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Blogs often focus on personal opinion, experiences, views, anecdotes or advice. Blogs tend to have a relaxed and conversational feel, such as in storytelling and are generally 300-500 words.

Articles aim to deliver well-researched, informative content with solid evidence to back up the points made.  Articles are usually more formal, organized and frequently range 500-1000 words.

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Another Year

This past week, Lisa and I listened to and gave the OK on the final song that Lisa recorded in 2011.  The actual recording was done on December 30 and we received the final mix last week.  That puts the final touches on last year’s work and we are now beginning to plan for another great year of recording for 2012.  Eventually each of these songs will be sent out through the Song of the Week distribution. 

At the time I am writing this, Lisa has recorded over 70 songs.  This includes her four publicly released albums.  Of these songs, she has written all but two.  In looking over the list of songs that were completed in 2011, the oldest was written in about 1974.  The most recent was written in November 2011.  As we look at recording plans for 2012 it should be much the same.  Right now I think we will be getting well over 20 additional songs done and maybe more.  Once we have everything recorded at least once, there are some songs that we will consider re-recording.  Lisa has some in mind from previous releases that she would like to record again.  Additionally, there are some of the earlier 2011 songs that we may record again since we went through several equipment changes  through the year.  Our engineer was getting to know us and making some upgrades to the gear as appropriate.  For those of you who like all of the recording gear detail, you can visit   In addition to the recording blog, there is a section on the Euphonic Studio gear updates in a dropdown on the right hand side of the screen.

Currently we have no plans to make a new CD or any release like that.  All of the changes in the music distribution industry have led us to the conclusion that it would be too much time, effort and resources used for too little return.  We have (for better or for worse) decided to use the Song of the Week as the distribution method for Lisa’s songs.  For those of you on the distribution list, you can know that patient waiting means that you will eventually have them all.

One additional thing that we have thought about for 2012 is making a few trips out of Iowa if there are fellowships that would be blessed with what Lisa and I can provide.  We don’t do that too often as we really like being home.  It’s pretty hard to pry us out of here but if it would be a blessing then we would consider it.

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