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Don't Know Much About History?

It has been said that debt is only a substitute for the chains and whip of the slave master. So why is it that our new president and the Democrat Congress want to borrow massive amounts of money from China to give a $500.00 check to people who do not pay taxes so they can go to a big box store and buy produces made in China?For all our new presidents intellect there seems to be a lack of history in his most recent decisions.Should Mr. Obama’s educational stimulus package include a provision promoting Chinese as America’s second language so our children will be able to speak with their landlords?It is astounding that the American taxpayer has been betrayed by its government into slavish debt to Red China, a state that is neither a friend nor ally but a savvy adversary.It has been known for millennia that, “A small debt produces a debtor; a large one, an enemy,” Publilius Syrus, (Roman author, 1st century B.C.)One has to wonder what they are smoking in the Rose Garden, everyone (except Washington economist) know you cannot borrow your way out of debt.Thomas Jefferson said, “…to preserve their independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude.”What is most troubling however is there seems to be a willful ignorance as to the moral implications of borrowing and lending. Our nation’s hunger for instant gratification is the root cause of this financial crisis and a thorough cleansing of our national soul is surely needed.Credit, after all, is based on the trustworthiness of a borrower. If the lender fears he will not be repaid then the lender has reason to not lend. Moreover, if the lender expects to be repaid with his own tax dollars the lender has every incentive to not lend because this is little more than government redistribution of wealth.January saw U.S. employers eliminate 598,000 jobs, the most since the end of 1974. Yet the majority of the so-call stimulus package does little to address job creation.However, the proper solution to job creation is an infusion of capital into the markets. A wonderful side-effect of failing businesses is that many times it opens an opportunity for smaller start-up to take their place thus infusing the economy with jobs created by entrepreneurs and innovators who find new solutions to new problems and bring them to market.To encourage capital investment the Obama administration should lower the risk of investment by cutting capital-gains taxes or even eliminate them for the next four years. This one act would bring stimulus, hope and change into the economy.Is this not what Obama promised? Yet, all we hear out of Washington is the congressional equivalent of Chicken Little, “The sky is falling!”The trillion-dollar stimulus in its current form seems to be predicated on big government, give-a-ways and a lack of moral judgment.“Debt is the fatal disease of republics, the first thing and the mightiest to undermine governments and corrupt the people” or so said, Wendell Phillips.
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  • Steve,
    Very good questions, sir.
    I run from chain emails, mainly because it seems most of them are erroneous, make a lot of claims and do not contain proof.
    I too despise the"out of control" greedy capitalists, it grieves my heart...however, in my opinion, other than "enforced" regulation on Wall Street, government cannot be the answer
    It seems proven that Marxism and Socialism lead to Communism of some degree.
    Is it possible that for a whole lot less than (1) trillion dollars, "regulatory" institutions could be set up (by the government, partnered with private organizations) to regulate the "greedmongers".....instead of putting this kind of burden on the taxpayers of this nation?
    How about 1 ((Federal tax free) year jubilee for the American taxpayer? "CUT government spending in the areas of waste and political expediency?
    Does it not make sense that if you let Americans keep most of their money, they will spend the economy in recovery?
    That's what happened after 911 isn't it?
    I'm not an economist, never even took economics in school, so I would never claim to totally understand the economy, but this just makes sense to me.
    Surely there is a way Steve, besides creating more debt and burden on the America people for years to come. This nation/the government/the people need to "live within their means."
    I'm certainly hopeful there is a better solution. Any ideas?

    Love and blessings!
    George - 
  • Wow...Ken, great information! The stinch of Marxism in this nation is rancid. None of this is coincidental. One must only read about the reasoning and purposes behind the Federal Reserve and the World Bank to know many things are awry and purposely orchestrated. The rulers of the darkness of this world have their cronies and they are setting up the infrastructure for a global banking system and government.
    The amount of waste and pathetically useless spending in this "spendulus" package is horrifying and exponentially irresponsible, especially towards future generations. We need to cut the size of government and government wasteful programs, drastically cut taxes, and cut spending. In listening to and reading different sources, I've heard and read over and over and over that first thing people need to get out of debt is curb spending! Cut up the credit cards, and sell the things you couldn't afford anyway and went into debt to get! NOT go out and create debt! Except for stiff "regulatory" standards on Wall Street, get the government the hell out of the way and let free trade capitalism work. Cut taxes and people will spend money and jobs will come back, and those people will spend money! Our government is out of control !!!
    Praise God for our Blessed Hope, Yeshua our Messiah! and the promises of our God to honor those who honor Him !!!

    Love and blessings!
  • I think anyone who thinks the goal of the so-called stimulus package is to stimulate the economy is being very naive. We are witnessing a fundamental change in our nation and it is not for the better. Someone sent me the following quote that I think should be illuminating:

    "Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable.

    The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism."

    — Karl Marx, 1867, Das Kapital
  • Billy. Well said! George Hendrix, You are on the right train. Steve, track 29 is pulling into the station, go get a sandwich...DB
  • Billy,
    Your political perception and awareness is very refreshing. What are your thoughts regarding the things I posted in response to your comments?
    Is anything you would prefer I take out?

    Love and blessings!
  • Billy,
    You are an enlightened and brilliant man.
    How about a jubilee year of no federal taxes?
    It's been proven that cutting taxes stimulates the economy. How about cutting out many non-essential government programs and employees and reducing the need for taxes? If the government was to declare a year of no federal taxes, there would be billions left rightfully in the hands of the hard-working taxpaying citizens and there would be unimagined never seen before spending and tsunami level stimulus to our economy. The government and politicians are the problem.

    I think Ronald Reagan said it best:
    "Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem."
    -- Ronald Reagan

    Check out the "logic" and "widsom" in this short video clip:
    Interview with Milton Friedman regarding greed.

    An interesting video showing that the politicians in Washington were clearly warned about the "coming crisis" that could result regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But it was downplayed by those who oversaw these two "government" oriented entities.

    Here is a link to an article that shows the amount of waste in this stimulus can these things stimulate the economy? Check it against other news sources if you doubt it's accuracy.

    It is my "opinion" that it is criminal to load the future generations with this kind of debt. This certainly smells of Marxism. It is my opinion that Americans are being charmed and seduced into financial & political insanity, irresponsibility and suicide.
    Don't drink the kool-aid!!!

    The Lord bless you Billy for your conviction and boldness to speak out.

    Love and blessings!
  • Well said Mr. Britt.
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