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My Healing Journey

   Kevin’s Health and Healing Journey.

  Kevin’s Health and Healing Journey, Written by Melody Ann Carter.

  This journey started in the year 2019, when my husband, Kevin Carter, had a PSA test and it was 9.  The normal range is 0 to 4. It is typically an indicator that something is inflamed and could either be an infection or cancer – specifically Prostate Cancer.  At the time, Kevin’s doctor wanted to perform a biopsy but we declined.  We wanted to look into what all of that would entail and what we found out confirmed our concerns.  They would poke about 21 holes in the prostate.  No thanks.  They said it wasn’t invasive….uhh…ok.  Still No Thanks. So, we ordered some prostate supporting supplements and gave it some time.  Then the Planned-demic hit and Kevin could not be seen by a doctor with the VA unless he wore a mask which he refused to do, as he has asthma.  So, we waited. Some fear was building up in Kevin’s heart and when we went to Florida for a meeting with Rev. Rico Magnelli and others, Kevin had 2 folks pray for him.  Rev. Ray Weidenhammer was one of them and he told Kevin to watch his mind.  So, Kevin built the Word in his mind and got rid of the fear. I started going to a Naturopath in Hamilton, Montana in 2021, and saw Dr. Mark Kelley.  No masks were required.  Kevin went to see him and in December of 2021, Dr. Kelley drew blood right there in his office and had it sent off to check Kevin’s PSA.  Kevin had no other indicators that there were any problems with his prostate but the numbers came back at 214.  The doctor said it could possibly be an infection so he put Kevin on a strong antibiotic for 3 weeks and said he would check his numbers again after that.  The next blood work came back at 330…not good.  Instead of going down, it kept going up.  He started giving Kevin infusions of Vitamin C, and Ozone…alternating weeks…Vitamin C one week, and Ozone the next.  We did that for about 2 months. [Side note: because I became Dr. and Mrs. Kelley’s nanny for their 2-year-old, Dr. Kelly gave us ½ price on everything we needed done.  What a blessing!  Thanks God.] Kevin’s numbers were checked again.  This time his PSA numbers jumped to 770.  Dr. Kelley did not know what more he could do and suggested that Kevin utilize the VA to get a CT scan and find out what was going on.  He did that and his numbers went to 1525 and other things showed up in the scan that concerned the VA doctor.  Kevin asked him how long he thought he had to live.  The doctor told him, if he could get this under control, maybe 2-5 years.  We alerted our family to what was going on and prayed a lot for God to show us what we needed to do.  We went back to Dr. Kelley to get some glutathione infusions to help flush out the fluid used to do the CT scan.  (We later found out that glutathione was feeding the cancer, along with whey protein, and NAC – which we had been taking throughout the scamdemic. I’ll share more later how we found this out.)God showed Kevin that Montana held nothing for him and that he needed to be around family.  We made the decision to move back east to be near our daughter, Sarah, and her family in NC, and our son, Jason, and his family as they were moving to Crestwood Kentucky from Norwood Massachusetts, to plant a church called Compass Church. Jason and Jenny found a house and we moved east on April 30. 2022.While packing the truck, friends came over to help.  Kevin was too weak to do much, and he may have popped a rib out as he was in a lot of pain, so our friends jumped in and packed the truck for us.  I had been packing up the house for months and Kevin had been packing up the garage, so it just needed to get into the truck.  We drove across the country, and because I had him on a strict diet – no sugar, no dairy, no carbs – because they all feed can Our initial plan was to move near our daughter and her family close to Asheville NC.  So, after dropping our stuff off at our son’s new home in Kentucky where they allowed us to store our things until we got settled, we went to stay with our daughter and her family to look for housing.  While there, Kevin went to the VA in Asheville and got another PSA test.  This time it was 2500+.  We were getting very concerned about where this was heading so we called around to see who in the area did alternative medicine as we decided Kevin would not get any chemo or radiation.  We watched family and friends die from chemo – as it is a poison.  It makes no sense to dismantle and destroy your God-given immune system. So, we went to one lady in TN and that was a disaster.  She wanted $900 just to talk with us and on the phone she said it would cost around $50K a month for treatments.  After seeing her office, asking her what this first visit would cost, we said NO THANKS and left.  This was all very overwhelming but we kept praying for God to lead us and give us wisdom.  After that, I came up with a phrase I used a lot – which is – “We will do what we can, when we can, how we can, and what we can afford.” A friend of my previous Naturopath was helping us – we were paying him for the phone calls, and he suggested these shots that I would give to Kevin daily for 30 days that would build up his white blood cells (at least I think that is what it was for) – but the cost was $10K.  Kevin called his sister and she agreed to pay for that.  We received the refrigerated bottles of injection material and needles… and though I was very uncomfortable giving Kevin the shots in the bum, I did it anyway for a week and then we decided to do it every other day, and then once a week.  We weren’t sure what we were doing but we tried it anyway.  We also continued to look for a place where Kevin could get vitamin C infusions without having to wear a mask.  We finally found a place in Asheville called Forum Health and Dr. Clayton Bell was very helpful.  He recommended something called RGCC – which is basically taking Kevin’s blood and sending it to Greece so that they can take out the cancer cells and tumor cells and grow them to see what kills them and what feeds them.  This is how we found out that the 3 things we were giving Kevin was actually feeding the cancer.  So this was HUGE!!  An answer to prayer.  It cost about $4500.  Our daughter, Sarah, had started a GOFUNDME and there was enough money to go ahead with this.  At this point, the end of May 2022, we drove back to Kentucky to help Jason and Jenny and their 2 children move into their new home. The hand of God was certainly involved in all of this.  Our initial intention was to move back to NC but it became apparent as Kevin grew worse, that we would need to stay in Kentucky.  Kevin’s back and hips were wonky and he couldn’t get in and out of bed so we finally found a comfortable rocker recliner (after 3 tries) so that he could sleep in the rocker.  At this point, he had to get up frequently throughout the night to urinate.  Jason and Jenny had given us the main floor bedroom suite with bathroom and walk in closet, for as long as we needed to stay.  We ended up staying there for 5 months. We continued to stay in touch with Dr. Bell in NC and another naturopath who worked with Forum Health in Austin Texas – Dr. Terri Beim.  Dr.  Beim was a wonderful Christian woman who put together a 4 month rotation of supplements for Kevin according to the reports from the RGCC (Greece blood testing).  She also had other recommendations such as: • Grounding – putting your bare feet directly on the ground outside for 15 minutes a day.  There are amazing benefits.  Kevin would get a book and sit outside barefoot and read for a while and come back inside.  • Go for a walk twice a day and get out of your head (don’t focus on your situation) look at the sky, the trees, listen to the birds and• Pray. One of the wonderful things that Dr. Bell did for Kevin immediately was get him on a research trial to receive for free, Yew Tips in capsules, for as long as he needs them.  Yew trees are found in Montana and the Yew tips are known to stop the replication of cancer cells.  So, he started taking 9 capsules a day.  He continues to take them and can call for more free bottles if he wants them.  They were $100 a bottle so that saved us a lot of money. In June 2022, Kevin started going to a chiropractor who helped him get his hips working better as well as his ribs which were still hurting him.  We also got in touch with the VA in Louisville and set up a Bone scan and MRI. The bone scan showed that there was cancer throughout his spine from the base of his neck, ribs, and shoulders to his prostate, tail bone and hips.  This was also very concerning.  The MRI showed many tumors and lesions on his bladder and liver, I think.  As you can imagine, things were not looking good. Though his doctor continued to recommend chemo, we stuck to our belief that it was not the best solution and we just needed to facilitate Kevin’s own immune system and allow it to heal him up.  We continued to proceed with our health protocols and prayed for God to show us anything else we needed to do. It was recommended to Kevin to take a hormone blocker shot which would put him into a “man”opause scenario and stop all testosterone but we both agreed, we didn’t want to do that at this time.  I had talked to Dr. Kelley about the hormone blocker shot and he shared with me the dangers of one of the shots called “Lupron” which could cause dementia and heart problems as well as other concerns. So we declined that route. On June 3rd, we also applied for disability with the VA to get financial compensation because we found out from our son, Ben, that the PACT ACT which recently came into play was helping military folks who were exposed to Agent Orange and other bio hazardous materials.  Many men in their late 60s were getting a very aggressive prostate cancer from the exposure to Agent Orange. Kevin was on the Kitty Hawk Aircraft Carrier during Vietnam, so he fit the bill because they carried refugees who were exposed to Agent Orange, on the ship, which exposed everyone on the ship to Agent Orange.  Kevin was required to go to a third party medical center to get his PSA checked among other proofs of having prostate cancer.  We found out a few days later that his PSA was at 3137. YIKES! He was awarded the disability and began receiving compensation within a few months.  This was very helpful because it costs a lot to purchase all the supplements that Kevin needed.  At one point, Kevin was hurting so much that he wasn’t sure he was going to survive this, and we talked about what I would do if he fell asleep.  It was a very heavy time, and we didn’t know what to expect so we stayed the course and continued with our protocol.  Little by little, Kevin started to feel better.  The ribs got better, the hips got better, and he was able to once again sleep on the bed with me in our room. We found a place across the KY border, in Indiana, that did infusions and we decided to go there and get alternate infusions of Vitamin C, Peroxide, and Colloidal Silver. Since he was going once a week, it was recommended that he get a “Port” put in just under his right collar bone, so that they wouldn’t wreck the veins in his arms.  The infusions could go right into that port.  Little did we know – this Port opened a whole new series of events that almost took Kevin out. And yet looking back – it could have saved his life exposing something we didn’t know was there and forcing us to make a decision we otherwise may not have made. On July 20th, Kevin went to Dr. Samman at First Urology to get a port put in.  It was an in-office procedure, and I took Kevin home after that.  There was a clear plastic bandage over the spot and before going to bed, we checked the bandage and were shocked to see a pocket of blood had pooled inside the bandage about 2 inches by 2 inches square.  We showed Jason and Jenny, and they called Rebecca Barlow who is a nurse and lived 2 houses away.  She came and looked at it and said we should go to the VA emergency room, so we did. They didn’t know what to do with a port, so they changed the bandage and we put a lot of pressure on it to stop the bleeding and put new bandages on it.  The next day we went to get a peroxide infusion and told the nurse there what happened. [ Something else I found out about some of the infusions (because I learned to ask a lot of questions) was that they were giving Kevin infusions with something called D5W.  I looked it up and it’s basically sugar water!  I was shocked that they would put this into someone’s body who has cancer since sugar feeds cancer.  Needless to say – we never went back. Later in the day and into the night, the bleeding started again, and we were told to put ice on it to slow it down and to come into the office where he got the port to see if he needed to have the port removed.  So, we went the next day and the doctor said he had never seen anything like this.  A hematoma was starting to develop, causing a bruised looking area on his chest near the port.  But instead of removing the port we agreed to see if it would stop bleeding.  Dr. Samman put a very tight bandage on it and we prayed that it would work.  That night there was blood everywhere. So, we called Dr. Samman as he gave us his cell number. Dr. Samman said to go to Norton Hospital and his good friend, Dr. Dwividi, who was an excellent surgeon would take care of him.  We went to the ER at Norton Hospital, and it was recommended not to remove the port until the next day when the surgical team could look at it. On Saturday, July 23rd, Dr. Donica came in and removed the port and sutured any remaining bleeding areas.  Kevin was sent home around 8 pm.  I didn’t think it was a good idea.  We were back at the ER at 11 that night.  My son Jason came with me.  I was crumbling. Also, Kevin almost passed out in the ER room…he was losing that much blood. Around midnight, the ER doctor put a heavy sandbag (15-20 pounds maybe?) on the wound to help stop the bleeding.  He also inserted silver nitrate sticks(?) Into the wound to stop the bleeding. I was crying and had to walk out of the room. I could tell it was hurting Kevin.  Jason stayed with him. To make a long story short… he was admitted to the hospital, had several surgeries to stop the bleeding, had many pints of blood given to him as his hemoglobin was down to a dangerous 5, and many bags of fibrinogen (something the liver makes to help the blood coagulate properly). The surgeon didn’t know why he was bleeding so much.  Kevin now had a huge bruise (hematoma) inside his body – the blood was going into his chest and down his arm.  It was not a pretty sight.  Yet through it all, Kevin was speaking God’s Word to all of the nurses and doctors and staying positive. The oncologist came to see us and told us he knew what was going on and it was called D.I.C. – Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation.  He said the cancer was misbehaving and causing the liver to not produce fibrinogen.  So, he highly recommended that Kevin get on some pills called Casodex as a precursor to going on a hormone blocker.  He said it was his testosterone feeding this monster and we needed to cut off its fuel.  He said it would be wrong to not do this.  He used to be a Christian minister and was able to ease Kevin’s heart about being basically a eunuch.  He shared how Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo were all under the Prince of the eunuchs and could have possibly been made eunuchs because they were captured.  We looked into that possibility and there are different opinions on that topic but basically it helped Kevin to understand that it would not prevent him from being able to minister God’s Word to others.  We were concerned that he would feel terrible all the time as well as be depressed because we were told that from another doctor.  So, Kevin got started on the Casodex and a month later he started on the hormone blocker shots (Solodex) and will need to continue doing that every 3 months for the rest of his life.  His PSA numbers started coming down and the last time we had it checked in February of 2023, it was down to 24.  Thank God! A note here to see the hand of God once again: (while Kevin was still in the hospital) Our daughter, Sarah, felt God nudging her to pray and fast for 72 hours from Friday night to Sunday morning.  When she called Jason, he felt that same nudge and they agreed to tell their friends and anyone who wanted to join them in praying and fasting for Kevin.  He was able to go home the next Tuesday.  The bleeding had stopped after 3 days of taking the Casodex. He came home on Tuesday, August 2nd. During those last few days in the hospital, my son, Jason, and his wife, paid for my youngest son, Ben, and his wife, to fly in and see Kevin and me.  I had no idea how much I needed them until they were there.  I was worn out from going back and forth to the hospital in downtown Louisville.  What a blessing!  Our family has a wonderful habit of circling the wagons around those of us in need.  And this was one of those times.  I am so blessed to have such an amazing family. Other things that helped in this healing journey were 2 friends – skilled in the healing arts, that gave us advice on different approaches and as God worked in us, we would do some of them as we could.  Again, we would do what we can, how we can, when we can, and what we could afford.  Chrissy Skeltis and Pam Etchison were so instrumental in this healing journey.  Chrissy told us about a Resonant Light machine that sends out frequencies that help heal the body.  It was $10K so Kevin again called his sister and she paid for it.  We will forever be grateful for her giving. (We found out after having the bloodwork sent to Greece that the other injections we were giving to Kevin did not have any affect on the cancer….so that was a wasted $10K!) But those are some of the lessons we learned…(That is why this RGCC was a major component to Kevin’s healing) We started using the Resonant Light Frequency machine and noticed improvements.  We still use it to this day…(May 2, 2023)Kevin had gotten down to 154 pounds and was looking terrible.  Chrissy said to start eating Ezekiel bread, grass-fed steak, and other things to put the weight back on.  Kevin’s clothes were so loose that we went shopping and bought some pants and shirts that would fit him and look better on him so he wouldn’t feel like he was losing so much weight.  Some of the other recommendations were to jump on a rebounder 5 times a day for 1 minute each time to open the lymph system and help clean it out.  Also walking twice a day which he could only do once in a while until his strength was built up.  Here is a simple but strange one – rub castor oil on the belly button in a clockwise circular motion once a day. ( We found out that castor oil kills parasites and also dissolves tumors.  The belly button acts like a port and takes the oil to all parts of the body just like when you were in your mother’s womb and that umbilical cord brought all the nutrition from the mother to you. Fascinating!)He was encouraged to drink bentonite water each morning first thing.  It has a whole list of benefits.  He started taking a tablespoon of mushroom powder (Agarius Blazei) in warm chicken bone broth once a day. He also took a tablespoon of turmeric with a tablespoon of liquid coconut oil to help with inflammation and pain. Most of these he still takes to this day along with many supplements. Another friend had recommended early in the journey to eat a tablespoon of tomato paste as it has a compound called lycopene, an antioxidant, which is helpful for the prostate. One of the important things that Kevin was told, was to picture himself doing the things he loved to do – golfing, working, hunting, etc… One other thing we did that had a huge impact on Kevin’s healing was – we bought him a puppy.  Yep – Kevin saw this mini Bernedoodle named Elyse and he fell in love with her.  We used his truck money to buy her and it was worth it.  That sweet little pup made him belly laugh so many times and she sat on his lap and covered him with kisses….something I wasn’t willing to do…hahahaha.  She was his from the start and her love and attention took his mind off of himself.  To this day, she still sits on his lap and at night when he comes to bed, she covers his face with kisses and he loves it.  Elyse means “God is my oath”.As of this date – Kevin looks and acts and feels pretty normal for a 69-year-old man. When we felt he was past any real danger last September, we decided to start looking for our own home.  We purchased and moved into our new home October 18th, 2022, and Kevin installed a wood floor in the living room and bedroom, after pulling up the carpets.  He has installed a wooden fence with wire around the back side of our yard to keep our dog in.  He is living his life and we are thankful to God, our family, and our friends for this miracle of recovery and deliverance. Today, May 2, 2023 marks our first year in Kentucky.  A wild year has passed and we are grateful to be here with our family. Kevin now weighs 187. We are blessed.

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  • Praying for your continued healing, thanks for sharing about your journey!  

  • Wonderful new, Kevin and Melody Ann! I'm glad you didn't get the Covid jab. Many are not awake as to the enemy's tactics today.

    If I can be of any help with anyone on this site regarding other lies we are being fed,

  • I read your account and felt like I was watching an action movie! I went through only 5 months of health challenges with my beloved, John, before he died in June of 2021 and those felt like the longest and most tortuous months of my life. Seeing what your family went through, my heart goes out to every one of you. I'm thrilled Kevin is doing so well and that all of you can breathe a sigh of relief. What I saw in my own journey is that God is always near and always ready to lend support and comfort when we turn to Him. And He will send just the right people at just the right time to help. I love you, Melody, and pray that all continues to go in an upward direction! God bless.

  • I appreciate the labor of love Melody Ann exhibited in documenting your health challenge of believing and victory! My son, John, and his wife, Anna moved to Kentucky from Colorado Springs to be a part of the team that supports Compass Church. They stayed with Will and Becka Barlow until they found a house of their own. Kevin, you demonstrated the character of an honorable man before God and your family through your quest for healing. That should be admired and celebrated in these perilous times (II Timothy 3).
  • Melody Ann and Kevin so thankful to see Gods delivering your health back to you.

    Wow what a journey. Strengthen with might by His spirit in the inner man!

    Love to you 2 and I think I know Melody from central Florida in the eighties!

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