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Why is there such a lack of unity among believers?

Recently I have been working this topic in responce to some questions that I have been asked. To get the proper response, I started to look into the Word and it is amazing what I found and what God has shown me. I am willing to share this with anyone who so desires.

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  • Hey Stokes,
    Bless ya bro in Christ Jesus' name. UNITY....among BELIEVERS.....humm! Why not an easier topic like how many fishes in the ocean (LOL). Can it be accomplished? For me it is hard to say.It's in the Word I know. I would love to see this. Maybe because of the varied doctrinal belief and man's defense of his Church Institutions getting the entire Christian community to unite seems far fetched. Would this however be accomplished with the 1000 years reign of our Lord Jesus Christ?

    Humm...? Karl. - the only URL shortener that you need - the only URL shortener that you need
  • Oops! Hit enter too quick. Anyways, here is the rest:
    2. (established) one spirit - establishes the unity of the one body
    3. (complete) one hope - completes the unity of the one body
    4. (the world) one Lord - only way to get from the world into the one body
    5. (grace) one faith - the bridge between the one body and God, faith of J C
    6. (man, established completeness) one baptism - what changes man from body/soul to a complete being, enables manifestation and fruit of the spirit, establishes salvation and eternal life
    7. (spritual perfection) one God - goal is to be immitators, to walk in truth as He is truth
    The beginning of all that is available to us, the foundation of our administration, the prime goal for believers must be to establish and stregthen the unity of the one body, not by causing schisms with divisive and exclusive doctrine, but by teaching the greatness and richness and simplicity and inclusivity of the unity of the one body.

    Continuing to meditate on this,
    Regards, Richard Hodge
  • Dear Stokeley,
    Very much enjoyed the material that you forwarded regarding unity. As I was doing an unrelated study on the Hope, I started looking more closely at Eph 4:4 where "one hope" is the third truth mentioned. See how this fits with your understanding
    1. one body - unity, beginning, the foundation of this administration
  • Okay Stokely, let's see the goods. I Haven't even considered this topic in a long time. Gave up on it right after leaving the Way about 18-20 years ago. I think Richard is on the right track, I would add tradition as another factor.
    So come Bible is right here....make me open it
  • Considering the myriad calls for unity in the word, it is a very good question. Off the top of my head pride, politics, and private interpretaion come to mind. I would be very interested to see your understandings from the word's poit of view.

    Regards, Richard Hodge
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