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Although it hurts a bit I am now talking and having a blast. My Jokes are as good as ever, The Word is I've been speaking is sharper than a two edged wilkonson sword razor blade without electra shave and I am having a good time. I am still having a very hard time making transitions between some words especially the ones where you go from pronouncing to words that are not spoken like words that start with sh or words like puppy where the vocal chords start and stop during the words.Life is great. I stopped by work today for a few minutes and ended up leaving 9 hours later. I am climbing huge numbers of feet like I am trying for a minimum of 1000 feet a day. I am now the vice chairman of the National Climbing Wall Association Standards committee and that is keeping me very busy, not to mention how it has increased the consulting side of my business.Lena is in the midst of Tax Season and really wants it to end soon. She is working 7 days a week and is a little tired to say the least.My son Paul and I both passed the International Rope Access Trade Association Level 1 certification and soon hope to be traveling internationally doing some High Rope Work. I was offered work already in Libya but declined it as not a destination I really want to go to now.I still consider Jesus Christ to be not only my brother but also my best friend. My heavenly Father, I am trying to imitate and be like Him. Life is good.If anyone would like to hear someone who hasn't been able to speak in 9 months feel free to call me. Just expect to hear how God worked with so many people to get me to this point. Just recently it has been God working with 9 different doctors who actually ended up EMailing each other almost daily and who really worked together to come up with some wild things to try. Not only that but I don't know how many saints were out there praying for my healing. At this time I feel as though i am just around the corner from being whole. Our God is good.
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  • Wow - Congratulations!!! A quarter of a million feet in a year, and particularly this year for you, is honestly astonishing. Should I say that it's "Frankly" astonishing? You rock, bud.

    I'm done with the puns now. You are an amazing person!

    Love, Vickie
  • Thanks Carol, well I am now a (this) world record holder. I didn't realize it but 250,000 feet is 47.384 miles of vertical climbing. The media was there and i am waiting to see what they say. We had about 15 good friends there when I did it so that made it really nice. hmm, I wonder what to do next...
  • I'm very excited about tomorrow At 7:30pm I will be finishing up the World Record for the most number of feet vertical climbed indoors in one year. I'll climb the last 30 feet to reach 250,000 feet in one year. Tomorrows the night when the staff signs off on my footage. I've come a very long way since 17 months ago when some were thinking the worse and others prayed. My neck bothers me for a few moments here and there just to remind me of it. I think of it as a time to rejoice in God and His guidance and healing power. e led me to the right people to get the job done.

    Also tomorrow i am teaching for the first time an advanced Ice climbing clinic indoors a Higher Ground on special indoor artificial Ice holds. I'm very excited. I have 6 students signed up and said I could take up to 10. It's exciting to me.
  • Great to see that you have an attitude of gratitude. God is good always!!!!
  • Wanna hear something really wild? Today I am actually speaking without any external stimulus. God is still God and our deliverer. Remember all the problems began July 9th
  • Glad to hear you can talk again. The TENS unit is a great help, we have one.
  • Good day today. My voice sounded great and it didn't require any artificial stimuli (TENS Unit) to help it along. I was happy with it. A friend of mine who is a speech therapist told me our voice is the snapshot of our emotions and when you can't show people what you are feeling you get lost
  • Bad day for me. I lost my voice again today but hope it will be back soon. Somedays it comes and goes so I just have to deal with it. Oh well, ay least an important conference call I have isn't until tomorrow at 11:45
  • I love Psalm 19 and I thought Ps 19:7 says a lot.

    "The law of the Lord is perfect reviving the soul" Ps 19:7

    God Bless You and keep singing praises to the Lord.

    Psa 136:1 O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
  • Thanks to people like you Cheryle and Jim and your prayers for the Saints. I tried singing yesterday and hat leaves a bit to be desired. I think my career as a Tenor may be over before it even got started. I still get very exhausted from talking and don't quite have the breathing and talking thing down yet but I do sound like me and not Jeremiah the Bullfrog. Everyday the complete wholeness in health is right around the next bend.

    I am climbing huge numbers of feet for exercise. Usually 1500 feet minimum a day with some 3600 foot days thrown in (The height of El Capitan in a day). I love having a job that requires that I do this. I have ben having people make comments to me at the gym because I have been doing so much when just a few short months ago I could only get off the couch for a couple hours a day. My Secret is Psalm 19. God bless you
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