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Paradise for Pirates

On Easter Sunday, three Navy Seals sharpshooters put an end to the piracy of the American flagged Maersk Alabama . The Seals also ended the short miserable lives of three Somali Muslim pirates.This is a victorious conclusion to an odyssey that began when Somali brigands took hostage 53-year-old freighter Captain Richard Phillips.When Captain Phillips’ ship was attacked he surrendered himself in order that his men could remain safe on board the 17,000-ton freighter.This is a reminder that honor can still be found among American leaders.As the final stages of the drama unfolded the Seals were given permission to use deadly force to end the stand off. The orders to shoot to kill were to be followed if Captain Phillips’ life was in “imminent” danger. These orders were issued from the White House with President Obama’s approval.This is a much welcome success compared to previous responses to terrorist threats, a la Carter’s hostage fiasco and Clinton’s Black Hawk Down debacle.Some will call it a lucky win for Mr. Obama; I call it a sign of American exceptionalism.Yes, a heroic merchant marine and a fierce and professional military operation are still signs of America’s greatness.Lest indicative of American greatest, was Mr. Obama’s assertion in Turkey last week when he denied that the United States is, “or ever will be” at war with Islam.While it is difficult to be at war with a religion, it is also seems disingenuous to say that the United States is, “or ever will be” at war with radical Islamic fundamentalist.This is not the first time in our nation’s history that American seafaring ships were the targets of Jihadist pirates.In the 18th century, Barbary State pirates looted American and British ships taking hundreds of thousands of our citizens into slavery. Yes, Muslims have a history of slavery that is still in practice today.In 1786, Thomas Jefferson, then the ambassador to France, and John Adams, ambassador to Britain, met in London with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the ambassador from Tripoli. The Americans asked Adja why his government was open and illegally hostile to American ships? They reported to the Continental Congress that the ambassador had told them, “It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every Muslim who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise.” Jefferson reported what Adja also told them that for healthy sums of money, Muslims would make peace.Jefferson did not like the plan, but contrary to his advice in 1880 the US government paid 20% of its annual expenditure to Islamic pirates.In 1801 after Jefferson took office as President of the US, Yussif Karamanli, the Pasha (Leader)of Tripoli, demanded $225,000 from the new administration as insurance against Barbary pirates.Jefferson refused to pay or negotiate with the terrorist, which led to the First Barbary War (1801–1805). This was the first of two wars fought between the United States and the North African Muslim states known as the Barbary States. In these war actions the US Navy and Marine Corps put down the Ottoman Pirates and their Islamic Jihad.The opening line of the Marines’ Hymn enshrines the victory over the Muslim pirate, “From the Halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli…”This was the United States’ first military action overseas and its mission was simple; destroy all Barbary pirates, free the American slaves, captives, and put an end to the Ottoman Moors ability to wage war in the name of Islam.Last Sunday, three, Navy Seal’s issued three one-way tickets to paradise for three Muslim pirates. We are told they believe that innumerable virgins awaited them upon arrival in paradise, to which I say, next?
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  • You got spanked! Ha, ha. But I bet you liked it.

    Billy, as I sit here at Ted Ferrell's studio in Pinellas Park listening to some old songs he is converting from cassette to cd for me, we were having a good time thinking of you and reminiscing a bit. We don't remember you being such a political statesman back in the day but glad you are now.
    I am trying to get him to come on that cruise with us. I think he is gonna do it. Won't that be fun. I just hope we can keep up with him.
  • Ah, Hope, Did you just take me to the woodshed?
    As always. I love you much and appreciate your insight.
    The Inquisition, what a show You can't talk him out of anything!
  • John.....
    Thanks for your sense of humor and balanced you man.

    Love and blessings!
  • I saw this quote which I tend to agree with.

    "It was a room full of bowers and curtsies, I think it was an easy slip. He did spent this past week kow-towing to governments, of which he is the new-kid-on-the-block. The countries he visited, have long histories of protocol, and from what I’ve observed, no damage done."

    I think he screwed up, however and he caught flack for it.
  • He wasn’t bowing . . . he was ducking in case someone threw a shoe.

  • I about ---- my pants when I saw Obama bow to the Saudi King. I couldn't have been more alarmed, saddened, disappointed, embarrassed, and nauseated.

    Great stuff Billy.

  • Good point John.
    Not trying to paint with too broad a brush.
    However, I have no love for their faith, as I am certain they do not for mine.
    As an American I pray that Mr. Obama’s efforts are successful, however doubtful I might be.
    Bowing to a Saudi King (or holding hands) I think is inappropriate for the Head of State.
    That being said, “Walk softly and carry a big stick is fine too.
    But to think that we will ever placate, pacify or appease an Islamic state, I fear, is a fool’s errand or at least history tells a different story.
    Rodney King’s “Can’t we all just get along?” does not jib in the world we live in. Wish it did.
  • Hey,
    And after you wrote this the pirates have tried again against a US flagged merchant vessel. Fortunately, our navy was there in time to rescue our guys. Our military guys do not often get enough credit. Our son, Rex, enters basic training with the Air Force on July 21. Wouldn't it be nice if the efforts of our brave military guys were more frequently given the attention and the appreciation they are due?
  • I applaud the Navy Seals. Pirates of any kind are no match for our skills and technology today whether they be of the Muslim faith or no faith. We can eat Pirates for breakfast if we really want to.

    Concerning Obama, I read this as part of the context of his speech.

    "Let me say this as clearly as I can," Obama said. "The United States is not and never will be at war with Islam.

    "He devoted much of his speech to urging a greater bond between Americans and Muslims, portraying terrorist groups such as al Qaida as extremists who did not represent the vast majority of Muslims."

    Yet you said:
    " is also seems disingenuous to say that the United States is, “or ever will be” at war with radical Islamic fundamentalist."

    In my opinion, there is quite a difference in your interpretation of the intentions of his words. But I know how you feel. We Americans like to kick ass and we will always do so to our enemies whether they be a radical Muslim or a radical Timothy McVeigh skinhead. We are a stubborn bunch and we do not give in.

    However, I think he is on the right track. The Muslims I know are good people, productive citizens who are proud Americans and hate violence. My daughter goes to school with some of their kids and they are very "Americanized". They like their Ipods and texting their bf's constantly as much as the other high schoolers do. In their natural rebellion I bet some of them will eventually reject Islam as their belief system.

    In fact, my brother follows Christian stuff all over the world. Apparently more people are leaving Islam for Christianity than joining at this point.

    It had to happen in this great and stubborn country we live

    Gotta love the Internet.

    I guess you can tell I am a glass half full guy with my rose colored contact lenses. It works for me.
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