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An apology and a timeline

As I read through these pages, and see many, many names and faces, some leap out with wonderful memories of people's love and compassion. Some touch on a sad part of my heart where while there is no regret there is remorse (while being aware of God's great forgiveness through Jesus Christ) of things I said and did that I know hurt others. And sadly, some faces and names have a faint chord but no recollection; and yet I feel as though I should know who you are.So I thought I would post this blog for two purposes. First, for an all encompassing invitation to reconnect if our paths crossed and you so desire to do so. With the caveat that if I caused you hurt or pain along your journey I ask for your forgiveness. I can say I face my life no without regret. The healing is not finished, and won't be until I am made perfect in Christ, but I understand that in our zeal to be right we sometimes got it wrong. And that since God looks on the heart and we have an intecessor in Jesus, I know that I am who I am because of the sum of my experiences and who God made me to be. As the wise man said, what doesn't kill you will get you later!The other thought I had was to provide a chronology of my Way Life. It may help others who have seen my name or face but cannot make the connection (just as I cannot for so many of you) perhaps make the dots meet.I would love to hear from any of you at any time.Doliber's Way Time Line1973 PFAL Brown University, while attending Barrington College in RI, under Allison Heaney, Ellen Fowler and Chris Geer.1975 WOW, Sioux City IA.1977 Providence, RI. LIved on Angel Street in Way Home. Then with Jim Duffala Branch/Limb coordinator Attended Johnson and Wales University in Culinary Arts then Hotel Management.1979 Advanced Class, Rome City1981 Gunnison, CO Chief Cook and Bottle Washer1981 - 1982 Emporia , 12th Corps1982-1983 WOW, Seattle WA (Interim Year)1983-1984 Emporia, then HQ (where I worked in Purchasing) then back to Emporia1984 marry Jean Flanagan, to HQ, Purchasing then meeting planning/travel1986 HQ PR director taking over from Ellen Fowler1987 Ashley born then to Sydney House1988 leave HQ1988 - 1989 Shreveport LA with Larry and Kedgy Larson (at the time Geer devotees)1989 - present Savannah, GA Originally with Ed and Lisa Goebel. That was our last TWIG in about 1990 when they moved to Oregon. (Ran a restaurant, then a dentist, then a preschool. Went back to school, got a bonafide Bachelors in Hospital Management, then two masters, one in Public Health the other in Health Services Administration. Have own business with community development and nonprofit work. Only former Way folks we see are Robin Adleman and Jim and Lake Daly and we love them dearly. We attend a Methodist church that is quite liberal for the area, or anywhere, but we love the fact that we are focused on love and service.That's the dry overview. Maybe it will help someone at some time.Again, love to hear from anyone I once knew and I pray you are healing and growing and living life to the fullest.Peter
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  • Thank you Peter, John and Wes for your honest hearts and unashamed reaching out to others. This is a thread that grabbed my heart.

    Yes, Wild at Heart by John Eldridge is an important read for men and for women, to understand men.

    John, thank you so much for putting this Ning site together. I didn't know what I would find here when my buddy Dean Boonstra sent me the link.

    I personally feel that connecting so many "lost" way corps together is going to heal a bunch of hearts and give some people a clearer focus of where their true heart is taking them.
  • Hi Peter, I remember you as being very kind and I see you still are. :) much love, Karen
  • "Some touch on a sad part of my heart where while there is no regret there is remorse (while being aware of God's great forgiveness through Jesus Christ) of things I said and did that I know hurt others."

    ".....if I caused you hurt or pain along your journey I ask for your forgiveness."

    Oh that others had the balls to say this! Thank you, Peter for doing so. At this point in my post I will use the word "us" or "we" so as not to be accusatory.

    In my humble opinion I believe that the majority of the Way Corps were good and kind people for the most part. But there were some of us who were basically mean jerks who hurt people with harsh words and actions at times. We stayed "involved" until 2000. Oh the stories we could tell! But this is not the place to do so. It is behind us and that era is a thing of the past.

    Along the way some of us were hurt...some very deeply. Others carry that hurt with them to this day. But a few kind words of forgiveness goes a long way in helping a person heal from the pain and "spiritual abuse" they may have suffered.

    We don't have to be martyrs and belittle ourselves publicly for behaviors from long ago. People change. I fully understand how some of us were pressured into behaving the way we did as part of the "job requirements" so to speak. I also realize that we can forget who we caused harm to because we may have hurt so many there is no way to reach out to everyone. That's where the convenience of the Internet can help.This blog is an example.

    It happened, its past. We move on. But we should always be willing to be apologetic towards others we may have hurt. A few kinds words can change a life. It goes a long way.

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