January 1, 2020
Dear Way Corps Alumni:
Looking back, 2019 was a roller-coaster year in U.S. politics, and already the New Year of 2020 promises not to disappoint!
Much will be decided this year that could determine the well being of every nation. Whether or not we participate in spiritually influencing these events through intercessory prayer is up to each one of us, individually.
With an election year upon us, an impeached President gaining in the polls, World War III fomenting in the Middle-East, and a stock market that seems to only know up—the world around us is bound to make us Christian believers a bit jumpy—and rightfully so.
The question we all want to know is: Where is God in the middle of all this horribleness?
Tragically, those Christians who assume that God is in ultimate control of world governments and politics are often the ones left most helpless—begging for God to "please—do something!“ It’s seriously difficult to be strong in faith when you believe that God is prone to random acts of destruction—especially your own.
Thankfully, for you and me of the Way Corps alumni, we absolutely know where God is: His base of operations is “Christ in you”.
God's weaponry is housed in our "Christ-in-you" authority, positioned latently within each and every believer. God’s releases His “exceedingly abundantly above” power, when we finally stand up and claim our authority in Christ.
The fact is, only we believers have the authority to bring God on the scene! That’s the delegation sequence.
He’s not waiting for angels, for some future prophet, for a fresh wave of revival or the fulfillment of some ancient, Old Testament prophecy.
He’s just waiting for you.
We make it happen. When we move, He moves. God is not waiting for anybody or anything else to make His power known.
Just like Christ, we are the spiritual force to be reckoned with at the moment of—and only if and when—we release His power and authority into this world.
That some of us have the confidence still to do so...is the Happiest New Year message out there today! Thank God, let the party begin!
Biblically, when God delivers nations and peoples, it is always by the intercession of the men and women of God. Sometimes only one.
Amazingly, Speaking in Tongues has been given to us today as the most powerful form of intercession in the history of the world. Tongues is a potent, foundational tool in our armament.
Several years ago, I wrote a booklet entitled: "WHY DID PAUL SPEAK IN TONGUES SO MUCH?"
Here is a link to a pdf of this booklet as a New Year's gift to you, to help bring in the New Year with a bang!
"WHY DID PAUL SPEAK IN TONGUES SO MUCH?" is a question we all should be asking. I think you will discover the answers to be most inspiring—if not supercharging—to your soul. Once your authority in intercession is realized, it is difficult to walk away untouched by God’s fire in your spirit.
As always, please share any uplifting comments, encouragement and experiences about the power of Speaking in Tongues on the comment section below. If you have incidents of intercessory miracles, please share these with us, as well. By these, we can edify the entire body!
As we end this 2019 year, I want to thank you for the privilege of serving you and your families on the Way Corps site, in the small way we have.
We see our purpose simply as "to strengthen that which remains," by reinforcing those good and beneficial truths which we have been taught, and that made us proud to be Way Corps.
By providing a safe forum for the Way Corps alumni to reach out and intermingle, we hope to encourage all those who appreciate the good things we’ve been privileged to enjoy.
In this upcoming year of 2020, you will notice several upgrades to the site: we are in the process of transitioning to a newer platform called NING 3.0. Please watch for and explore it with us!
Throughout 2020, may God’s richest blessings be activated in your life, family and ministry!
Happy New Year!
Steve and Terry Sann