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Lots of Christians talk about getting back to the first century church, by which they mean somewhere between Pentecost and Pauls imprisonment. That period is perceived to be a time of great excitement when believers were “doing the word”, when revelation was in abundance and signs miracles and wonders were constantly evident in their lives, aka “all nine all the time”. With a belief in most evangelical Pentecostal type churches that believers should do the same things today, the cry of “back to the first century church”, has become a staple mantra and a personal objective for many individuals, however all efforts always lead to abject failure.

There are those who reluctantly accept this, blaming themselves for their inability to live up to the first century standard, others live in hope that someday they will be able to “hear clearly” from God and perform a miracle, but worse off are those who live with the delusion that they are operating “power from on high” and the fact that they have never managed to heal even a headache never seems to deter them. These are those who “hear from God” on a regular basis and instruct people in Gods will from their own imagination, often causing unnecessary hurt, both physically and mentally to the body of Christ.

The present day church will never get “back to the first century church” or “back to Pentecost” and I for one am quite happy about that. Mostly because the Pentecostal era was a part of the Old Testament program concerned with ushering in the kingdom of God on earth. Those who were endowed with the power from on high were the same people who were promised this outpouring in the OT scriptures, see Ezekiel 36:25-27, Isaiah 44:3-5, Isaiah 32:15 and of course Joel 2:28,29, they, the nation of Israel, were the focus of the Acts period. This comes as a surprise to most Christians who believe that Pentecost was the beginning of the church that they belong to, but gentiles in the Acts period were no different to gentiles in the OT, only now they were saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, so as always, they were blessed through Israel; however their status was still inferior to believing Jews, being only a graft into the fatness of the olive tree of Israel. (Rom 11:17,18).

During the Acts period there was no heavenly calling, no “seated in the heavenlies”, no “far above all principalities and powers and might and dominion”, no “joint heirs, no joint body and no joint partakers in the promises”. This came after Israel was set aside at Acts 28:28, taking their place as one of the nations. Romans 11:18 and Ephesians 3:6 ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, if one is true, the other cannot be, therefore during the Acts period Israel was still under the law and with the law came both blessing and judgments.

Those who stood for the Lord during the Acts were truly blessed, with the power they manifested and the signs, miracles and wonders that they witnessed, but they also knew what they were in for.

Mark 13:9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.

This was the Acts period, Peter and John were beaten James and Stephen exemplified the true meaning of witness (martyr), as did most of the apostles later in their lives. This was part and parcel of living for God during the Acts as was the judgement on Ananias and Sapphira for lying to the Holy Spirit, plus the judgment on believers who failed to discern the Lords body becoming sick and in some cases, dying. James 5:15,16 (an Acts period epistle written to believing Jews) shows how sin lead to sickness and 1 John 5:16 shows that there was a sin unto death which, no doubt, some of the Corinthian believers had commited and which there was no point in praying for.

Back to the first century church, no thanks, I am happy to live in the “age of grace”, where God chooses to tie the hand of judgement behind his back and where we are forgiven for Christ's sake.

God bless

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Opening Corps Night: 9/2/1981

Thought this would bless all of you and it is from Dr. Wierwille on the opening corps night of our (10th Corps') last year in-residence:
"It's because you and I are identified with Christ Jesus that you and I are identified one with another. We are literally the household of God. And there is no distance in God, corps, no distance. So where you are, where the corps is, that's where I am with you in him. We're together as one, no matter where our physical locations in the world may be. I do so desire for the corps to know this, to understand it, and to believe it. The unity of the spirit of the Way Corps is our oneness in him, corps. You want God's best, so Way Corps you have to be your best for God. You always have to think about tomorrow in terms of what you are doing today, and do today what makes for a bright tomorrow. You, the Way Corps, have so much to do in life and you have so little time to do it, so you have to make each moment of your lifetime a success..."
Peace and love, Laurie
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Christmas 2009 from the Cat

(Since X-mas 2010 is 2 months away, I thot I wud post last year's letter. My x-mas blog following is growing. I think there might be 2 of you now. Thank you, and Merry Christmas just any old time. Luv, m)

December 2009

Felix Navidad,

I’m Felix the Cat, the Wonderful Wonderful Cat. My friends call me Felix or Flea for short, and people who don’t know me usually just say, “Hello Kitty.” This has happened so often that I started my own company. You may have heard of it. It is my assignment this year to write the Shirley Christmas tail. It should come as a relief to you since hair-brained Harry wrote it last year.

President Obama and I have a few things in common. We are both black, although I am not an African American. I am simply American. My heritage is also sketchy, but I do know my mother was an unwed mother, just like Obama’s. Unfortunately, my mother was homeless, and I ended up at the pound where my family chose me because something just clicked between us right away.

Not so with the dog. He is a constant annoyance, sniffing me every single time we pass like I might smell different after 14 years. I think he just forgets how I smell no matter how many times he reminds himself. He probably doesn’t even remember that he’s sniffed me before.

Last Christmas Harry referred to me as a “dirty hairball.” Well, genius, you, sir, are the one with poodle hair while I have fur. And folks, would you rather hug a hairball or a furball? I personally hock up hairballs. Harry is a walking dirtbag. They named a hand-held vac after him. I bathe myself every single day, but he thinks he smells great. Harry lives for disgusting smells. At 14 he’s nearly blind, deaf and has always been dumb, but his nose, on the other hand, just keeps on sniffing. And if winning was about how much you smell, Harry would win hands down. Why, just his breath is blinding. I’m not complaining. His addiction to bad smells keeps me alive (along with my uncanny ability to land on my feet and my nine lives.) I’m the only outdoor cat in the neighborhood because the coyotes have eaten all the others. When I want to go outside I throw Harry out the door first. He goes bumbling along, nose to the ground, and at a distance could be mistaken for a mutated white rabbit. The coyotes start licking their chops. Meanwhile I slip out, black like me, and slip into the shadows. By the time the coyotes have figured out that Harry is so disgusting they would get food poisoning if they managed to choke him down, I’ve caught my dinner and am in the dining room safe and sound.

Dogs truly are the inferior species. Harry is so dumb he doesn’t know he’s supposed to obey commands, and I’m so smart I know I don’t want to. Also, dogs age much faster than cats plus they only have one life compared to our nine. Harry got sick this year so I gave him one of my lives. That’s because I’m Felix the Lionhearted. I figured he earned it by diverting the coyotes for me. I almost never get sick, but if I do I call my friend the Itch Doctor and he tells me what to do.

But enough about the flea circus. Let’s talk about me. I am a devoted member of the Mickey Mouse Club because I’m passionate about mice. I’m also passionate about catfish (heck they’re all cat fish!), catnip, catnaps, bird watching, fishing, and recently Twittering. I love to play Cat and Mouse. My favorite drink is a Cat-a-tonic. My best friend? Man-doo. Cat Man-doo. On Halloween I always go as a Black Panther. Pink Panthers are just plain pussies. Did I mention I was engaged to Cat Woman. But she dumped me after she found out I ate Batman. He was hard to catch but was purrfect with a side of fish sticks and a catnip kicker. I love musical theater and once played Tevya in “Fiddler On a Hot Tin Roof.” I also had a roll in “Cats.” Duh. If you ever see it, I am the cat in the hat. The only time I was employed I worked in an office as a copy cat. I worked for Chairman Meow. Favorite movies are The Aristocats, Moby Dick and Finding Nemo. I read a lot of cat-a-logs.

Harry lives in the doghouse and I live in the cathouse. Ask any man where he would rather live. I continue to share my cathouse with the fam. Not much to say about them except that their new reality TV show will air this fall called “Surely, It’s the Shirleys.” Bryce is opening up his own law practice January 4, 2010. He got hair plugs for the show and will portray his true inner self, a dragon slayer who saves the world from real estate mega disasters which is, of course, a little late. Marilyn, the mermaid queen, will be his office manager who socializes with the royalty of the OC to bring in big clients. She got big fish lips like all the movie stars do these days. Bobby is still an accountant at UCI, and may help Bryce with the business side of the practice, cooking the books. He will play his real self which is a fast-talking schmoozer/gunslinger, popular around the Hollywood jet set in order to cash in on their peccadilloes. Jimmy graduates from law school this May. He is contemplating practicing with Bryce which would make for a catchy firm name of Shirley, Shirley & Shirley. On the show, Jimmy will represent Bobby after Bobby shoots his first outlaw. Jimmy plays his true self on the show, which is of course a geddi knight. Jimmy prosecutes evil dark lords and sends them to Guantanamo Bay. That leaves the lovely Emma, a freshman at UCI, who will play her true self, a forest wood nymph who speaks a strange tongue and wears beautiful gauzy but torn dresses to glam up the show. She does battle with balrogs and such, slays them by speaking mystical stuff and emerges from battle disheveled but beautiful The series will also showcase family hobbies like hot air ballooning in which Harry will really get in the basket and fall out somewhere between here and Idaho. In this show we will never see him again. (I wrote that script.) Frodo comes over now and then, and they all play baseball with the vampire family down the street. On one episode the family cans jellyfish after a day at sea. I, of course, am the producer and director. If you would like to be on the show, just come by the house and the cameras will be rolling. We will all soon be celebrities crashing White House parties.

On behalf of the family, I would like to wish you catfish and catnaps and warm woolen mittens; snow balls, no hairballs and darling black kittens. Wild fish that fly and some birds on their wings; these are a few of my favorite things. We also wish you a merry Christmas, a figgy pudding, wonder and joy and heavenly peace.


Your friend, Felix

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“That's just people for ya”

I sooooo associate this phrase with Acts 1:6 whenever I hear it… and always in Dr. Wierwille’s funny accent (well funny to me being Irish). Those of you who sat the PFAL class one hundred million times know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s the reference to how the apostles asked the most idiotic question when the Lord was trying to tell them about the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter one. Silly apostles. sigh!

Acts 1:6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?

Dr. was not alone in thinking that the apostles were wrong in asking such a question, in fact most modern commentators will say the same thing, highlighting the apostles misunderstanding of the spiritual nature of the church and their carnal desire (they do like the word carnal) to have the physical kingdom restored, how utterly selfish and short sighted of them. Well you know what, the question was a valid one, the apostles were right and the Lord did not tell them when it would happen because he didn’t know the answer, due to the fact that the restoration of the kingdom was dependent on the repentance of Israel. Here are a couple of reasons why I believe that the apostles knew what they were talking about.

1. The hope of a restored physical earthly kingdom was the hope of Israel throughout the Old Testament, the same hope that Paul was in bonds for as late as in Acts 28:20.

2. These men had been with the Lord for 40 days (Acts 1:3) learning from him personally about the kingdom of God, so, if in their last discourse with Him on earth, they completely missed the point of the program they were really thick and the Lord failed miserably as a teacher.

They didn’t miss the point, the Lord did not fail as a teacher.

3. During those days, they had their understanding opened, Luke 24:45, something that we today have to pray for and may or may not get, no gurantees, Eph 1:17,18.

4. And this is cool.., one of the most telling things is, the very first task they took on after the Lord was raised up was to appoint the 12th apostle, which is in accordance with Matt 19:28. There had to be twelve to sit on the twelve thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel in the kingdom. So they are still really missing it or they were preparing for the physical promised kingdom to come on the earth because they did kno what they were doing and they continued to do so throughout the book of Acts.

5. Finally (well for this blog anyway), Peter told Israel in Acts 3:18-21 that if they repent there and then, the restoration will take place. It is still true today that when Israel repent, on a national level Christ will return and set up His kingdom on earth.

The book of Acts is not about the "church of the body", it is a second offer of the kingdom to Israel.

Try re-reading the Acts without seeing yourself or the “church of the body” on every page and notice how it is totally geared towards Israel’s repentance for the restortion of the kingdom in line with all the OT promises, then read Romans chapter 11 which makes sense of it all and explains why the gentiles were brough in and why neither you nor I will ever do a miracle.

Leave it to whom it belongs.

God bless

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No Signs, No Miracles, No Wonders, No Worries


Mark 16:16-18
Andthese signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast
out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up
serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them;
they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Thereis one thing I know for sure and that is that these signs are not
following you, nor are they following me and they never will be. Doesn’t
matter who you are, what your status is in the eyes of God or man, how
much you pray, how much you “believe” these signs will never be
following you. So are you a believer? If so what do you believe? Does it not say
these signs shall follow them that believe. You know you believe and
you know there are no signs. So what do you believe? It doesn’t say
believe enough, i.e. I believe enough to speak in tongues, but I just
don’t believe enough to heal the sick.

Hmmm..., maybe we are missing something let’s take a look at the immediate context.

verses 14-16
Afterwardhe appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them
with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not
them which had seen him after he was risen. And he said unto them, Go ye
into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.He that
believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not
shall be damned.

No,we are not missing anything it’s about believing the gospel and the
ressurection, seems pretty simple, he who believes shall be saved and
signs shall follow. Whats wrong with you then? because you know there
are no signs, you know there never has been and you’ve probably accepted
that that’s the way it is, but not out loud. Oh, btw, getting that parking spot just when
you needed it is not a miraculous sign, finding your keys in a messy
room (which you messed up), is not a miracle, recovering from that bad
back that someone prayed for two weeks ago is not a wonder. Opening the
eyes of one born blind is a sign, healing one born lame from the womb is
a miracle, performing healings all day long till the sun went is a
wonder. You’ve never done any of these things, but how often did you long to
heal that sick friend, parent, child etc. and it just didn’t happen,
how often have you questioned God as to Why oh Why... Well don’t beat
yourself up because it was never meant to be your burden.

Thereis a little principle much flaunted, but seldom applied called “get to
whom correct” and Mark 16:17 is just not written to you. The commission
was given to the the eleven and those of Israel who heard and believed fulfilled it, all I have to do to
see this is read as far as verse 20

20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen

Wehave the record of the preaching and fulfilling of this commission in
the book of Acts. And to establish it even further by the time Col 1:23 rolled around the
commission was done and dusted... Kingdom offered, Kingdom rejected, church of the one body instituted.

...the gospel... which was preached in all creation under heaven.

Thoseto whom this commission was given, carried out the task assigned to
them, so no need for you to stress and strain trying to fulfill a
commission that was never given to you.

Iknow most of you first heard it in the PFAL Class but it was around a
long time before. In the introduction to the his first printed english
translation of the Bible in 1535, Myles Coverdale gives the following

“Itshall greatly help ye to understand the Scriptures if thou mark not
only what is spoken or written, but of whom and to whom, with what
words, at what time, where, to what intent, with what circumstances,
considering what goeth before and what followeth after.”

Good advice that it still works wonderfully when we consider an apply

God bless

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Since I have been involved in a number of projects and teaching assignments and other activities, I have not been able to respond to any of the comments posted to my initial blog regarding Pentecost as the birthday of the Church. Certainly I have read them and reflected upon the various views expressed. In light of the controversy that my comments generated, I wanted to respond more extensively, and so I’m posting another blog which includes some additional images and a YouTube video at the end.

I must admit that I should qualify and modify my statement to indicate that the Day of Pentecost is in reality “a birthday of the Church, not the birthday of the Church.” “So, Pentecost being the original outpouring and the new birth daily it looks to me like every day is a birthday in the church of the body.” I heartily concur with Michael’s comment.

Just as every year we celebrate another year of life on the date that we were born, but who we have become each year is vastly different from who were on the day of our birth. So is the Church remarkably different than it was on the Day of Pentecost, which as it turned out was another period of progression in its unfolding to become all that God had in mind when He first “conceived” the idea of this glorious masterpiece of creation. Perhaps we could say that the idea of the Church was first birthed when God “thought” of it and implemented His plan to bring it to pass in the fullness of time. Of course, the Church is one aspect of God’s plan for the redemption of humanity after the Fall. As I think about it, this whole idea is “too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain unto it.” Who has known the mind of God, for His ways are not our ways. Romans 11:33-34 puts it this way:

Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!

For who has known the mind of the LORD?
Or who has become His counselor?”

A most enlightening book regarding the Church is Kevin J. Conner’s The Church in the New Testament which reveals that the Church was unfolding throughout the Old Testament. Last year, I coordinated a small group discussion of this remarkable treatise, lasting several weeks. I could by no means do the work justice in this response. Among the many notable distinctions regarding the Church as it unfolds throughout the Bible is that the Church is a reflection of “the pattern and the glory of God.” God has a pattern, a divine design for the local as well as the universal church. When all has been built according to the pattern, the glory of God descends to seal or establish the pattern. From Noah’s ark through the Tabernacle of Moses through the Tabernacle of David and Solomon’s Temple on through the Book of Acts and the New Testament Church of which we are presently members, in whom dwells the spirit of the Living God whereby we recognize that “it is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

That familiar expression, of course, relates to the riches of the glory of this mystery, which I believe was in evidence before the fullness of God’s intent was revealed to Paul years after his conversion. I, hence, disagree with Karl (respectfully, as well) that the mystery was not known in the Book of Acts. The mystery was foreshadowed and made know in the Acts 13 in Antioch where followers of the Way were first called “Christians,” a derogatory descriptive label that has stuck over centuries of time. What did the citizens of Antioch see in Saul (not yet called Paul), Barnabas, a Cypriot, Simeon called Niger (whom I along with others believe to be Simon of Cyrene, the “brother” who bore Christ’s cross), Lucius of Cyrene (“another brother of another mother”) and Manaen, the foster-brother of Herod the Tetrarch)? What caused those who saw this culturally and ethnically diverse group interacting together to speak of them as “those ‘Christ-in them’ folk?” Jesus had declared earlier, “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love one to another.” Years ago I did a teaching centered on Acts 13, and I believe I entitled it “The Mystery Movers”, as I made the point that the principles of the Great Mystery were alive and well and demonstrated in Antioch. I may have included this discussion in the New Testament History classes I taught at The Way College of Emporia way back in the day. So you see, Karl, why I respectfully disagree…Hey, that rhymes. Indeed, I have been known to wax poetic, as I pen a poem or two. In fact, I wanted to close my comments with a poem that relates to Church of the 21st Century of which I am a part and so are we all.

A couple of years ago my wife and I visited family and friends, some of whom were former followers of The Way International, in San Francisco and Los Angeles. During our stay in the City by the Bay, we enjoyed a most enlightening experience at the Asian Museum where we saw a special exhibit from the Ming Dynasty. One of the pieces on display was a stationery box which is similar to this one.

Although the final product reveals what the designer had in mind, we do not see how the object looked at the various stages of development. So it is with the Church which is still a work in progress, but I believe that God is putting “the finishing touches on His crowning achievement.” No, technically the Church of the One Body was not born or did not start on the Day of Pentecost, but what transpired there was of great significance in its unfolding. Without a doubt Pentecost was a watershed moment whereby the world was forever changed. This poem “Exquisite Exhibit” conveys in part my thoughts regarding the Church and my part in this amazing masterpiece of God’s creation.

Exquisite Exhibit

Viewing a Ryoshi-bako (stationery box)

Power and Glory: Court Arts of China’s Ming Dynasty

Asian Museum--San Francisco, California

For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew

in Christ Jesus so that we can do the good things

he planned for us long ago

Ephesians 2:10

God's purpose was to show his wisdom in all its rich variety

to all the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms.

They will see this when Jews and Gentiles

are joined together in his church.

Ephesians 3:10

Sublime thoughts never diminish, only increase,

As I marvel at this ancient masterpiece.

The designer sees the end long before he starts

And envisions intricate details of the parts

And fashions a wood box inlaid with jade and gold,

Lacquered vessel for deepest thoughts the mind can hold.

Beyond all that I see, God formed and fashioned me

With precise measure of each scroll and filigree.

Displayed by the skillful hands of the Master craftsman,

Beyond the finest design of any artisan,

The Church, exquisite exhibit now on display,

Treasures from the hand of God take one’s breath away.

With the eyes of our heart now opened, we find

We are the masterpiece Jehovah had in mind.

Lonnell E. Johnson

August 27, 2008

Here is a sweet treat to end on a glorious note of possibility, as we listen to powerful lyrics to “Let the Church Rise” in the video performed by Jonathan Stockstill below:

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