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Corps Night Ephesians October 28th, 1981

Ephesians 1:6-9 by Dr. Wierwille:
"Now just sit back and let me read to you the translation and just enjoy the beauty of it in your own heart and life and just sense the in-depth greatness of this record from Ephesians:
'And in love God marked us, branded us, unto himself, even placed us as his adopted sons by Jesus Christ, according to that which pleased God's intense will. For the express purpose of praise, for the resplendent brightness of God's grace, which he poured upon us making us lovely and acceptable by means of his beloved son. That in and by Jesus Christ there is given to us redemption and by Jesus Christ's blood, his life, death, resurrection and ascension, remission of sins and forgiveness of sins according to the wealth of God's grace that has super-abounded toward us in all wisdom and with all understanding. God has made known unto us, his purified and highly trusted sons, by experience, in giving us the wisdom and understanding of God's grace, glory, remission of sins, forgiveness of sins, yes, the whole sacred secret, the mystery of God's will, which before this time God kept to himself only, but now to us by and through the accomplished works of his son Jesus Christ.'
Corps, that's unbelievable, that's why I believe it, just the greatness of God's wonderful Word."
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  • Hi Barbara, God bless your heart sister! This is the 4th corps night sharing that I have posted and I will try and post other things as they hit my heart. I too am concerned about the mystery living as Dr. shares in The Church the Great Mystery Revealed "When the first century believers stopped walking in the light of the great mystery, as the epistle to the Ephesians unfolds it so fully, they lost the power which comes with understanding the mystery which is the center of all true Christian faith, the one body of Christ." The last epistle that Dr. taught to the corps was Ephesians and he taught it two years in a row. This speaks loudly to my heart. Peace and love, laurie :)
  • Dear Laurie,
    Thank you for Ephesians from Corps night. I had just prayed to God about wanting to know more about the mystery and the greatness of having Christ with in me . Thanks for taking the time to share this. Love, Barb
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