"Hey buddy, Just re-found this site. Char and I are still in Durango, 25 yrs later. Still do a little recreational leather tooling (pictorials) similar to our project in '84. Send me a note, would love to get back in touch. Brandon…"
"Hi Felix and Jean, I just kind of found this site on accident. Char and I have been in Durango, CO since 1984, 2 grown sons, one in the Air Force and the other in college. I'm a R.N. at a local surgical hospital and Char's a prevention specialist at…"
Hey, Brandon and Char! Had the best time when you came to visit in Kansas City. What are you two up to? Sure your boys are grown by now. Good to reconnect with old friends.
Hey, Brandon. How have you been? I was in Durango this last summer with Ron and his family, Diane and Ron's daughter Shelley and her family. Debbie Leiker Hones.