Have moved but now need a job

I have not been able to find employment and it is now 2 months. Unemployment is enough to pay rent but not enough to pay utilities or for food. I am at my wits end, am doing my best to stay positive but it has not been easy. Now I have fallen and pulled a ham string and cannot get about at all.I have no family I can borrow money from and cannot see what to do. My electric will be off in a few days and there goes the computer. I just do not know where to turn. I need prayers and a miracle.Cathy

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  • That is surely a reason to be happy and grateful to our Heavenly Father who truly does meet our needs.
  • I start my new job today! Thank you for all of your prayers. I am so very blessed!!

    In Christ,

  • Dear Cathy:
    Greetings in the Lord.
    Of all people, I can truly relate to what you are going through. I Have been their serveral times. I used to condeem myself for not having enough "believing" or faith. I no longer do that. Things just happen sometimes. I just recently learned to do what you just did, ask for help and prayers from the Saints, the body of Christ.
    Jesus himself, and the Apostles talked about helping the saints. "that your abundance may suppy to their want...that their may be equality", Jesus talked about the need to help the poor, to feed the hungry, not just heal the sick, and cast out devils. The Love of God compells the Christian to have great empathy and compassion...this Agape Love, where it exsists has pushed man out of his selfishness, over the centuries. And very famous and Saintly people are recording in the Annels of history because of their giving. "Give and you shall receive, pressed down shaken together and running over".
    In the last 10 Years, a great focus of my minestry has been to help the most needly of society,by prayer, sacrifice and spending my time helping others less unfortunate that myself.
    Kathy, whaterver is going on, hang on to the truth that Jesus Loved you so much that he Died just for you. He wants you to be at peace, and to truth him. Suffering can be an oppurtunity for us to remember that everythign depends upon God and not ourselves.
    If you need to talk with a friend, contact me at, DcnJoeAP@Aol.com, or call me: 716-896-4727...If I am not around, my and Cathy my wife is, she would be very happy to talk to you too.
    I wish to God that I could help you. I have in the same possition as you...I have been unble to work for many years due to Chronic Lyme Disease and herniated discs in my lower back.
    Please know that God loves you and I love you.
    In His Holy Name,
    Joe Pasquella
  • Have an interview tomorrow at 2:30 EST for I job I think I would really be good at.

    The faithful ferverent pray of a ritcheous man availith much.


  • Thanks! I did need that!

    God Bless,

  • Daughter, be of good cheer...
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart...

    Hebrews 12 has always been an encouragement for me... whenever I thought "I have no strength, no power left..."
    (Please don't consider that I've never been there or you will have to listen to my stories; I don't encourage it...;)
    Read and then pay close attention to the encouragement given in verses 12 and 13...

    Father will not let us down when we lift up and rely on Him...

    :) Bob, who encourages you to look to Him; Not the arm of man, which I see way too much of from some of my brothers here...
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