Blog or Article?

Blogs often focus on personal opinion, experiences, views, anecdotes or advice. Blogs tend to have a relaxed and conversational feel, such as in storytelling and are generally 300-500 words.

Articles aim to deliver well-researched, informative content with solid evidence to back up the points made.  Articles are usually more formal, organized and frequently range 500-1000 words.

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Last April on Twitter,Jordan Tohline, a writing pal, offered a collaboration of interested writers to contribute to his blog story. I was one of 20 who made several additions. It came out rather well, I think. Atticus Books found it and is featuring it on their website with author credits. Please have a look and enjoy! Karen ~.~ Way cool...

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My Oprah Network Audition

I am not sure how this took root in my heart but it is there with some amazing enthusiasm, what was the definition to that word? In Spirt action. It fits. I can only describe this as something beyond me wants me to do this, I don't know if this is to have a talk show or not but I know this is at least putting my audition out there.

Thank you so much for viewing it and if you like it vote and come back again and again and vote some more. What I understand is the top 5 move on to a reality type show and the producers pick 5 other shows and out of all that someone is chosen to have their OWN show. Crazy thought and I am ready!!!

I would love to hear your feed back on it and not just "that was nice". If you think I am over the top and anoying that is good for me to know. If the energy was contagious and kept your attention. If you think the idea is far fetched and will be impossible to pull off...just remember I was taught how to wittness by Donnie Fugit...he could love a bug into the household. If you have other thoughts on what this could do for the country and people I would love to hear that too.

If you go to the link and vote there is an area down below that you can leave a comment. Those my help my chances too. I don't know. The counter does not immediately calculate your votes so don't be discouraged if you think your voting isn't working you come back later and it has jumped a couple hundred you are like OH YEAH!!!

I will keep you all posted on the process. I know I could have never done this with my knowledge and experience I recieved in the Way Corps, The Way wasn't perfect but the quality of my life wouldn't be as good without my knowledge of God's Word.

Thank you all.

Patty Wolfe Sanders

11th WC

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We are looking for anyone that is booking as a single that would be blessed to have a room mate for the cruise to help get a better rate.He is a 59 year old believer, non-Corps, who has lived with us for years, and is coming with us on the cruise. Positive, upbeat...has no other family but us, essentially. Thanks for helping him out! Please contact us asap, wtwillielt@gmail.comGod Bless!Willie and Becky Thomas
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