Blog or Article?
Blogs often focus on personal opinion, experiences, views, anecdotes or advice. Blogs tend to have a relaxed and conversational feel, such as in storytelling and are generally 300-500 words.
Articles aim to deliver well-researched, informative content with solid evidence to back up the points made. Articles are usually more formal, organized and frequently range 500-1000 words.
I have heard a lot of doom and gloom stories too Davis. More than ever. You'd think Obama was the Anti christ or something. I still believe our country is great and has great potential. I am an optimist. Glass is half full. Always been that way no matter who the president is. I gave up long ago trying to control and worry about things beyone my control. I am not even sure I understand what a $Trillion dollars is. Much less what to make of it.
Biggest problem I see in my limited experience is that Americans suck at saving and seem to love debt. Now that the "rainy day" is here (regardless of the cause) many have found themselves without a sufficient plan. But it is never too late to start. And no, it is not easy for me to say. I have never had privileges....ever. Extremely humble beginnings and hard ass work are all I remember.
Blackberry me sometime this week.
I read 1776 by McCullough, and am just now starting to read "John Adams" by the same guy. Excellent reading they are.
Do you think Samuel or John Adams or any of those guys knew what their heroic deeds would bring to the 21st century! I use Verizon and the "Can you hear me now Guy" from the Verizon commerical ain't pullin' our legs.
Hey! I'm reading "1776" that book by David McCullough...good stuff! Also picked up a book, haven't read it yet about Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow... another talented guy. Huh!
Yup! I've got alot of conservative guy and gal pals, who have a tendency to "doom and gloom" me know?...not happy with all the going's on lately. I do my best to listen and to assure them as long as my pals Billy Britt, John Richeson, Joe Kriston and you others here draw breath, you won't allow this country to "go down the tubes".
Gotta go to work...enjoy this most beautiful day!
Davis, how you get Internet out on a pontoon? You geek.
I'm aboard a pontoon boat in northern IL. Beautiful day, drinkin' a Corona. Was Corona involved in the founding of this great nation of ours?
Geez. Silly me. And I thought that they were supposed to be working for me, "John Q. Citizen....."