.


If we should become afflicted, James reminds us, “the prayer of faith shall save the sick”:


James 5:13-15:

Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.

Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.


 If we believe these promises of God’s Word, we will be “Believing for the Best”. 


  • Pray for the Government, for sound and honest decision making.


God can influence the government leadership through your prayers. 

We previously addressed this topic in these Way Corps Letters, found on the Blog site:

November, 2019

January, 2020



  • Pray for the afflicted in Asia and beyond.

Many are Believers.

Projections indicate that nearly 1 out of 5 Chinese are Christian.

China has more Christians than all the U.S.—an estimated 234 million.


Numbers 16:47b – 50:

So he [Aaron] put in the incense and made atonement for the people.

And he stood between the dead and the living; so the plague was stopped.

Now those who died in the plague were fourteen thousand seven hundred, besides those who died in the Korah incident.

So Aaron returned to Moses at the door of the tabernacle of meeting, for the plague had stopped.


Job 42:10:

And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.




Prepare for the Worst!



  • Purchase protective gear, while it is still available.


This is of concern, because there is a limited supply of these critical items:


  • N-95 or N-100 masks, disposable. Surgical masks that are not N-95 do NOT provide adequate protection against viruses.
  • Nitrile gloves
  • Splash proof goggles


Local home improvement stores, like Home Depot , Ace, other hardware and paint shops, could be checked first, as online sources may place your order on eternal back-order.  Online sources: Amazon, Ebay. Natural News Health Ranger store may have limited supplies, here.


As you can imagine, individuals and governments are grabbing these items up.


Recommendations from the Hal Turner Show website:


Deadly coronavirus is transmissible via AIR and an infected person "hundreds of meters" away can infect you.

Such are the findings of medical experts in Shanghai, China, who are battling the often-deadly disease.

Medical experts in Shanghai now confirm the Coronavirus’ main transmission route is through aerosol transmission and contacts. Direct transmission of the virus means that when a infected patient sneezes, coughs or exhales droplets while talking, someone who directly inhales the air that the infected patient exhales would be infected.

Aerosol transmission happens when the droplets exhaled by the infected patient mixes with the air and become aerosol and when someone inhales that, they become infected. "The transmission range can be HUNDREDS OF METERS or even longer, which increases the risk of contactless transmission."


Transmission through contact means when droplets from infected patients stay on the surface of something, and when someone touches the contaminated surface and touches their mouth, nose, or eyes, they become infected.

Filter Masks such as National Institutes of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) N-95 and N-100 or P-100), can filter out those droplets to protect a person from inhaling them.

Coronavirus can also spread via eyes.   If a person walks through the air where an infected person has sneezed or coughed, the tiny virus particles can linger in the air and get onto your eye as you walk.  You can't even feel it.   

The virus can then get blinked into your tear duct and infect you.  So person seeking protection should also wear splash-proof eye protection such as swimmer goggles.

These masks and goggles are selling-out fast, worldwide.  If you do not have any for yourself or family, you should move before they're gone.

Nitrile gloves (will also protect your hands from any virus that may be on a surface, like a store cashier counter, or door handle.

Indications are that the Coronavirus can remain on a surface, like a doorknob or handrail for over 5 days.


  • Strengthen your immune system against viruses.

While much can and should be read on this, sunshine and Vitamin D crucial.


  • Food and water storage:

Frankly, the Mormons are way out in front of most of us on this. Ideally, every one of us should have had storage foods and water set aside a long time ago. 

But now is not too late: buy dry and canned foods that you actually like to eat, like sacks of rice and beans (along with various flavorful, healthy additions) and canned veggies and meats. These foods can carry your family through several months, and in good times, you can incorporate them in your regular menu rotation. 

          Water Storage—buy a few of these:  Click for Water Barrels       

Also, highly recommended: My Patriot Supply

  • Manufactured Products:

With China manufacturing suspended, future availability is questionable. For example, many medicines, such as penicillin, are no longer manufactured in the U.S.

Home, auto and truck parts, filters, and maintenance materials might become expensive or even unavailable, in an extended quarantine.


If you have recommendations to offer, please post them to the Comments Section at the end of this Blog on the Way Corps Website by clicking here, or email me directly at:

If you misplaced your password, please call Ning directly at 855-233-6436





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Way Corps Alumni Letter - New Years 2020

January 1, 2020

Dear Way Corps Alumni:

Looking back, 2019 was a roller-coaster year in U.S. politics, and already the New Year of 2020 promises not to disappoint!

Much will be decided this year that could determine the well being of every nation. Whether or not we participate in spiritually influencing these events through intercessory prayer is up to each one of us, individually.

With an election year upon us, an impeached President gaining in the polls, World War III fomenting in the Middle-East, and a stock market that seems to only know up—the world around us is bound to make us Christian believers a bit jumpy—and rightfully so. 

The question we all want to know is: Where is God in the middle of all this horribleness? 

Tragically, those Christians who assume that God is in ultimate control of world governments and politics are often the ones left most helpless—begging for God to "please—do something!“  It’s seriously difficult to be strong in faith when you believe that God is prone to random acts of destruction—especially your own.

Thankfully, for you and me of the Way Corps alumni, we absolutely know where God is:  His base of operations is “Christ in you”.

God's weaponry is housed in our "Christ-in-you" authority, positioned latently within each and every believer. God’s releases His “exceedingly abundantly above” power, when we finally stand up and claim our authority in Christ.

The fact is, only we believers have the authority to bring God on the scene! That’s the delegation sequence.

He’s not waiting for angels, for some future prophet, for a fresh wave of revival or the fulfillment of some ancient, Old Testament prophecy. 

He’s just waiting for you. 

We make it happen. When we move, He moves. God is not waiting for anybody or anything else to make His power known.

Just like Christ, we are the spiritual force to be reckoned with at the moment of—and only if and when—we release His power and authority into this world.  

That some of us have the confidence still to do the Happiest New Year message out there today!  Thank God, let the party begin! 

Biblically, when God delivers nations and peoples, it is always by the intercession of the men and women of God. Sometimes only one. 

Amazingly, Speaking in Tongues has been given to us today as the most powerful form of intercession in the history of the world.  Tongues is a potent, foundational tool in our armament. 

Several years ago, I wrote a booklet entitled: "WHY DID PAUL SPEAK IN TONGUES SO MUCH?" 

Here is a link to a pdf of this booklet as a New Year's gift to you, to help bring in the New Year with a bang! 


"WHY DID PAUL SPEAK IN TONGUES SO MUCH?" is a question we all should be asking.  I think you will discover the answers to be most inspiring—if not supercharging—to your soul. Once your authority in intercession is realized, it is difficult to walk away untouched by God’s fire in your spirit.  

As always, please share any uplifting comments, encouragement and experiences about the power of Speaking in Tongues on the comment section below. If you have incidents of intercessory miracles, please share these with us, as well. By these, we can edify the entire body!



 As we end this 2019 year, I want to thank you for the privilege of serving you and your families on the Way Corps site, in the small way we have. 

We see our purpose simply as "to strengthen that which remains," by reinforcing those good and beneficial truths which we have been taught, and that made us proud to be Way Corps. 

By providing a safe forum for the Way Corps alumni to reach out and intermingle, we hope to encourage all those who appreciate the good things we’ve been privileged to enjoy.  

In this upcoming year of 2020, you will notice several upgrades to the site: we are in the process of transitioning to a newer platform called NING 3.0. Please watch for and explore it with us! 

Throughout 2020, may God’s richest blessings be activated in your life, family and ministry!


Happy New Year!

Steve and Terry Sann


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I'm one of those who have the opinion that the current "dispora" of The Way Int'l is by design, rather than the breakup of a large ministry.  At the forefront of this, are God's Way Corps obviously, not to be outdone by the many thousands of others who have taken up the mantle.  In many respects, it bares similitude to the vernacular "shit hitting the fan".  Acts makes a reference to an instance in which the believers went everywhere preaching the word.  Together with tools like the Internet, we're seeing great pressure being put on the same old traditions of men, which has been predominant for centuries.  

Recently, I discovered a significantly large group of Christians who hold beliefs very similar to those that we had been taught, and mostly are actively practiced under a different moniker.  I felt strangely comfortable with many of them, and drawn to help them along with a few inconsistencies (as I saw them).  This group is inclusive in nature, and therefore drifts a bit in personal dividings, much like a conglomeration of several denominational viewpoints, while being accepting of one another.  This is the opposite of how we were taught, being recipients of "the rightly divided word"; we became "EXclusive", a problem that is still problematic, today.

Anyway, these thousands of mostly accurate believers are spread throughout the US and world, but are largely unheard of because they are organized as a network of independent churches.  Some speak in tongues, and some water baptize, and some adhere to the law, but all are non-trinitarian, dead are dead, church epistle, rapture/hope Christ-ins.  The odd part is, WE thought that we were the only ministry that had such beliefs.  And they are highly evangelistic, meaning they walk the walk, and talk the talk; each and every one.  Outreach is a mission from God, for them.

One thing they lack:  they start churches in barns, community colleges, or shopping malls, but cannot find fully trained ministers to undershepard them as a church pastor, probably because all the ministerial schools are teaching lies.  I offered that the Way Corps could fill this leadership gap.  But, one doesn't march in with the spirit of overlord, it takes loving commitment to not teach all you know, and be willing to move to a new location with a small salary.

I'd like to know if there are several Way Corps who could do this, who find that their ministries are not what they want them to be.  This is a want-ad.  The concept is to over many years meld and morph, teach and love this group; and change accordingly for the sake of the movement of the word.  We've GOT the leadership, they've got a need for leaders.

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The Victor Paul Wierwille bronze bust

Oh, hell you say?  YES, there is a ... make that a WAS a bust of Dr. Wierwille at one time.  I was in my final year of the 8th Corps, and some of us volunteered to help clean out the "old" Divine Design workroom in town, because they were moving onto the HQ grounds.  I don't remember if any others helping spotted it down in the trash pile, but it was unmistakeable.  My first urge was to "nab it" for myself; but then I asked myself why it was here in the trash pile.  Now, I should say at this point that I am pretty sure it was not the final bronze casting, but the shell that was made from the clay; into which one would pour the bust.  When you break that, you've broken the mold, and there would be no bust.  But did someone pour a bust before I arrived on the scene? --I couldn't know.  My best thoughts are that they showed the shell to Dr. Wierwille, and he gave the order to destroy it.  That's just because I know the man.  There are two Way Corps who would be able to substantiate this, and it's not my place to say who they may be.  BUT, the point is, that we don't worship a man, and IF by chance a bust ever does show up, 'Ala, Dead Sea scroll style, you have standing orders to smash it to bits!

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Way Corps Alumni Letter

One doesn't need to acquire an in-depth spiritual perception and awareness to recognize that our country is in speedy decline.  Every seam that unites us together as "one nation under God" appears to be unraveling.  Morally, financially, spiritually—our country has lost its way, and is rapidly heading down the road of disaster.  And, sadly, most of the good men and women who could provide leadership are barely making ends meet or are afraid of becoming a political target.

Who can help? 

Thankfully, we have learned in God's Word that each us, as men and women of God, have at least one, vital responsibility to our country. And that is, to intercede for it:


II Timothy 2: I-3:  [emphasis added]

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.  

In the past, as a mere citizen, I have felt powerless to make any real impact on the direction of my country and its politics. But—as a Son of God with Power—there is much that can be accomplished. 

In fact, our spiritual influence over Satan's kingdom is so impactful, so significant, that the Apostle Paul exhorts us: make prayer the absolute "first of all" thing that you do.

There may be many things God would have us to do in life. But there is no greater priority, He says, than prayer.

Why is this?  Because, when we pray, God’s power is released to do exactly what He needs it to do.  Without prayer, the fire can never be ignited.

For whom are we to pray? 
"For kings, and for all that are in authority". 

Why do pray for these government authorities? 
"That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty."

So, why are we to pray for the Congress, the Senate, and the President?  Because we like them, or not? No, neither matters.

Rather, we are to pray to restrain our governments from hindering God’s work, and us.  Or, to put more bluntly—that the government will simply stay out of our and our children’s lives—forever. 

Unfortunately, we live in Satan's kingdom.  Nonetheless, we, as God's people, and our families, are promised the Father's protection and prosperity.  That's the guarantee of His Word.  We are set apart, sanctified, even while we live in Satan’s midst.

In spite of God's promises, if someone doesn't pray and believe, His promises will never—can never—come to pass. Instead, he will become trampled by Satan's power. This has happened to all of us, from time to time.  Consequently, our vigilance is required. We cannot take our eyes off the ball.

Our greatest weapon to protect our countries, our peoples, our families—is prayer! And not just begging with weak words, but faith-filled prayer, standing on our authority with expectation. 

You have the authority as a man or woman of God to command the protection and success for God's servants in this world, today!  In fact, if you do not do it, it will not be done. 

At this rare time in history, America is approaching a narrow bend in the river, with rocky crags rapidly encroaching.  This "Ship of State" which we once loved is taking on water and listing badly.  There's not much gap between where we are now and the collapse of our vital freedoms.  Once lost, they won't be return any time soon. 

The least we can do for the unborn future generations is to pray—with believing confidence—for God to keep His promise: that God's people and their children “may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty”.

As those who desire to walk in spiritual perception and awareness, the responsibility falls to us in these critical times to pray with believing for the country we enjoyed in our youth.

PS - We will be traveling the country over the coming months. Let  us know if you would like some company. It's always good to see old friends and make new ones. My email address is

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Read the Bible for Understanding and Power

Now available through Kindle Parts One, Two and Three of "How to Read the Bible for Understanding and Power" as a interactive eBook.


It is available to get both the Audio Class and the Book all in one eBook. I'm dividing the audio class and the book into manageable parts with each part being a major subject onto itself. The first being "How the Bible interprets itself" the second "How to Believe God and Defeat Fear" and now the third " The Beginning: The First Three Chapters of Genesis." Plus a paperback book for each eBook for easy reading. I made an arrangement with and Kindle that if you purchase the paperback the eBook would be a free gift from me to you. Check it out.


How, Parts one, Two and Three on Kindle Interactive Editions. to Read the Bible for Understanding and Power

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What is True Worship



KJV Jude 1:19 - 20 These be they who separate themselves, sensual [meaning by the five senses or the natural man], having not the Spirit. But ye,[but you who have the spirit] beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,"


You are building up yourself by praying by way of the spirit, speaking in tongues. What a wonderful benefit to speaking in tongues. Building yourself up in the spirit by speaking in tongues.


KJV John 4:19 - 24 [This is the woman that Jesus Christ met by the well and as he is speaking with her.] "The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."


True worship is to worship in the spirit. God wants and we must worship him in the spirit and in truth. This is by means of the spirit. What we have is to speak in tongues. When we speak in tongues it is perfect worship to God. It bypasses the five senses all together and it is perfect Worship. This is the true worship that God is looking for it our day and time.


Before it was available to get born again and receive the gift of holy spirit people had to worship God via the 5 senses. You can see that recorded throughout the Old Testament and in the Gospels. They had to use five senses ways to worship God. They had to do certain things that could be seen from the senses world, by means of the five senses to worship God. They had to do something to show people that they pour out their hearts to God. Sometimes verbally so others could see it. They had to lay down on the ground and demonstration and show God there worship. They would emotionally show their love and concern for God in Words and Music and demonstration.  But today in this Administration God has given us a more perfect way to worship him. Not one done by the five senses but by the spirit. By speaking in tongues which is that true worship that God has called for us to do in this day and time.  You do not see any of that five senses type of worship in the Book of Acts or in the Church of Epistles.


To listen to the whole teaching less than 30 minutes long click below

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Hi I'm saying hi again

God bless you all in the most powerful name of our living Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


I haven't been part of the way Ministry since late in 1980's. After graduating from The Way Corps 1985, I served with the way Ministry for about 4 or 5 years. Since that time I have been an independent Minister running fellowships in my home and in other places for almost 30 years now. I do not look back too much, even though I'm thankful for the training that I received. I look forward to the prize of God's holy calling in each of us and what I will share here and everywhere is what I am doing and what I want to do. I'm not interested in going over past failures or successes. Here's a post that I just posted recently on Facebook.


You probably noticed that the header says Faithful in Christ Ministries, Serving Home Churches. I'm proud to announce that I am now part of Faithful in Christ Ministries.


I have been a independent Minister for many years now. A Teacher, Author, Public Speaker and I have invited people to my home and to others' homes for the purpose of teaching. I was always glad to work with other like-minded people and Ministries for the furtherance of the Gospel.


I took some time to think about and research before deciding to serve with Faithful in Christ Ministries. Let me share with you some of what went into my decisions.


Two years ago I traveled across the United States on my way to see my son in Spokane, Washington. I stopped to see Ministries from Maine, to New York, to Virginia, to South Carolina, to Ohio, to Illinois, to Kansas, to Colorado, to California, to Texas, then finally ending up back in Maine.  I had some similarities to all the Ministries that I stopped at but the one that I felt the most kindred and like-mindedness was the ministry in Illinois, Faithful in Christ Ministries. I have been to two Weekends in The Word with them, two Family Camps and what impressed me the most was there steadfastness on the integrity and accuracy of God's Word.


They want to teach the accuracy of the Word. They work very hard to make sure that what is taught is the rightly divided Word to the best of their ability. That was the most important thing to me.


Secondly was the ministry itself. I found them to be faithful men, honest men of good report. They have board members who have different functions in the ministry. They discuss and work through things once a month to make sure they're doing things the right way.


They have very good accounting practices. They are faithful to make sure what they're doing is Godly, honest and has the most impact possible for the furtherance of the Gospel.


I find that the president and head pastor of Faithful in Christ Ministries, Charlie Quillen, to be a very capable and well seasoned in the Word. A faithful man to God. He is gentle with people. He sees the best in everybody. People respond favorably to his teaching Ministry. I found him to be a very good, faithful and trustworthy minister of God's Word.


In our discussion of the possibility of me serving with Faithful in Christ Ministries, I asked them what was required of me. What would they want me to do. Their response was they did not want or require anything from me. They just wanted to help me with my ministry.  That blessed me tremendously.


I just wanted to be able to continue in what I have been doing, teaching God's Word, writing about God's Word and ministering to people whenever I get a chance.  What I see here is that this gives me a bigger platform to make known to more people what I have available. My goal is to reach out and get God's Word out to more people. That's why I'm excited to be serving with Faithful in Christ Ministries.




Last Saturday, October 7th, I was ordained as a minister into Faithful in Christ Ministries. In response to the ordination I read a writing from, Dr Victor Paul Wierwille that goes like this.


The Teacher of God's Word


The Teacher of God's Word is one of a kind who loves God with all his heart, soul, mind and strength; And who loves nothing more than to teach His Word. This is my heart and this is all I want to do as a teacher of God's Word. I have plenty to give.



The Teacher of God's Word is an artist. He works alone - reading - thinking -  praying - studying - believing to share his product with all the world. This is my heart and this is all I want to do as a teacher of God's Word. I have plenty to give.



The Teacher of God's Word is a giver. One who gives without the guarantee of being received; One who rejoices without knowing if anyone else will Joy; One who correct the irresponsible and careless; One who gives, gives, gives and keeps on giving. This is my heart and this is all I want to do as a teacher of God's Word. I have plenty to give.



The Teacher of God's Word lives only to teach, to receive, to weigh, to discard, to develop, to learn, to treasure, to give, to motivate, to enlist, to establish, to encourage, to direct. This is my heart and this is all I want to do as a teacher of God's Word. I have plenty to give.



This is my heart and this is all I want to do as a teacher of God's Word.


May God bless you all, abundantly.


Thank you


Steve Jaynes8328341858?profile=original

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Never Helpless Song on Prayer Page

This song that John put up on the site touched my

heart, I hadn't heard it in years...I cried & cried because to me it is true

I have prayed the perfect prayer for many of you, my fellow Way Corps,

that we continue to be & do our best for the highest intentions...

I, like many of you, have never stopped growing spiritually.

We may not be attached to any ministry, or may well be,

Regardless our lives matter, We matter. Our intentions, our loving hearts

drives the loving vibration up & up for our planet.

I know when I SIT i don't have my ego in the prayer, I send love and

best intentions & trust that God the great Spirit will do whatever

is supposed to BE.

Yes even after all these years I still SIT...

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How To See The Weight Loss Attitude

You will discover more associated with data about gaining muscle these days than ever. The only difficulty is who you believe and who do you pass on by. Well if you've got been embarrassed to take off your shirt on the beach or anywhere for that matter, the Muscle Gain Truth has arrived to turn your life around and get you the body that you might have been dreaming of. And, you don't must operate out for hours at the gymnasium just to make this happen. In fact, you're about to learn that some from the equipment several possibly be utilizing is truly preventing you from gaining the muscles which you want.

Hoodia diet pills will suppress your hunger and desire. Not only that, it additionally increase your metabolism. This could help you burn more calories. As long as you are not take more calories than what your body burns, seeing lose excess fat. You can burn more most calories a person have associate it with physical exercises.

Another critical thing to bear in mind is to your pet's diet. Inadequate fatty acids in your dog's diet can be a leading to Dandruff in your dog. For people who have any doubts about the diet, down the road . consult a veterinarian about which all health stores can be added on your own dog's cuisine. You might also want to recheck the quality of your canine's food and upgrade it if it seems to represent lower large quality.

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You can take an interest on the two foods that can be the nature's shock. One is the chlorella and omega 3 which can be a source of EPA-DHA-DPA. You have always choose company which is chosen by most for this retailers, consumers as well as health care professionals.

When fruits and vegetables to remember medical care, you will realize that you are to be able to burn an opening in your pocket and damage your bank account, because of the ridiculously high cost of health these amount of days. Do you want that service? I hope not always.

Yeah, I'm grateful to the nutritional supplements as I received recovered right. I began asking your mind. Do I truly will need all these health merchandise?

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Trying to Explain

I had to try to explain The Way to a colleague today. It was tough to get through. I do not need to explain it to any readers here; you lived it too. But, in the interest of our Lord Jesus, I would share some of my reflections on what I have learned since becoming DFAC in 1988.

I was impacted by the story in the PFAL class of the "man of God" saying to the cripple in India "now lift your arm," and he was healed. From that point on I have been very interested in the healing ministry. So, even while in the Corps, I met BG Leonard and got his book, "The Gifts of the Spirit," knowing that he was the one Wierwille had learned from. I recall Mrs. Wierwille talking about how great Leonard's instruction was and how she was able to excel in the healing ministry upon taking his class.

I believe the story of the cripple's healing was true and saw numerous other genuine miracles of grace in the Way.(Ephesians 1:6a) Yes, even with all the error, God's grace proved to be that great.

About 1991, three years after leaving the Way, I heard the story of an ex-Way lady with advanced MS who had been healed by Leonard's use of spiritual gifts over the phone. I ended up taking his course on the Gifts of the Spirit in 1992; which was very good.

Then in 1993-94 I moved to Brownsville, TX and took Leonard's full year long Bible Course.

BTW, Wierwille did indeed plagiarize Leonard. Even friends like Johnny Jump-Up, Maggie Muggins, and Henry Baloko were original to BG Leonard.

Also, it was also from Leonard that Wierwille took "The word of God is the will of God," and the statement, "Jesus Christ is not God," of which I will say more about in a moment.

So, Leonard was the source of a lot of material. He was 83 when I was with him in Brownsville in '93 and struggling with his short term memory. Leonard loved the Lord Jesus and exalted Christ to the heavens in his preaching. I loved him for it.

It seems to me that Wierwille set out to do what he did, to be the big man to a group of faithful followers. He very cleverly took great teaching from others and changed it just slightly enough that it still rang true, but enough so that by buying into it you were of necessity separated out from all other Christians, in effect giving you nowhere else to go for 'truth.'

The greatest switch up of all in this deal was "Jesus Christ is not God."

BG Leonard was not anti-Trinitarian. Wierwille was.

Often in his preaching and teaching, BG Leonard sounded as if he believed God became man. Wierwille took "JC is not God" further, enough so to effectively build a wall around us, using our love for God against us that it would be 'devilish' to go to a church believed in the Trinity. That's the fence that served Wierwille so well, keeping us bound to him as "the man of God, the Teacher."

In Way culture we often mockingly Trinitarians for believing in "three gods," which is another fallacy.

Bear with me, especially if you still feel fenced in away from other Christians because of their doctrine of the Trinity. But in classical Trinitarian theology it is commonly explained that there is one God who expresses himself in three persons, and (this is where it gets good) in the Trinity "the Father is 'not' the Son, and the Son is 'not' the Father." That is very near to what BG Leonard was saying, and a bit further removed, but so was Wierwille. 

(If you have no interest in theology, skip the next four paragraphs)


Though I am now a Trinitarian and a pastor, I could almost agree with the statement "Jesus Christ is not God," but with a common at the end, not an exclamation point; because I would have to add, "yet he was." Jesus had his own will, but he had two natures, human and divine. BG Leonard pointed out in his teaching that sometimes Jesus spoke as a man and sometimes as God. When Jesus died in the flesh, God did not die; so in that sense yes, Jesus is not God. But there is more to consider.

In prophetic speech, Jesus was referenced as "the arm of the Lord (Yahweh)." If your arm was cut off would you die? Not necessarily; but a part of you would. It would hurt like hell, and personally, it would be a great loss; it would cost you dearly.

Though much about God is beyond our ability to comprehend, of necessity, he must be morally perfect, without flaw. IF Jesus were only a creation of God, independent and separate from him, then it was grossly immoral of God to require him to go to the cross for us to pay our debt. If I made one of my sons empty his bank account to pay my neighbor's debt, you would think me barbaric, and rightly so.

But if God did join himself to Mary's ovum and became fully man (having to learn, grow, bathe...), while still being fully God in the Spirit, then even though Jesus retained his free will in the necessary separation that exists between flesh and spirit, when Jesus died it did cost God dearly and he is indeed "God our Savior." (the phrase shows up 5X in Timothy and Titus) Can you conceive of any reason God could not join himself to humanity? He designed the reproductive system. And by doing sinking himself into humanity and going to the cross he accomplished his greatest purpose, proving to all that at the core of his being he is altogether love: real love, sacrificial love.


This kind of very slight turn of a phrase--that minor twist--was gold to Wierwille. He made himself sound like a genius and convinced us that it was all original to him.

He did his little twist with everything Christian: faith, grace, peace, and even love (boy howdy). All very slightly distorted, yet true enough to sell well.

Another example: Wierwille turned the nine gifts of the Spirit into the nine manifestations. Manifestations only exist when in evidence, but Wierwille (borrowing from Leonard's definition) defined them as abilities. That is nonsensical. But a spiritual gift is yours always whether in manifestation or not. 1 Corinthians 12 lists manifestations, indeed, and by doing so clearly infers the existence of the nine gifts, which are truly, by definition, God-given abilities.

The apostle Paul said, "Knowledge puffs up." That was me in the Way. A wee little man with what I was sure was superior knowledge and a greater commitment than other idol worshipping Christians. God forgive me.

"Knowledge is power," another BG Leonard phrase, and is a great thing but it is also intoxicating, the knowing of something others do not, and it is always toxic if it is wrong, even if only slightly so.

"But charity (divine sacrificial love) edifies."

No one has "the accurate knowledge of the truth" on earth, and no one ever will. But, when I was lost and alone, living in insecurity and spiritual darkness, a young man from the Way International opened his Bible to Romans 10:9 and 10 and asked me if I believed God raised Jesus from the dead. I looked in my heart and was surprised to discover that I did. Had I not been asked I would not have known what the Lord had already put in me. I said it with my mouth, "Jesus, you're my Lord!" and was dramatically saved. It was like turning to finally see a friend who had always been with me through everything and has patiently been waiting to be acknowledged. My depression fled away in an instant. I was as free as any man who ever lived.

It was not the accuracy of the Word that saved me. Jesus did; by two verses. I now know that "the Word," is not a letter or a truth that can be taught or dug up; the Truth is a person. Jesus is yet as good and faithful a friend as he has ever been.

I wrote a short Bible study called "The Hub." If you will e-mail me your snail-mail address it would be an honor to send you a free copy. Metaphorically, Christ is the hub and all other Bible topics are like spokes; they're only important if kept connected to him and serving his purpose. I think you'd enjoy it.

Thank you for reading, and for a lot of great years together.


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