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PrefaceAromatherapy and essential oils books have been written from many points of view. The Sweet Smell of Success is a very different approach to aromatherapy. As an acute care anesthesiologist, I believe clinical aromatherapy should be integrated with allopathic medicine in the Wellness Revolution of the 21st Century. Aromatherapy with essential oils is one entity of the vast array of holistic specialties comprising nutritional medicine and complementary alternative medicine. Nutritional medicine with essential oils has great potential to enhance and humanize healthcare when practiced with what is often considered as conventional medicine. Although aromatherapy is not appreciated by many physicians and is often misrepresented to the public, there are tremendous advantages to be gained in its diverse applications. Scientific studies have shown aromatherapy to be effective for a wide variety of medical diagnoses. This information will be presented in “The Sweet Smell of Success” along with exciting new discoveries, products, techniques and keys that serve to promote wellness through nature as a mentoring and teaching tool for network marketing distributors. These revealing secrets, which pertain to both your health and your wealth, will revolutionize your life.The natural nutritional foods, the essential oils and the berry fruit juices are key dietary elements which play a significant role in the quest for true physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. The “healthy energy” found in these superior functional foods is astounding. Incorporating these powerful building block foods into your life will help to abundantly meet your basic nutritional needs. And as these foods are balanced with mentally and physically stimulating exercises, you will attract all the good health that you deserve. This represents a tremendous shift in thought process for most people. However, better health created by supplementation with natural nutritional medicine products is a worthy goal and as your life improves, you can help others by increasing their awareness of the health and wealth secrets found in the nutritional supplements of the wellness revolution.Awareness and concern for the health of the people of our country and all the nations of the world is increasingly shared by growing numbers of medical, health care workers, professionals, celebrities and even politicians. The obesity epidemic, for example, is affecting many more children with each passing day. Overweight children today are much more likely to become morbidly obese adults. It is possible in the future that some obese children will die before their own parents! A generation of premature deaths is a sad and unacceptable result whether from obesity or starvation. The obesity and starvation dilemmas of our time will grow to crisis proportions sooner rather than later unless there is intervention. Awareness of these problems is the critical first step to circumvent the predictable progression of illness, disability and death due to whichever malnourished state.Another major concern for our society is aging. Aging increases requirements for the essential nutritional elements that function as antioxidants which the body needs to use as the critical building blocks for the formation of free radical scavengers and the energy required for effective metabolism. Over time, our bodies can become progressively deficient in vital ingredients unless supplemented due to poor eating habits. While many foods are plentiful and cheap, that does not make them healthy. Many have been seduced into the fast and processed foods of our culture. Instead make a conscious choice to eat food which is natural and good for you.Dietary supplementation with the new superior functional foods like nature’s essential oils and berry fruit juices will improve your life, and soon you will wonder how you functioned without them. Essential oils are classified as foods by the FDA. The essential oils and juices from plants have amazing properties and the science to substantiate their benefits, for example the reduction of minor aches or the major inflammatory pains due to arthritis. The basic data to prove numerous clinical principles is readily available. References are included in this book to encourage the further networking of important and substantial research.Every day entrepreneurs invite you to consume innovative new products of the wellness revolution. Companies manufacture life-enhancing products that taste great and are of superior value and quality. Several suggestions by the oilMD® for products and business development are included to increase your health and wealth prospects. These new products are so convenient and powerful that they could change your quality of life and life expectancy significantly.Medicine is becoming increasingly miniaturized, digitized and computerized. Gene therapy, microendoscopic robotics and robotic surgery are vastly different from aromatherapy, and yet they can be combined to enhance the overall benefits of practically any therapy, traditional or modern for patients. Conditions caused by continued poor diet and overall failing condition of general health increase the urgency to integrate nutritional medicine and complementary alterative medicine (CAM) into acute and chronic care hospitals as well as the numerous varieties of clinical and therapeutic spa settings.And God said, “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat:” and it was so. And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”— Genesis 1:29-31God knows what is good and ideal. He created the plants, including their fruits, juices and the essential oils they yield. Concentrated health-oriented natural products of the wellness revolution, such as essential oils, as well as wild-crafted and organic foods, and the natural juices from fruits and berries, have been put on earth for us by God. He expects us to use them for our benefit. It is time to apply all the good that is available to give us the good health God intends for us to have.James “Tad” GeigerThe oilMD®Promoting Wellness through Nature
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