One of my favorite side dishes at Thanksgiving is candied yams. I usually take a bite
of them before eating anything else. They hit the sweet spot right off. Well, Jesus didn’t
use brown sugar or marshmallows to top off his yams. You see, the yams he ate were
already the sweetest of all.
In the book of John, Jesus “ate” these seven “yams:”
I “yam” the Bread of Life (John 6:35)
I “yam” the Light of the World (John 8:12)
I “yam” the Door (John 10:9)
I “yam” the Good Shepherd (John 10:11,14)
I “yam” the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)
I “yam” the Way and the Truth and the Life (John 14:6)
I “yam” the Vine (John:15:1,5)
You’ve heard of an identity crisis? Well, you can plainly see that Jesus didn’t have one.
And just this morning in Colossians 1:27, I read that it is Christ in YOU. What he is, YOU ARE.
But wait. When you read this list does the religious “But that was Jesus,” pop up in your mind,
causing an immediate separation between YOU and your YAMS? I’m telling you, all the yams
he ate you can eat, too, and more.
When you say these words to yourself about yourself, you will never have an identity crisis either.
This is what Jesus was to people when he walked on the earth. With Christ in you, this is what
you are RIGHT NOW to all the people on earth. PLUS, you can cook yourself up a whole additional
plate of yams from the letters that were written to all current believers.
Here’s a tasty few new yams for starters:
I “yam” Dead to sin, and Alive unto God (Romans 6:11)
I “yam” Enriched in all Utterance (I Corinthians 1:5)
I “yam” Redeemed from the curse of the law ( Galatians 3:13)
I “yam” Rooted and Grounded in love (Ephesians 3 17)
I “yam” Dearly beloved and longed for (Philippians 4:1)
I “yam” Holy/Unblameable/Unreproveable (Colossians 1:22)
I “yam” Established and Kept from evil (II Thessalonians 3:3)
There’s a FEAST in that Bible. Find YOUR "yams" and EAT UP!
