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Tidbits of Truth - 4

Hey all you wonderful people!If we become children of God because our Father put His seed in us, and that seed is His Spirit, then what was the egg and who was the mother?Whenever the word "seed" is used in the Bible in conjunction with a "father," it either refers to his offspring or sperm. So if we are born again of an "incorruptible seed" from the Father, and that seed results in a new birth, that seed must be some kind of spiritual sperm. And if you've got a father and his "seed," you've got to have an egg and a mother to have a birth!I didn't dig the hole, but I'll help us get out of it.In I Peter 1:23 it says, "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible [seed], by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever." You'll notice that the word "spirit" doesn't occur in that verse. (The word "spirit" in verse 22 is not in some manuscripts.) So if the term "incorruptible [seed]" refers to the Spirit of God, one would have to bring that concept in from somewhere else and introduce it into that verse. But if you look up every occurrence of the word "seed" in the Bible, you'll find that the Spirit of God is never referred to as seed anywhere.The term "incorruptible [seed]" is interpreted right in the verse where it is written, and it couldn't be more simple. The "incorruptible [seed]" is the word of God. Well, think about it. What does "incorruptible" mean. Our Lord said that moths and rust corrupt things. Something that corrupts deteriorates. It goes by the board. It doesn't last. So something "incorruptible" doesn't corrupt. It lasts. It goes on and on. Is there anything mentioned in that verse that is referred to as going on and on? Well of course! It's the word of God that lives and abides forever! Then the following verses confirm and establish this truth. Then Peter nails it down by saying in verse 25: "And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you."But wait a minute, does the Bible refer to the word of God as "seed"? Try Luke 8:11: "The seed is the word of God."And how about the parable of the sower? But what does the word of God have to do with the new birth? "So then faith comes by hearing...the word of God" - Romans 10:17.And so the new birth and the spiritual life that ensues is as solid and everlasting as the word of God that brought it about.And since the Devil can only counterfeit something God created, and since there is no spiritual seed entity by which we are born of God, then there can be no such thing as "being born of the wrong seed" or "the Devil's seed." And I don't care how many classes you create about the subject. I had a Corps leader in the field once who told us not to witness to a group of people because they were born of the wrong seed. But that's par for the course because doctrinal error usually ends up in practical error of some sort. Even Jesus witnessed to the Pharisees whom he considered children of the Devil (Matthew 23).But what does it mean then when Jesus Christ said things like in John 8:44, "You are of your father, the Devil"? This is a tremendous and enlightening figure of speech used throughout the Bible, but it will have to be a topic for another tidbit, because I don't want you to take my word for it. I want to show you.
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  • Yes, John, both things are nice...
    I was merely encouraging Gary to continue with what the Father has put on his heart to take a closer look at...
    I perceive that Gary's goal is not to have a lot of knowledge nor a plethora of chicken tracks stashed in a closet, but a vital, living relationship with God... Why else would one study His Word?

    If you choose to pursue a different goal , well, I have no argument... But if one is pursuing the goal of knowing the Father as a living reality in his life then I will not discourage it...

    David, thanks for reminding me...

    And yup, love you all!

    :) Bob
  • Ah Yes,

    But John's first Epistle says it best. Of course that is only my opinion.

    "...what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; AND indeed our fellowship is with the Father, AND with His Son Jesus Christ.
    4 These things we write, so that our joy may be made complete.

    Shalom and Charis,
  • That's nice for you. Its also nice to be able to disagree.
  • John, I understand the tiredness...
    The intricacy of research, the coldness of the letter can be disheartening...

    But I have to differ with you on what matters most...
    My relationship with my heavenly Father takes pre-eminence above all of my relationships with people...
    And that is an understatement...

    Stay blessed;

    :) Bob
  • Personally, my mind has grown weary of detailed intricate reasearch. Sometimes I feel it just does not really matter as much as I used to think it did. In all my years in The Way Ministry (until 2000), in retrospect, that which had made the most difference in my life has not been my volumes of research material and file cabinets fiilled with hundreds of hours of note taking.

    In hindsight what has made the most difference to me and what has mattered most was / is my relationships with people. That being said, I like the Bible and I am glad to have studied it. I think it has some good principles in it. THat's about as far as I like to take it these days.
  • Nicely done, Gary!

    Looking forward to tbot 5...

    :) Bob
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