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Announcing to new exciting teaching series


Happy Valentine's Day to everybody. As a gift to everybody I'm announcing two new exciting teaching series that are available on my website. One on "How to Handle Conflict Church" and another on "The Love of God", the Agape type of love.

The series on "How to Handle Conflicts in the Church" is a four-part teaching series on how to handle different opportunities within the church. It's a scriptural look through the book of Acts on how the church handled opportunities. As well as what the Church of Epistles say about how to handle conflicts within the church.

The Scriptures show a pattern that we can follow if we want to be able to get along with other members in the church. And that's the first big key in handling these conflicts. It is the want to do it.

I really started to want to learn more about this after my trip to El Salvador last fall. I saw firsthand how fellowships from the Central America countries came together when they had conflicts with each other. How they handled it openly and honestly. I left the meetings with the thought that we can get along if we want to. If we go to the Word of God to see what the Word says. If people with cooler heads can talk to one another, with a soft tone and without being accusative than we can help each other and stand with each other.

In the teaching series I focus on what the scriptures say about how to handle the conflicts. In the book of Acts they did handle conflicts and we're successful at it. Also there are records when they were not successful at it. We can learn from both.

The second teaching series is one that I been thinking about for years. Every February when Valentine's Day was being advertised. I thought of teaching a series on the love of God, the agape type of love.

The Greek word 'agape' has been thought of as the love of God and that's true. But it's so much bigger. It is the love of God in our minds (and here's the big key) it is in action. It's doing something. It's giving of oneself. It's more than just saying I love you. It is showing them that you love them by doing something. The Word of God shows us how to be bigger and better lovers.

What the world needs now is that agape type of love. That's why this series on "The Love of God."

To the Teaching series page

May God bless you abundantly until the next time we meet.



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Words to Live By:

“Believe for the Best, and Prepare for the Worst”

Insights into the Novel Coronavirus

By Steve Sann      

February 12, 2020      





Whether in business and finances, health and well-being, or family and relationships, a more suitable aphorism for crises has yet to be written:


"Believe for the Best, and Prepare for the Worst."



We know that believing is a Biblical requirement to receiving our answers from God. Therefore, believing for God’s best should be our daily mind set. 


Nonetheless—since we live in a world ravished by Splitfoot and his merciless thugs, we must protect ourselves from the devil’s unexpected attacks: in other words, prepare for the worst”. We should not be naïve to the devil’s methods, as so many poor souls seem to be these days. 

Even the Boy Scout’s timeless Motto is “Be Prepared”.


Certainly, believing and preparing is sound wisdom regarding the Coronavirus plague, as it works its way across Asia, and already into 27 nations of the world. 


By praying, God can miraculously intervene to slow or to stop its spread—after all, to perform miracles is the reason God gave us prayer. 


By preparing, we plan for the worst case, to keep our hearts free from sudden fear in times of crisis.


It has been two months since the outbreak of the Coronavirus in Wuhan, China, and its spread has shown no sign of abatement. An estimated 60 Chinese cities—potentially 400 million people (more than the whole United States population) —have been put on lockdown by Chinese authorities in an attempt to starve out this contagious virus. Large manufacturing has been abruptly suspended, and the streets forcibly evacuated. 


By China’s “official” count Tuesday, 43,112 are infected, and 1018 have died— and surpassing the 2003 SARS outbreak in number of deaths.




The Chief of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned this weekend, “the detection of a small number of cases [outside of China] may indicate a widespread transmission in other countries; in short, we may only be seeing the tip of the iceberg.” The WHO is the world authority on pandemics—when the WHO sneezes, everybody else catches cold.


What’s more, the number of people infected in Wuhan, China, could already be more than 30 times higher than the official tally, credible researchers in Hong Kong have previously warned.

Insinuations abound on major and “independent" news sites, suggesting the Communist government has rigged their statistics to downplay the pandemic’s severity—click here: the Wall Street Journal, Zero Hedge and Natural News.


Meanwhile, the lives of millions of people are in danger as the virus shows signs of spreading further throughout China, as well as internationally.   Click here for "A Quick Primer On Viruses".


China’s hospitals are overflowing. They lack sufficient beds and equipment, and many critically ill are being turned away at the hospital doors or expiring in the lobbies. Because of the shortage of medical Coronavirus testing kits, and with medical personnel spread thin, many return home to die untreated.


The New York Times has reported:

A senior Chinese official has ordered the authorities in the city of Wuhan to immediately round up all residents who have been infected with the Coronavirus and place them in isolation, quarantine or designated hospitals.
Sun Chunlan, a vice premier tasked with leading the central government’s response to the outbreak that is centered in Wuhan, said city investigators should go to each home to check the temperatures of every resident and interview infected patients’ close contacts.

“Set up a 24-hour duty system. During these wartime conditions, there must be no deserters, or they will be nailed to the pillar of historical shame forever,” Ms. Sun said.


In response to the crisis, China has rapidly constructed quarantine centers to detain thousands of suspected cases who lack sufficient hospital and medical treatment. These centers will restrict “the suspected infected” from circulating among the general population (think: "leper colony"). 



Some have asserted these “hospitals” (some without electrical outlets, not allowing for medical equipment) are merely death camps, where suspects are warehoused until they die.




Taking a page from China's playbook, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has just established eleven of their own small, scalable “quarantine centers” for Americans, located on local U.S. military bases.  Initially, 1000 detainees can be housed.

By Presidential executive order, the Department of Health and Human Services has been given blanket authority to quarantine and vaccinate interstate travelers suspected of communicable diseases, with criminal penalties for those not cooperating.


Although Western governments (US, Europe, Australia) have made some effort to limit outbreaks—by canceling flights to China, and imposing quarantines on travelers—it is still weeks out before we’ll know if these moderate measures will hold, or if Communist China-level draconian measures—amounting to a medical Martial Law lockdown—will be forced upon us, as well.


Should conditions become desperate, expect to hear: “Desperate times call for desperate measures”, becoming the Government’s mantra, which was also the justification for the unconstitutional U.S. Patriot Act on the heels of 9/11.


With every crisis, real or imagined, the federal government tightens its grip. In the immortal words of Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s first Chief of Staff: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” referring to the trillion dollar stimulus funding for the banks, following the 2008 economic downturn.


Should China-like measures be implemented, you and I will have more "worst case scenarios" to prepare for than just viral outbreaks. Try living without these essentials for a spell: food, water, medicines, utilities; shortages reported recently by “citizen journalists” within China. 

Click here to see videos of life in China under quarantine.


Click here to view pictures and videos on Coronavirus Twitter feed.

Whether or not the epidemic reaches your country, it makes sense to prepare for the worst now, and not delay. 


Let me pause and say this: I have no definitive foreknowledge that this pandemic will sweep the countries of us, our readers. In fact, I would expect that we, through united prayer, can forestall such a horrible fate.


Putting that aside, most of us been schooled in the importance of survival preparation.  Unless you disagree with maintaining minimal survival preparations, then what better time to shore up those supplies than now?


Why not see this event as a chance to tune up your food, home and medical supplies?  Since the world has experienced no less than three pandemic scares in just this last decade, we might as well take the time to prepare for any future ones right now.


The Book of Revelation foretells of several biological plagues that will encompass the earth, from which a third of the world's population will perish. From these prophecies, we can surmise that the world's best, most advanced technologies will be no match for tomorrow's weaponized viruses—many of which are housed in dozens of laboratories today. 


Obviously, no government will be able to protect mankind in that time, and no government should be relied upon to protect God's people today. Let's not be naive; but rather, prepare for the worst. 


Also, I do not side with those who believe that until the apocalypse, believers will not experience global pandemics, economic collapses and military holocausts, to name but a few catastrophes believers have experienced within this past century alone. Those who purport such teaching did not have to endure the Black Plague, Spanish Flu, or any of the many horrific, mindless wars, which have haunted the entire history of mankind. 


Yes, I believe God is forever trying to protect His people from this world’s destructions.  But, why can’t preparation for the worst-case scenarios be part of His protection?  

We don’t give up our jobs because we believe that God "will supply all our need"—He often supplies our need through our jobs.  Indeed, we are watched over, but we cannot remain ignorant of Satan’s devices. And, we will only be protected to the degree our believing shields are in place (Ephesians 6:16).


Following that, here are some ideas on preparing for a possible Coronavirus outbreak:


 Believe for the Best!


  • Pray Against the Pestilence:

There is no better survival plan than diverting disaster through prayer. Prayer with believing cracks God's whips over the hounds of hell, and can turn the tail on pestilences.

II Chronicles promises us exactly that:


II Chronicles 7:13, 14:

If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.


Even if pestilence does occur, God states that His primary will is that the plague is healed by the prayer of the people.

Psalms reminds us as the sons and daughters of God, we are specially protected in crisis:


Psalm 37:25:

I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.


If we should become afflicted, James reminds us, “the prayer of faith shall save the sick”:


James 5:13-15:

Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.

Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.


 If we believe these promises of God’s Word, we will be “Believing for the Best”. 


  • Pray for the Government, for sound and honest decision making.


God can influence the government leadership through your prayers. 

We previously addressed this topic in these Way Corps Letters, found on the Blog site:

November, 2019

January, 2020



  • Pray for the afflicted in Asia and beyond.

Many are Believers.

Projections indicate that nearly 1 out of 5 Chinese are Christian.

China has more Christians than all the U.S.—an estimated 234 million.


Numbers 16:47b – 50:

So he [Aaron] put in the incense and made atonement for the people.

And he stood between the dead and the living; so the plague was stopped.

Now those who died in the plague were fourteen thousand seven hundred, besides those who died in the Korah incident.

So Aaron returned to Moses at the door of the tabernacle of meeting, for the plague had stopped.


Job 42:10:

And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.




Prepare for the Worst!



  • Purchase protective gear, while it is still available.


This is of concern, because there is a limited supply of these critical items:


  • N-95 or N-100 masks, disposable. Surgical masks that are not N-95 do NOT provide adequate protection against viruses.
  • Nitrile gloves
  • Splash proof goggles


Local home improvement stores, like Home Depot , Ace, other hardware and paint shops, could be checked first, as online sources may place your order on eternal back-order.  Online sources: Amazon, Ebay. Natural News Health Ranger store may have limited supplies, here.


As you can imagine, individuals and governments are grabbing these items up.


Recommendations from the Hal Turner Show website:


Deadly coronavirus is transmissible via AIR and an infected person "hundreds of meters" away can infect you.

Such are the findings of medical experts in Shanghai, China, who are battling the often-deadly disease.

Medical experts in Shanghai now confirm the Coronavirus’ main transmission route is through aerosol transmission and contacts. Direct transmission of the virus means that when a infected patient sneezes, coughs or exhales droplets while talking, someone who directly inhales the air that the infected patient exhales would be infected.

Aerosol transmission happens when the droplets exhaled by the infected patient mixes with the air and become aerosol and when someone inhales that, they become infected. "The transmission range can be HUNDREDS OF METERS or even longer, which increases the risk of contactless transmission."


Transmission through contact means when droplets from infected patients stay on the surface of something, and when someone touches the contaminated surface and touches their mouth, nose, or eyes, they become infected.

Filter Masks such as National Institutes of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) N-95 and N-100 or P-100), can filter out those droplets to protect a person from inhaling them.

Coronavirus can also spread via eyes.   If a person walks through the air where an infected person has sneezed or coughed, the tiny virus particles can linger in the air and get onto your eye as you walk.  You can't even feel it.   

The virus can then get blinked into your tear duct and infect you.  So person seeking protection should also wear splash-proof eye protection such as swimmer goggles.

These masks and goggles are selling-out fast, worldwide.  If you do not have any for yourself or family, you should move before they're gone.

Nitrile gloves (will also protect your hands from any virus that may be on a surface, like a store cashier counter, or door handle.

Indications are that the Coronavirus can remain on a surface, like a doorknob or handrail for over 5 days.


  • Strengthen your immune system against viruses.

While much can and should be read on this, sunshine and Vitamin D crucial.


  • Food and water storage:

Frankly, the Mormons are way out in front of most of us on this. Ideally, every one of us should have had storage foods and water set aside a long time ago. 

But now is not too late: buy dry and canned foods that you actually like to eat, like sacks of rice and beans (along with various flavorful, healthy additions) and canned veggies and meats. These foods can carry your family through several months, and in good times, you can incorporate them in your regular menu rotation. 

          Water Storage—buy a few of these:  Click for Water Barrels       

Also, highly recommended: My Patriot Supply

  • Manufactured Products:

With China manufacturing suspended, future availability is questionable. For example, many medicines, such as penicillin, are no longer manufactured in the U.S.

Home, auto and truck parts, filters, and maintenance materials might become expensive or even unavailable, in an extended quarantine.


If you have recommendations to offer, please post them to the Comments Section at the end of this Blog on the Way Corps Website by clicking here, or email me directly at:

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