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"God Wants You Well"





At this time in life, healing for us and our families often becomes of primary concern.


I have kept an eye open for a tool to help people rise up, claim their healing, and experience the deliverance God promised.

I think I have found it, in Andrew Wommack's free online course, "God Wants You Well".  You'll find that his beliefs parallel ours.

God bless Andy for producing this outstanding work.

"God Wants You Well" are short, inspiring, easy listening segments -- incorporating all we need to receive our healing:


  • Insightful teachings from the Word,


  • Stunning documentaries of healing, and


  • Practical examples of faith in action.



Andy claims:  it's almost impossible to listen to these segments and not get healed. Anybody that can say that, and mean it, has my rapt attention!


How about you?

If you are facing physical ailments that threaten your quality of life -- or, life itself -- it is not too late to renew your strength, and fight back.

Just when we imagine there's no way God can deliver us, God can make a way where there is no way.

Here is the link:

"God Wants You Well" -- by Andrew Wommack

If this class is helpful, or if you have other materials you would like to share, please let me know.

Several of us Corps are ministering to others over the phone. We stand with our brothers and sisters, in faith.

Often, ministering by the spirit releases a word from God that ignites one's faith and miracles.

If you would like to be ministered to, or help minister to others, please email me.

Happy listening!


-- Steve Sann



Responses?   Please email Steve at:


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John Lynn Healing Update

John Lynn's most recent bone marrow test has found NO remaining lymphoma cancer cells in his body!
This has been a hard fought 7+ year battle, with much intercession by all of us who know and love John and Elizabeth.
Below, John has written a detailed letter of explanation for us on the Way Corps Alumni Site.
In addition, John has asked me to thank our many, many Way Corps alumni who have been praying with him and Elizabeth for his deliverance.
From the outset, our prayer team of 60+ Corps alumni heartily interceded for him.
John's deliverance from the ravishes of lymphoma resulted from a combination of spiritual ministering and healing, holistic medicine, and modern medical treatment.
Most importantly, John has been a pillar of faith and persistence in expecting his healing.
His oncologist estimated he might be on chemo therapy for one to two years. He was off in 9 weeks.
John encourages us by his healing -- and to know that you and your loved ones can be healed, as well! 
We will stand with you in prayer and support.
If you would like prayer of any kind, or can participate in our prayer team via email, please write me directly at, Steve Sann.
Here's John:
God bless you, dear brethren. THANK YOU for your prayers for Elizabeth and me these past 7+ years! We can’t wait to see you rewarded for your faithful labor of love.
On April 30 I got the results of my 4/26 bone marrow biopsy. It was in late March, 2014 that the first one showed 85-90% of my bone marrow had been destroyed by the lymphoma, and the second one in June, 2019 again showed 90% infection.
Now, it is ZERO!!!
My oncologist was pleased because it appears the bad cells have been killed, and he told me to stop the daily chemo pill I’ve been on for 9 weeks. I will—HAPPILY! He originally told me that I might need to be taking it for 1-2 years!  
He said the good cells haven’t yet begun to proliferate, which he hopes they will now do, so that my bone marrow will start making red blood cells and platelets as it should be doing. I KNOW it will, with increasing rapidity. 
Elizabeth told me that the night before my biopsy, while I was sleeping, she put her hand on me and prayed, as she has done many times during this ordeal.
This time she felt dunamis (a biblical Greek word meaning "power”) go out of her, like Jesus did when the woman with an issue of blood touched the hem of his garment.
We are joyously praising God for His goodness! And we are excited about seeing accelerating progress in the days to come. 
Psalm 41:1-3:
"Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the Lord delivers them in times of trouble. The Lord protects and preserves them—they are counted among the blessed in the land—he does not give them over to the desire of their foes. 
The Lord sustains them on their sickbed [GodCare, Part A] and restores them from their bed of illness [GodCare, Part B]."
Please email Steve Sann at:
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