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speech (1)

Are U Ready 4 Some Gulag?

Yesterday, some top prosecutors and sheriffs in the the "Show Me State" put together what they deemed the "Truth Squad." They set themselves up as the true watchmen of "truth" in regard to the Obama campaign. The possibility of prosecution for spreading falsities about the Obama campaign has become a present day reality. They have become the standard bearers of truth regarding this campaign. Those who say things about the candidate are threatened with prosecution for libel if deemed that they spoke with the intent to promote falsehood. Their stated reason for this is that "They will be reminding voters that Barack Obama is a Christian who wants to cut taxes for anyone making less than $250,000 a year." Now that's what I'm talking about. Bring it on.Check out the link at'mon people, how stupid has this populace become? Have we forgotten the lessons of the past century? Remember, when those dynamic deceptive despots ruled the other parts of the world. How many died at their hands. Millions? Hundreds of Millions? You can look back and see that the tactics were the same back then. Hitler had his Brownshirts (Sturmabteilung), his truth squad, that terrorized anyone who spoke anything about der Fuhrer in a bad light. Many were not seen after their revealings. Their warnings were squelched by the machine. Stalin. Mao, Castro, Pol Pot ... all had their "truth squads" to protect their legacies. In the end though, the world saw them for what they were. Agents of change, loose change.Now I am not saying that Obama should be put in the same category as these others I have spoken about, but it is interesting that we are now seeing this here in the "land of the free." We could be headed for an Obama Nation should this policy continue after the election is over. Maybe we are just be "Biden" our time as the hands move us closer toward the end of all things. The hands off approach to politics is usually a result that the candidate has bad or nonexistent policies to begin with. I am not saying that Obama is the right or wrong choice for this land. But I do understand the sovereignty of God in His order and timing of all things bright and not so beautiful. The Book still has to be fulfilled, and it still looks as though it will be in our lifetime. There are of course other alternatives, none of which really are a turn on. One could go with the "Son of Cain", yes that sounds like a good choice doesn't it? The other candidates, "Palin" the glory of the majors. She is kinda cute in a cutesy sort of way. Does she wear red? We know she rides... I digress.The framers of our Constitution framed it in with the Bill of Rights. One of these was the right of free speech. Free speech allows us to question and bring to light motives of the heart. We may not always like it, but one little match still sets to flight darkness even in the darkest cave. What I do find interesting, is that the left are the ones attempting to enlist these "truth squads." Yet they are the same ones that get belligerent when those on the other side speaks freely about our convictions. Aren't they reminiscent of the "thought police" that we had while in residence. One of our Teachers, kept reiterating that "Truth Needs No Defense!" Hey, I believe that's TRUE!I can here the Monday Night DFootball warmup with ol' Hank ................. Wait for it.................. ARE U READY 4 SOME GULAG? ARE U READY 4 A PARTY?.........David
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